How to resolve error in MS Access - VBA SQL execution? - vba

I want to run the below query through Access-VBA and I receive the error in the attached screen. Any ideas how to solve it?
deletenew = ("DELETE * FROM TEST1 where [ADAM] = " & luadam & " and [Last_Update_Date]=" & " " & "")
DoCmd.RunSQL deletenew
Thanks in advance,

Your query is not properly written.
"where [ADAM] = " & luadam & " and [Last_Update_Date]=" & " <<MissingValue>> " & ""
where <<MissingValue>> is not valid date. MS Access database can NOT translate " " into date.
should be replaced with:
"where [ADAM] = '" & TextValueHere & "' and [Last_Update_Date]= #" & ISODateHere & "#"
More at: Examples of using dates as criteria in Access queries


VBA 3131 error in SQL using variables in query

Can you please help me? I was trying to figure it out for about 2 hours but I still have some error in the syntax.
I have the following code with String variables which I need to pass into the SQL query in VBA script, but I am keep getting some syntax errors.
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * From " '" & [tableName] & "' & " Where (" '" & [tableFieldName] & "' & " = " & '" & [tableRecord] & "')"
Thank you very much for some advice.
I think you were going for this:
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete From [" & TableName & "] Where [" & tableFieldName & "] = '" & tableRecord & "'"
Where I assume TableName, tableFieldName and tableRecord are variables??

MS-Access VBA select query with multiple criteria

I have a dropdown box in an MS Access form which is populated by the following select query:
strSQL = "SELECT [Process] " _
& "FROM [dbo_tbl_Area_Process] " _
& "WHERE Area=" & Chr(34) & Me.Area_NC_Occurred & Chr(34) & ";"
Me.Process.RowSource = strSQL
I would like to add Active = -1 as a second criteria to the query to further limit the selections.
I have tried, so far unsuccessfully to add this second criteria and am at a loss as to how to proceed. Any help from the community would be most appreciated.
I have tried the following where conditions:
& "WHERE Area=" & Chr(34) & Me.Area_NC_Occurred & Chr(34) & " and Active =-1"
This does not return any results.
& "WHERE Area=" & Chr(34) & Me.Area_NC_Occurred & Chr(34) & " and Active ="-1""
This has a compile error:
Expected:end of statement
Following on from mintys comment regarding linked SQL server tables I changed the query to the following:
strSQL = "SELECT dbo_Tbl_Area_Process.Process " _
& "FROM dbo_Tbl_Area_Process " _
& "WHERE Area=" & Chr(34) & Me.Area_NC_Occurred & Chr(34) & " AND Active=True"
Adding the table references to the SELECT and FROM lines gives me the outputs I expected.
Thanks all for your comments

Why is this access query taking so long?

