i had this error when i was trying to INSERT records to a local table with VBA.
I have checked the data type and putting in the quotes for the the short text data type but it doesn't work.
table_newid = "SELECT Cint(t1." & id_name(i) & "_new), " & Replace(select_column_str, local_table_name, "t2") & " FROM " & vbCrLf & _
"(SELECT CInt(DCount(""[" & id_name(i) & "]"", """ & qry_distinct_id_name & """, ""[" & id_name(i) & "]<="" & [" & id_name(i) & "])) as " & id_name(i) & "_new, * FROM " & qry_distinct_id_name & ") AS t1 " & vbCrLf & _
"LEFT JOIN " & local_table_name & "_ALL as t2 " & vbCrLf & _
"ON t1." & id_name(i) & " = t2." & id_name(i) & " " & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE t2.database = '" & database_name & "'"
strQuery = "INSERT INTO " & local_table_name & "_temp (" & temp_field(i) & ", " & Replace(select_column_str, local_table_name & ".", "") & ") " & vbCrLf & table_newid
Debug.Print strQuery
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
db.Execute strQuery
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
From the debug.print, i have got:
INSERT INTO TblLUMachineTypes_temp (MachTypeID_new, MachTypeID, MachTypeCode, MachTypeMod, MachTypeDesc, MachTypeDisc, NewCode, Approved, mttime, CreatedBy, CreatedTS, ModifiedBy, ModifiedTS)
SELECT t1.MachTypeID_new, t2.MachTypeID, t2.MachTypeCode, t2.MachTypeMod, t2.MachTypeDesc, t2.MachTypeDisc, t2.NewCode, t2.Approved, t2.mttime, t2.CreatedBy, t2.CreatedTS, t2.ModifiedBy, t2.ModifiedTS FROM
(SELECT CInt(DCount("[MachTypeID]", "qry_TblLUMachineTypes_id_distinct", "[MachTypeID]<=" & [MachTypeID])) as MachTypeID_new, * FROM qry_TblLUMachineTypes_id_distinct) AS t1
LEFT JOIN TblLUMachineTypes_ALL as t2
ON t1.MachTypeID = t2.MachTypeID
WHERE t2.database = 'CPM-252-2'
When i copied this query and execute it manually, it works fine but not with VBA. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Remove all the & vbCrLf from your code, they are not necessary and I assume they corrupt the SQL syntax.
I found the problem. I found that qry_distinct_id_name query table has a Dlookup function in there that returns a string value, which will work when executing the query manual but doesn't work when you run it with VBA. So I have re-written the code to put in the quote before and after dlookup() function.
Im trying to run an SQL query in Access VBA but my query is too long to fit in one line
INSERT INTO tblProduct SELECT[SAMPartGrp],[ProductPrefix] ,[ProductCode] ,[pcode1],[pcode2],[SubPart1],[SubPart2],[ProductCodeNew],[ProductDescription],[MadeFrom],[MadeFromDescription],[Field1],[SamFamilySort1],[SamFamilySort2],[SamFamilySort3]
,[SamFamilySort4],[SamFamilySort5],[Grade],[Length],[Thickness],[fWidth],[Factor],[CubicMtrs],[CubicMtrsFull],[Weight(T)],[DrawingFilepath],[PackingFilePath],[EFACSProductGrouping],[BatchSize],[PackSize],[Density],[createdby],[createddate],[ProductType],[reorderpolicy],[EFACSExport],[PreactorExport],[customer],[Obsolete/DoNotUse],[noinminipack],[piecesincrate],[minipackheight],[DimA],[DimB],[DimC],[DimD],[DimE],[DimF],[DimG],[DimH],[DimI],[DimJ],[DimK],[DimL],[DimM],[DimN],[DimO] ,[DimP],[DimQ],[DimR],[DimS],[DimT],[DimU],[DimV],[DimW],[DimX],[DimY],[DimZ],[TolA],[TolB],[TolC],[TolD],[TolE],[TolF],[TolG],[TolH],[TolI],[TolJ],[TolK],[TolL],[TolM],[TolN],[TolO],[TolP],[TolQ],[TolR],[TolS],[TolT],[TolU],[TolV],[TolW],[TolX],[TolY],[TolZ]
,[HingeRecess],[ShrinkWrap],[CNC],[SW],[ShrinkWrapPackSize] ,[SAMBarCode],[machinedaway],[ExcludeFromPreactorUpload],[UseOtherM3XC],[UseOtherM3XC81],[UseOtherM3MS],[UseOtherM3MS83],[comment],[samtype1],[fsc],[LabelPack],[LabelPiece],[trml],[vtype1],[vtype2],[minipack] ,[profile],[madefromlength],[productchamp],[packtype],[uom],[acumatica],[Cupboard],[AcmtaExport],[ExportedtoAcmta],[PostingClass]
FROM tblProducts
so it wont run the full query at once, is there a workaround for this?
