Query Azure SQL from Nintex 2013 - azure-sql-database

I was wondering if it's possible to connect to an Azure SQL database from a Nintex Workflow running on Sharepoint 2013 on premise. I have multiple workflows where I connect to an on premise MS SQL server, but cannot get this to work with Azure SQL.
I've tried using many different connection strings, but keep getting "Unexpected SQL error occured". I know that the account I use has access to the database, so there might be other issues like firewall settings.
However, before I start messing with the firewall, can anyone tell me if it is even possible to connect to Azure SQL from Nintex 2013?

I found that you have post the same question in Nintex 2013 forum.
Just for now, no one reply you and there's no documents talk about this, none Azure documents or Nintex documents.
So we may assume that on-premise Nintex 2013 doesn't support Azure SQL or Azure SQL database doesn't support Nintex 2013 for now.


AZURE SQL Server and Office 365 Excel Authentication

We've been using Power Query within Excel 2013 to access an Azure SQL Server (which isn't ours but we have access to - Vendors application). Not sure at what point there was a change and what the change might have been (and apparently our vendor is clueless as well) but now every time I try to create a new workbook and use Power Query I can't seem to pass authentication to connect to the server.
Oddly, all of my legacy workbooks continue to work and my connection to the server works fine when connecting through Management Studio. Is there some sort of special permission on SQL Server (or somewhere else in the Azure environment) that requires specific configuration to allow connections from Power Query? I don't understand why management studio and legacy queries work fine but I can't create new connections.
Thank you!

Dynamics CRM 365 plugin to external SQL Server

Currently we are using plugins to integrate records for Dynamics CRM 2011 (on premise) to back office (SQL Server) using WCF as a bridge. This process is same for insert and update. (Plugin > WCF > stored procedure)
However, we are due to upgrade to Dynamics CRM 365 on Azure and wondering if there are any better (new tech!) ways to do the same process?
I would really appreciate if you can share your experience with similar CRM to Back Office sync.
We are using (and I recommend) Data Export service
Data Export is an add-on service made available as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) solution that adds the ability to replicate Dynamics 365 (online) data to a Microsoft Azure SQL Database store in a customer-owned Microsoft Azure subscription. The supported target destinations are Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Microsoft Azure SQL Server on Microsoft Azure virtual machines. Data Export intelligently synchronizes the entire Dynamics 365 schema and data initially and thereafter synchronizes on a continuous basis as changes occur (delta changes) in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) system.
Probably the easiest/cleanest way. Just a Managed solution import, enabling Change tracking for Entities, setup Azure SQL & Key vault, friendly Profile setup & sync issues troubleshooting.
If your WCF services is available in the internet I do not see any reason to change the working integration (unless you really want to get rid of good, old WCF :)).
If it is intranet-only app you will probably need to use some other integration patterns and technologies. For example: service bus, web jobs, app logic, etc.
All of them may work perfecly well, however there are many different conditions that need to be considered during decission process.

SQL Azure database using SQL Server Management Studio

I've been trying to work out whether it's possible to manage (i.e. add tables, modify them, create stored procedures) a SQL Azure database using some kind of GUI like SSMS and I keep coming up against different answers.
I found a post from the end of 2009 saying that it would be supported in SSMS but I'm not sure if that includes the Express version? Does anybody know what the most recent update of the express version is and whether it supports it?
I think I'm right in saying that it can't be done in Visual Web Developer 2010 (and I can't afford the full fat VS2010).
I'm prepared to consider alternatives though if anybody knows any full features GUI tools that work with SQL azure and I don't mind paying for a commercial license if it's not too expensive.
Yes, SQL Server 2008 R2's Management Studio does support working with SQL Azure databases.
Getting Started with SQL Azure Development
There are a couple of options
1) You can use SSMS (get the free version by downloading SQL Express v2008 or greater) with advanced services. This will give you SSMS. You can then connect to SQL Azure using SSMS. However - there is a limited set of functionality available via this tool.
2) You can use SSDT (stand-alone for free) or from within VS2010 SP1 or greater. Again, you can connect to SQL Azure, but there are some restrictions on what you can do.
I am using the SQL Express on AWS RDS (free usage tier) myself lately (and connecting via SSMS or SSDT). I prefer their implementation of SQL Server in the cloud to Microsoft's implementation of SQL Azure.

Anyone have success setting up SharePoint 2010 with Sql Server 2008 on separate boxes?

I am setting up SharePoint 2010 on one machine with SQL Server on a separate box to server as both the data store and serve reporting services (through SSRS/SP Integration).
In the past, I would install the WSS 3.0 for SharePoint 2007 on the SQL Server Box. It appears that there is no existing option for SP 2010. Am I missing something? Thanks.
It is possible, I believe you can specify a Database server when you are configuring the product.
This is probably a good start: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee667264.aspx
There are a number of "buried" articles ( for some reason I couldn't google them) in the Microsoft Sharpoint Documentation Tree:
(since I could not pust multiple links youre stick with this one)
Configuring on Multiple servers - my specific case

SQL Azure via Visual Studio

Does anyone know when a tool will be available to manage a SQL Azure database from within Visual Studio or SQL Enterprise Manager?
At present one can only cannect via:
1) SQL Management Studio (SSMS)
(The cancel and connect via new query method)
2) Azure Storage Manager: http://azurestoragemanager.codeplex.com/
3) SQL Azure Migration Wizard: http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/
4) Custom Application
I have gone down the custom route, an application that basically runs scripts within different folders to Update Tables and Stored Procesures etc.
SQL Azure Explorer on Codeplex - free and with source code (addin for VS2010 Beta1)
Cerebrata Cloud Storage Studio - Winforms app to browse SQL Azure
Cerebrata Omega.MSSQL browser-based admin of SQL Server including SQL Azure (see announcement in blog post here)
Few corrections below:
Cloud Storage Studio is for managing Windows Azure Storage (Tables, Blobs & Queues) and not SQL Azure.
Omega.MSSQL is for managing SQL Server (2008/2005/2000) via a browser based interface (IE only). We customized Omega.MSSQL to work against SQL Azure. That customized version is available online only. To read more about it and access the application please visit this link: http://cerebrata.com/Blog/post/Browser-based-SQL-Azure-Explorer.aspx
Haven't tried personally, but according to the SQL Azure team the November CTP of SQL Server 2008 R2 has a version of Management Studio that will allow direct connections to SQL Azure without having to do the cancel/connect workaround: