Copying ssh key from windows machine to windows server 2019 - ssh

I've been trying to get access to Windows Server 2019 without password through OpenSSH protocol.
So I've created new key which I need it to be copied to the Windows Server, I've tried this:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user#server
But I get this after entering correct password:
'exec' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
My issue is how to transfer key from one windows machine(using gitbash, WSL, powershell or whatever)
to Windows Server 2019 location of authorized keys if I am not mistaken.
I am desperate enough to do it manually but location of those keys is mystery to me, do I need to set something on Windows Server first so that it can accept keys for authentication ?
What is the alternative on ssh-copy-id from Windows machine to Windows Server 2019 ?
Found solution:
Followed this helpful youtube guide, props to the
Also, installing OpenSSHUtils worked with:
Install-Module -Name OpenSSHUtils -RequiredVersion -Scope AllUsers
Also this guide helped:
My server didn't have access so I manually copied file from:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules to the server's:
Server:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

First, this error message is followed by microsoft/vscode-remote-release issue 25
Current workaround (the context is VSCode, but should apply also for regular SSH connection):
Also, for anyone else here that loves their bash on windows but still wants to be able to use VSCode remote, the workaround I have currently setup is to use an autorun.cmd deployed on the servers that detects when an SSH connection is coming in and has a terminal allocated:
#echo off
if defined SSH_CLIENT (
:: check if we've got a terminal hooked up; if not, don't run bash.exe
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "if [ -t 1 ]; then exit 1; fi"
if errorlevel 1 (
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login
This is known to work with Cygwin bash, unsure about bash that ships with windows; I imagine it's very sensitive to how the TTY code works internally.
This way, launching cmd.exe works normally, using VSCode (because it does not allocate a PTY) works normally, but SSH'ing into the machine launches bash.exe.
I suspect it would also work using the bash.exe which comes with Git for Windows, should it be installed on the target server.
The destination file should be on the server:
If you can do it manually, simply try and scp it instead of using ssh-copy-id
scp user#server:C:/Users/<user>/.ssh/authorized_key authorized_key
# manual and local edit to add the public key
scp authorized_key user#server:C:/Users/<user>/.ssh/authorized_key
(again, I would use the scp.exe coming with Git For Windows, installed this time locally)

Found solution:
Followed this helpful youtube guide, props to the
Also, installing OpenSSHUtils worked with:
Install-Module -Name OpenSSHUtils -RequiredVersion -Scope AllUsers
Also this guide helped:
My server didn't have access so I manually copied file from:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules to the server's:
Server:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules


ssh : The term 'ssh' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I have tried to connect to a server using ssh but I got the following error ssh :
The term 'ssh' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
I have followed the tutorial from,the%20following%20output%20if%20neither%20are%20already%20installed%3A
and managed to install OpenSSH.client and server but I get the same error when trying to run ssh.
I am running on Windows 10 Pro.
I have tried uninstalling OpenSSH and reinstalling it back, restarting the computer but nothing changed.
In a strange way, ssh started working the very next day. I guess the solution was to restart the computer after uninstalling and reinstalling ssh back.
Try first the same command in a new Powershell Windows, one which will inherit from the system changes you just did by installing OpenSSH for Windows
Make sure you do see a C:\Windows\System32\openssh\ssh.exe.
As mentioned in "OpenSSH Server Configuration for Windows 10"
First confirm that the OpenSSH installation folder is on the system path.
For Windows, the default installation folder is SystemDrive:WindowsDirectory\System32\openssh.
In my case, OpenSSH was installed properly and the folder structure was also ok.
However, the ssh syntax was not accepted. So, the solution was just to execute the ssh.exe as:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32\openssh> .\ssh

