Fix Failed to Open a Session for the Virtual Machine Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS - virtual-machine

While Starting the VM after a abort and also had a some windows 10 updates done during this period. then I start receiving this error.
Fix Failed to Open a Session for the Virtual Machine Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS

Search for Turn Windows features on or off
Uncheck Hyper-V option and Restart
Then it started working


Fatal error issue while setting up pgadmin4 in windows 10 with PostgeSQL 14.4

I am beginning with phoenix and PostgreSQL 14.4. I have installed PostgreSQL successfully. But now when I am trying to set up pgadmin4 it shows me some fatal error.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. But I couldn't resolve the error.
2022-07-13 12:33:41,767: WARNING werkzeug: WebSocket transport not
available. Install simple-websocket for improved performance.
Serving Flask app 'pgadmin' (lazy loading)
Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in
a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
Debug mode: off
2022-07-13 12:33:41,769: ERROR pgadmin: Error starting the app server:
(<class 'OSError'>, OSError(10013, 'An attempt was made to access a
socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions', None, 10013,
None), <traceback object at 0x000002227BBCEE80>)
It would be very helpful if you could help.
I guess the port pgadmin is trying to run is being used by another application. Or applications may be restricted by Windows to open ports. My advice is to try to run it by changing the port as described below;
Click on the pgAdmin 4 tray-icon
Click "Configure..."
Check the box labeled "Fixed Port Number?"
Enter the desired port number in the field next to it
If that also fails you may need to check port permissions in Windows (firewall etc, whoever is controlling these permissions on windows)

WinAppDriver: Unable to connect to the remote server in Local Session

I am attempting to use WinAppDriver to test a classic Windows form control application on a local PC. This test is to run all on the same PC executing the code, not remotely.
However, when attempting to launch the application with WinAppDriver, the following ex occurs:
Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I found where, for WinAppDriver, that Windows must be set to "Developer Mode", and I already have that turned on.
Here's the code I have so far, just using the Notepad.exe example for now:
Dim appCapabilities As DesiredCapabilities = New DesiredCapabilities()
appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe")
Dim NotepadSession As New WindowsDriver(Of WindowsElement)(New Uri(""), appCapabilities)
The ex is thrown on the third line.
WinAppDriver was not actually running at the time of executing this code. I was incorrectly assuming that it was already running.
Running it beforehand resolved the error completely, and Notepad launched.

What does the "IO Error: Socket read timed out" means (SQL developer)

When I try to open SQL developer then I am getting this error:
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
IO Error: Socket read timed out
The Network Adapter could not establish the connection Vendor code 17002
What is the problem?
Typical causes for that error:
Your database listener is not running
It is running, but maybe there is a firewall intervening
It is running, no firewall issue, but you have provided incorrect connection details.
Make sure your installation is on a LOCAL drive!
If your SQL Developer is launched from a network location (specifically, a different location than your database network location), that could be the issue.
I was having the same problem and I moved my installation to my local drive and it connected right away :)
Above answers are exact causes but to resolve this:
Go to server machine and login as root then run:
( # xhost + )
Then come to oracle user and run:
( $ lsnrctl reload LISTENER_NAME )

Vagrant starts but cannot connect until I do a 'force provision'

I've got a Windows 7 machine setup with vagrant/virtualBox - each morning when I try to access my development site it always a 'Unable to connect' error message in my Firefox browser.
Even though I have booted the machine using the 'vagrant up' command for some reason it only seems to be accessible via the browser once I have done the 'vagrant provision' command. This is obviously annoying as it starts doing stuff from scratch.. eg installing my mysql database again.
Can anyone provide any light into this, and why it seems to fail to connect all the time - as this provision command is only a temporary fix as i'll need to amend the DB everytime which is only feasible in the short term.
Might just be my own setup - but I noticed nginx was restarting so have to restart this each time

Change date and time in BIOS of virtual machine

I would like to change date in Virtual Machine, but I want to do this by command line. I use this line:
VBoxManage modifyvm MyVirtSystem -biossystemtimeoffset -1209600000
It shoulds change date to two weeks ago, but I get this error message:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to create the VirtualBox object!
VBoxManage.exe: error: Code CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE (0x80080005) - Server execu
tion failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Most likely, the VirtualBox COM server is not running or
failed to start.
Have you any ideas what I do wrong?
There are a few things to be aware of when fiddling with the BIOS time offset, the first is that you didn't include a double-dash in your command. I tried it with one of my VMs and I needed to have two dashes for that option to work (though I got a different error than you reported). Here is the command I used:
VBoxManage modifyvm MyVirtSystem --biossystemtimeoffset -1209600000
The next thing is to ensure that you have the proper permissions to modify the xml configuration file for your VM. I have seen many times where VirtualBox is launched after installing with elevated (or even a different user entirely) credentials, a VM is created, and then later without the same privileges a regular user is prohibited from changing the configuration due to file permissions.
One last thing to be aware of, you may you need disable any time sync services, possibly even the guest extensions to prevent the guest clock from getting synchronized back to the correct time. For a Windows guest you would want to stop/disable the VirtulBox Guest Additions and Windows Time services.