I wrote an access client to do comparisons against two excel files. It loads the two excel files that are being compared into temporary tables and evaluates them based on the two queries show below.
There are two queries because sometimes one of the excel files will only have one name column. Basically the user inputs the name of the columns being compared and we change the query based on that.
The first query, cQueryFull, works perfectly and very fast (over 100k records in just a few seconds). The second query, cQueryPart, works as intended (in terms of comparison) but has never completed on tables with more than 5,000ish records. It ends up hanging for hours and I am forced to close the program.
I don't understand why one query is so much faster than the other and I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure it out and possibly fix the second query. The part of my access client that is creating the query is below:
If chkOneColumn.Value = 0 Then
' Construct Comparison Query
qString = "SELECT OriginalFile." & txtOriginalFirst.Value & " as OriginalFirstName, OriginalFile." & txtOriginalMiddle.Value & " as OriginalMiddleName, OriginalFile." & txtOriginalLast.Value & " as OriginalLastName, WorkingFile." & txtWorkingFirst.Value & " as WorkingFirstName, WorkingFile." & txtWorkingMiddle.Value & " as WorkingMiddleName, WorkingFile." & txtWorkingLast.Value & " as WorkingLastName " _
+ "FROM OriginalFile, WorkingFile " _
+ "WHERE (OriginalFile." & txtOriginalFirst.Value & " not like WorkingFile." & txtWorkingFirst.Value & " or OriginalFile." & txtOriginalMiddle.Value & " not like WorkingFile." & txtWorkingMiddle.Value & " or OriginalFile." & txtOriginalLast.Value & " not like WorkingFile." & txtWorkingLast.Value & ") " _
+ "and OriginalFile." & txtOriginalAddress.Value & " = WorkingFile." & txtWorkingAddress.Value & " " _
+ "and OriginalFile." & txtOriginalDOB.Value & " = WorkingFile." & txtWorkingDOB.Value & " "
' Open the record set
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("cQueryFull")
With qd
.ReturnsRecords = True
.sql = qString
End With
DoCmd.OpenQuery "cQueryFull"
ElseIf chkOneColumn.Value = -1 Then
' Construct Comparison Query
qString = "SELECT OriginalFile." & txtOriginalFirst.Value & " as OriginalName, IIF(WorkingFile." & txtWorkingFirst.Value & " is null, '', WorkingFile." & txtWorkingFirst.Value & ") + IIF(WorkingFile." & txtWorkingMiddle.Value & " is null, '', ' '+WorkingFile." & txtWorkingMiddle.Value & ") + IIF(WorkingFile." & txtWorkingLast.Value & " is null, '', ' '+WorkingFile." & txtWorkingLast.Value & ") as WorkingName " _
+ "FROM OriginalFile, WorkingFile " _
+ "WHERE (OriginalFile." & txtOriginalFirst.Value & " not like '*'+WorkingFile." & txtWorkingFirst.Value & "+'*' or OriginalFile." & txtOriginalFirst.Value & " not like '*'+WorkingFile." & txtWorkingMiddle.Value & "+'*' or OriginalFile." & txtOriginalFirst.Value & " not like '*'+WorkingFile." & txtWorkingMiddle.Value & "+'*') " _
+ "and OriginalFile." & txtOriginalAddress.Value & " like WorkingFile." & txtWorkingAddress.Value + " " _
+ "and OriginalFile." & txtOriginalDOB.Value & " like WorkingFile." & txtWorkingDOB.Value & " " _
' Open the record set
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("cQueryPart")
With qd
.ReturnsRecords = True
.sql = qString
End With
DoCmd.OpenQuery "cQueryPart"
End If
Can anyone identify the problem with my query? In case it matters, I have already tried indexing the tables before the query is built and executed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It's hard to tell, but I suspect the problem is with the cross joins and the amount of predicates (and type of predicates) in the WHERE clause(s).
Joining two tables like you're doing tends to create a very large set that the WHERE clause will then have to run through. Furthermore, the LIKE operator in a JET/ACE query is probably the slowest comparison operator that there is. Especially LIKE with a leading wildcard (*).
Sometimes there's just no getting around it, but sometimes it's actually faster to load pre-queried portions into (yet another) temp table and run further queries against that data.
Is there any way you can simplify your WHERE clause, or identify the predicates in distinct batches in such a way that you can run a more straighforward query first, then further process those results? (I suggest possibly writing to temp tables and further querying because subqueries are optimized and don't necessarily guarantee that the "sql logic" you write it as will be how it's actually run).

Excel VBA: Using cell value in SQL where statement

I would like to use 2 cell values as dates in an SQL date range.
I tried the following but it does not work ...
Sql = Sql & "WHERE trunc(dh.actshpdate) between " & Worksheets("Source Data").Range("K2").Value & " and " & Worksheets("Source Data").Range("K3").Value & " "
... can anyone advise how to amend this code?
Thanks, SMORF
I worked it out ...
Sql = Sql & "WHERE trunc(dh.actshpdate) between '" & Worksheets("Source Data").Range("K2").Value & "' and '" & Worksheets("Source Data").Range("K3").Value & "' "

Trouble using variables in VBA SQL WHERE Clause

I am trying to update a table using variables in VBA for Access. The statement is below.
DB.Execute "UPDATE tblSearchersList SET '" & vSearcherDay & "' = " & VHours & "
WHERE Member= '" & Me.cboMember.Column(1) & "'AND [Mission] = '" & Me.Mission & "'"
tblSearcherList is table to update
vSearcherDay is a variable that combines the letter "d" with a number, et(1,2,3,4,5) depending on other query
VHours is a decimal number (number of hours)
Member is a text value from Form Field Me.cboMember.Column(1)
Mission is a text value from form field Me.Mission
I get Runtime error 3061 - Too few parameters expected 2.
Hope I can get some help with this as I have been fighting it for awhile and am losing the battle.
New code is this:
Sorry bout the comments thing. I am new and didn't quite know how to do this.
DB.Execute "UPDATE tblSearchersList SET " & vSearcherDay &_
" = " & VHours & " WHERE Member= '" & Me.cboMember.Column(1) & "' &_
" And [Mission] = '" & Me.Mission & "'"
I am quite embarrassed about this but I had the Member field name wrong. Should've been
MemberName instead. I really do appreciate all the quick help I got and will do better next time. It works perfectly. Thank you all.
Don't use apostrophes around field name. Instead
SET '" & vSearcherDay & "' = " &
SET " & vSearcherDay & " = " &