PhpStorm SSH / SFTP cygwin

I want to use my cygwin configuration for SSH ou SFTP connection but doesn't work.
My configucation file "config" is in directory C:\cygwin64\home\<username>\.ssh. This configuration file define an SSH proxy jump and send some environment variables. This configuration file work fine in cygwin to connect in SSH or SFTP.
In PhpStorm settings I've specified the shell path in Tools > Terminal to be C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login -i. All local terminal use cygwin fine. But the ssh connection don't use my configuration file. I tried copying configuration in C:\Users\<username>\.ssh directory but that does not work.
Can you help me?
Generally, creating %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/config file pointing to the actual location of keys (using a valid Windows path) should help. But PhpStorm does not support ProxyJump and ProxyCommand instructions in it because there is no support for it from OpenSSH client's Windows port and we cannot use Cygwin or MinGW OpenSSH clients, which support proxying, but require running in theirs own shell subsystem. Here's a related bug report:
I found the solution. You need to install the latest version of OpenSSH. To achieve this, I did the following actions:
Installing the scoop package manager ( using PowerShell
$ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser Answer Y
$ Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
Installing OpenSSH
$ scoop install win32-openssh
normally the installation modifies the environment variable %PATH% to add the path something like C:\Users\<username>\scoop\shims. Otherwise you have to add it.
Modification of the environment variable %PATH% to remove the path C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH
Enable the "OpenSSH Authentication Agent" service
On keyboard press Windows + R
Type: services.msc and press Enter.
Double click on the "OpenSSH Authentication Agent" service
Select the "Automatic" start type and start the service.
After these actions, I was able to connect from the Windows cmd terminal. I tested from PhpStorm and it works too.

remotely copy from Windows source by running scp on Linux

I want to copy files remotely in a script from windows machine to Linux machine.
On the Linux machine I run the below command
scp user#remotehost:\D\mySrcCode\somefile.cpp .
I am getting an error
scp: DmySrcCodesomefile.cpp: No such file or directory
The file somefile.cpp is located at D:\mySrcCode on windows side.
Any ideas on what I am missing ?
You probably should quote or backslash the backslashes in the path.
If your interactive shell is GNU bash, read its ยง3.1.2 quoting chapter.
You could try:
scp user#remotehost:\\D\\mySrcCode\\somefile.cpp .
Consider also using other (more appropriate) tools, like rsync or git.
You might also use exec(3) from your C program to run ย /usr/bin/ssh, or look into libssh.
You could change your login shell (see chsh(1) and /etc/shells so shells(5)) to more user friendly alternatives such as zsh or fish. They could give you some warning (depending on how they are configured or used) or some autocompletion (with the tabkey).
PS. Your problem is not ssh specific. You might replace scp with echo to understand it more.

"Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions" even though 'Ubuntu' is installed

I recently moved my wsl directory to another drive due to low storage in C: drive. As per the answer provided in this StackOverflow post, I used lxrunoffline tool and moved my Ubuntu distribution to another drive (E:\wsl in my case). As soon as the distribution was moved successfully, I ran wsl to test and it worked like a charm.
Everything went fine until one day I accidentally renamed the E:\wsl folder to something else. Well, as expected, wsl didn't work. Then, I reverted back to the name wsl and expected it to work but to my surprise, it didn't find any installed distribution after that even though it's installed... ๐Ÿ˜•
E:> wsl
Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions.
Distributions can be installed by visiting the Microsoft Store:
Is there any way to revert back to the old directory or make wsl point to a manual location?
EDIT: I don't want to reset Ubuntu as I want to retain the installed packages and preferences...
Well, I finally found a solution to this problem. ๐Ÿ˜Š
This is as simple as registering the distribution using lxrunoffline tool using the rg or register command.
E:\LxRunOffline\LxRunOffline-v3.3.3>lxrunoffline rg
[ERROR] the option '-d' is required but missing
-n arg Name of the distribution
-d arg The directory containing the distribution.
-c arg The config file to use. This argument is optional.
After running the register command, I was able to start wsl as usual. But that would log you in as a "root" user and would thus start in "/root" directory. I ran the following command to start wsl as different user (this is for Ubuntu):
ubuntu config --default-user <user-name>

SSH into Linux Subsystem, not Windows CMD

I assume I messed up something since nobody has a similar question here. When I SSH into a windows laptop it does not give me the UNIX shell by default, instead it lands me directly at the Windows prompt. I then have to enter bash, followed by cd and then I can run the commands I need.
Is this a windows setting problem or an openssh issue and does anyone have any suggestions on how I can avoid needing to enter these commands every time that I log in?
The Windows SSH daemon is openssh, and by default it is setup to use cmd as the shell, but you can edit the configuration to use powershell, bash, or any other third party shell. Follow the information in this link.
Its given in MS PoweShell documentation should go through.
To set the default command shell, first confirm that the OpenSSH installation folder is on the system path. For Windows, the default installation folder is SystemDrive:WindowsDirectory\System32\openssh.
Configuring the default ssh shell is done in the Windows registry by adding the full path to the shell executable to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH in the string value DefaultShell.
Here is the example, the following Powershell command sets the default shell to be PowerShell.exe:
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH" -Name DefaultShell -Value "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -PropertyType String -Force
For further explanation refre this link.