I have made all the configurations but Pycharm is not giving any suggestions. please help
In my case the solution is to reset the settings to default.
"From the main menu, select File | Manage IDE Settings | Restore Default Settings.Alternatively, press Shift twice and type Restore default settings."
When I resized the window of IntelliJ IDEA or switch to another tab, it automatically rebuild the project. I have 2 modules in the same project, and it only auto rebuilds in 1 module :) . I want to know how to disable this. Thank you very much.
Probably rebuild is triggered by save action? Please check settings under "Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings"
Couldn't find the simple solution on SO, so thought I would add this here for anyone looking in the future.
My symptom was that I could copy and paste within the IJ editor, but not from the editor to another application or from another app to the editor.
This was on Windows 10 with IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.6.
I have found the best solution yet (for me in any case). I have tried everything! Including adding and removing Keymap options. And this is actually where the problem lies...sort of.
When you have the Vim plugin installed, Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v is allocated to Vim.
To change that, go to Setting>>Other Settings>>Vim Emulation and set the Handler to IDE. Apply and OK, and Voila!
My solution (thanks to a similar issue reported with Android Studio) was to run IntelliJ as an admin.
Steps to always run IntelliJ in admin mode:
Right-click on IntelliJ icon in start menu search (or wherever you started it) -> Open file location
Right-click IntelliJ shortcut -> Open file location (yes, again to get to the .exe, not the shortcut.)
Right-click idea.exe -> Properties
Compatibility tab -> check Run this program as an Administrator
Right-click idea64.exe -> Properties (if you run IntelliJ in 64 bit mode)
Compatibility tab -> check Run this program as an Administrator
Same problem drove me completely insane but this
worked for me:
You might try Ctrl+INS for copy and Shift+INS for paste and see if they work. They are the traditional cut and paste and have been around a lot longer than Ctrl+c/Ctrl+v.
i don't know why, but this worked!
To make copy/paste through shortcut keys working with Vim Plugin you need to change some settings of Intellij IDE's editor regarding vim emulation, you need to follow these steps for it:
Click Menu File > Settings... (or use shortcut Ctrl + Alt + S)
Select Editor -> Vim Emulation and find the shortcuts and change their Handler column value to IDE as shown in the screenshot below.
The Shortcuts will start working, happy coding :)
Another solution i've found
Try to minimize Idea window and move it on the same monitor where is the code that you want to copy and paste it. After this small minimize and move exercise the clipboard starts working.
Ctrl-Shft-V starts working after this for me!!!!!
Try to enable "Use national layouts". Settings- Keymap.
For some reason it worked for me.
PyCharm - Setting>>Vim Emulation Set - Control + V/P/A to IDE
I have recently started using Intellij and I noticed that by default, when you do ctrl+c for copying something when you have nothing selected, it copies the entire line into the clipboard overriding what I had in there before.
This is really annoying yet I cannot seem to figure out how to disable it. I am aware that there is a paste history you can use however this is not what I am after, I just want to disable it like you can do with sublime text.
Is there a way to disable this behaviour so that when I press ctrl+c and nothing is selected it just leaves the clipboard alone?
Since version 2021.2 there is a dedicated Don't copy/cut the current line when invoking the Copy or Cut action with no selection setting for this in Preferences | Advanced Settings on the Mac, Settings | Advanced Settings on other platforms.
For older IntelliJ Platform based IDE's the setting is more hidden:
Invoke Help | Find Action... (Ctrl (Cmd on Mac)+Shift+A), type Registry and select the Registry... item that appears. Enable the editor.skip.copy.and.cut.for.empty.selection option there. Be careful with the other configuration options, because it is possible to break your IntelliJ IDEA installation with an incorrect setting.
In Mac OS X:
Press cmd+shift+a.
Type registry and press return to
open the Registry.
Enable the editor.skip.copy.and.cut.for.empty.selection option.
Click Close.
I suppose it should be same as in WebStorm, or someone might be searching WebStorm solution as I did:
Open the settings: File > Settings > Advanced Settings (bottom of the list).
Start typing "editor".