You have several issues.
One is that SQL server and Access SQL are not the same. Access SQL is a lot more limited, so just because an SQL query runs on the SQL server does not mean it will run in Access. To run SQL Server queries that are not Access SQL compatible you have to use a pass-through query.
The other issue is that Access table names and SQL server table names are no necessarily the same.
Now, assuming you have taken all that into account and your query is actually Access SQL compatible, you can run it like this:
Dim sql as String
sql = "Query part A"
sql = sql & "Query Part B"
... repeat as necessary
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
SQL doesn't take white space into account, this should run the entire query at once.
I think your problem is that you want to use SELECT INTO with TSQL
See here for more information:
Are you just talking about wraparound formatting, where you use the "& _" to continue your string?
strSQL = "SELECT [SAMPartGrp],[ProductPrefix] ,[ProductCode] ,[pcode1], " & _
"[pcode2], [SubPart1],[SubPart2],[ProductCodeNew],[ProductDescription], " & _
"[MadeFrom], [MadeFromDescription],[Field1],[SamFamilySort1], " & _
"[SamFamilySort2],[SamFamilySort3],[SamFamilySort4], " & _
"[SamFamilySort5], [Grade], "
Try this.
Dim strSQL as String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblProduct SELECT[SAMPartGrp],[ProductPrefix] , " & _
"[ProductCode] ,[pcode1],[pcode2],[SubPart1],[SubPart2],[ProductCodeNew], " & _
"[ProductDescription],[MadeFrom],[MadeFromDescription],[Field1], " & _
"[SamFamilySort1],[SamFamilySort2],[SamFamilySort3], [SamFamilySort4], " _
"[SamFamilySort5],[Grade],[Length],[Thickness], [fWidth],[Factor], " & _
"[CubicMtrs],[CubicMtrsFull],[Weight(T)],[DrawingFilepath], " & _
"[PackingFilePath],[EFACSProductGrouping],[BatchSize], " & _
"[PackSize],[Density],[createdby],[createddate],[ProductType], " & _
"[reorderpolicy],[EFACSExport],[PreactorExport],[customer], " & _
"[Obsolete/DoNotUse],[noinminipack],[piecesincrate], [minipackheight], " & _
"[DimA],[DimB],[DimC],[DimD],[DimE],[DimF],[DimG],[DimH], " & _
"[DimI],[DimJ],[DimK],[DimL],[DimM],[DimN],[DimO] ,[DimP], " &_
"[DimQ],[DimR],[DimS],[DimT],[DimU],[DimV],[DimW],[DimX], " & _
"[DimY],[DimZ],[TolA],[TolB],[TolC],[TolD],[TolE],[TolF], " & _
"[TolG],[TolH],[TolI],[TolJ],[TolK],[TolL],[TolM],[TolN], " & _
"[TolO],[TolP],[TolQ],[TolR],[TolS],[TolT],[TolU],[TolV], " & _
"[TolW],[TolX],[TolY],[TolZ],[Dimension],[Main],[Saws], " &_
"[Moulders],[PaintLines],[XCut],[DET],[MitreSaw],[Wrapper], " &_
"[Blocks],[HingeRecess],[ShrinkWrap],[CNC],[SW], " & _
"[ShrinkWrapPackSize] ,[SAMBarCode],[machinedaway], " & _
"[ExcludeFromPreactorUpload],[UseOtherM3XC],[UseOtherM3XC81], " & _
"[UseOtherM3MS],[UseOtherM3MS83],[comment],[samtype1],[fsc], " & _
"[LabelPack],[LabelPiece],[trml],[vtype1],[vtype2],[minipack] , " & _
"[profile],[madefromlength],[productchamp],[packtype],[uom], " & _
"[acumatica],[Cupboard],[AcmtaExport],[ExportedtoAcmta], " & _
"[PostingClass] FROM tblProducts;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL