Split view using docusaurus - documentation

I'm trying to achieve something like this:
example image here
Is there a way to do this using docusaurus?

As Docusaurus uses Infima (a facebook styling framework), that should be possible using maybe a custom module and the Grid for layouting it accordingly? just an idea, not a complete solution.


How to write interesting Vue.js slider component?

I have to make Vue.js slider component like this: Slider
I'm newbie in Vue.js so i don't really understand how to make such functional and embed into already build project, so give me please some advices how to write and embed it, or maybe there is some ready-made solutions that i can use like an example or just embed into my project?

CKEditor : add columns supports

I'm using CKEditor5. I'm looking for a plugin to extend its functionalities to manage columns (not <table>, but div or whatever suitable element for layout purpose). I just can't find anything like that.
Any idea to achieve that? Should I implement my own plugin to do that?

How to use vuetify.css and bootstrap in one page?

I want to use both the vuetify.min.css folder and bootstratp.min.css folder. Bootstrap is defined on the layout page and I need vuetify.min.css on another page. Is there any way to use both of them together?
There are multiple solutions here:
Prefix one of the libraries like so:
Only get what you need from the BS4 library (using SCSS) like so:
#import "~bootstrap/scss/buttons.scss";
Switch to BS3 for your button styling and create a custom package.
In my opinion the best solution is the second, get it working in your setup and build the files you need. More info on Theming BS4 here.

Text and shape annotations

Is there any way of adding text/shape annotations, like we can do in Cytoscape desktop? A workaround for this is create a node, and use it to create the annotation... But this does not seem the right solution.
Cytoscape.js is a library -- not a full-fledged app. That means if you want app-level features like annotations, then you'll have to develop a feature on top of the library for that.
You could try using in-built things like nodes for this purpose, but you'd be better off creating an overlay div on top of the Cytoscape div in which you put your annotations.
If you want, you could organise your annotations feature as an extension so your code is more modular and reusable: http://js.cytoscape.org/#extensions
I would encourage you to publish your extension if you decide to go that route.

Dojo simple lightbox

I've searched the web for a simple lightbox using dojo, and I've had no luck whatsoever!
Most of the examples use the dojo Dialog which IMHO is quite fugly.
I would like the ability just to display an arbitrary div with dimmed background, and I'll be in charge complete of what content is shown.
Anyone have any ideas?
Have you looked in dojox.image? There are both Lightbox and LightboxDialog variations. The plain lightbox doesn't have much styling. The Dialog one probably offers a choice of Dijit themes.
Look in the svn trunk > /dojox/image/tests. There are plenty of examples.
Tip : Prevent multiple instances of Lightbox ! Use a singleton instead !