Check the editor.skip.copy.and.cut.for.empty.selection
Click "OK" or "Apply"
On: WebStorm 2022.3.1
in PHPStorm -> From the Help menu, select Edit Custom Properties.
and paste
editor.skip.copy.and.cut.for.empty.selection = true
IntelliJ has a very good welcome screen, but after first use, when I open IntelliJ the next time, it will open my last opened project directly. But what if I want to revisit the welcome screen? Is there a way to do it without restarting IntelliJ?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 14.
I'm using not IntelliJ but WebStorm however, maybe same settings.
how about this?
[File] - [Settings] - [Appearance & Behavior] - [System Settings]
uncheck "Reopen last project on startup"
Close all open project windows (File | Close Project).
Sometimes I want to come back to the Welcome screen only to see the list of recent projects with a little more details than a simple list. However, I don't want to close the open project.
If that's your case you can to this in the version 2016.3:
File -> Open Recent -> Manage Projects...
#Gagan made a comment (below) asking about how to import a project this with this solution.
If I've understood the question correctly, you can do this either by directly opening a project (Open...) or by creating a new one from Existing Sources or from Version Control, as is show below:
In both cases, IntelliJ will ask you to open in the same window (which will close you current project) or in a new window (the current and the new one stay open), as show below:
Please, let us know if it works for you!
For IntelliJ 2020.3 use:
`File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings and uncheck Reopen projects on startup.
Select File -> Close project. This will cause the welcome screen to appear.
I saw it in the learning course
To return to the welcome screen, just close the project window. Alternatively, you can select File | Close Project from the main menu. Also, you can use the File menu to open or create new projects. By default, the Learn tool window is hidden. You can open it by selecting Help | Learn IDE Features from the main menu.
Is there a way to make IntelliJ mark error locations continuously for the files you are working on in the similar manner as Eclipse does? At the moment I need to make the project which lists all the errors in the message panel, but even then I cannot navigate to them using the editor panel. I would like to have simple dots/markers which would point to error/warning locations.
IntelliJ IDEA detects errors and warnings in the current file on the fly (unless Power Save Mode is activated in the File menu).
Errors in other files and in the project view will be shown after Build | Make and listed in the Messages tool window.
For Bazel users: Project errors will show on Bazel Problems tool window after running Compile Project (Ctrl/Cmd+F9)
To navigate between errors use Navigate | Next Highlighted Error (F2) / Previous Highlighted Error (Shift+F2).
Error Stripe Mark color can be changed here:
For those who even yet have the problem, try enabling "Build project automatically" in the Java compiler settings and see if that makes a difference as it worked for me.
I ran into the problem of not having set my sources root folder (project window--right click folder, mark directory as > sources root). If you don't set this IDEA doesn't parse the file.
For IntelliJ 2017:
Use "Problem" tool window to see all errors.
This window appears in bottom/side tabs when you enable "automatic" build/make as mentioned by #pavan above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/45556424/828062).
To access this Problems panel, you must set your project to build automatically. Check the box for Preferences/Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Build project automatically.
Frankly the errors are really hard to see, especially if only one character is "underwaved" in a sea of Java code. I used the instructions above to make the background an orangey-red color and things are much more obvious.
In IntelliJ Idea 2019 you can find scope "Problems" under the "Project" view. Default scope is "Project".
Besides, you can choose going to next error only (ignore warning) by:
Right click the Validation Side Bar.
On the context menu, choose the Go to high priority problems only
it works for Intellij Idea 12
In my case, I unknowingly unchecked 'Error Stripe Mark' option (Idea 2018.2: Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General and expand `Error and Warnings' & click 'Error').
Fix is to check 'Error Stripe Mark' option of 'Error' (as highlighted in the below image). Now you will see the error marks in scrollbar area.
In my case, IntelliJ was simply in power safe mode
Do you have a yellow icon like this [_] at the bottom of the main window?
It is a "type-aware highlighting" switch which could be disabled accidentally.
You should re-enable it by clicking on the icon.
In the intellij hit ctrl+alt+shift+s and go to global libraries and click on plus icon to add the java libraries this will solve your problem. now you will see the errors coming up
enter image description here
This is the solution I found:
Open IntelliJ Setting (Crtl + Shift + A);
Click in "Editor";
Click in "Color Scheme" + the Programming Language (inside "Color Scheme");
Select "Analysis Error";
Select "Error stripe mark" + Add the Color desired