Postgres/JSON Updating nested array elements - sql

Given the input JSON from the 'table' under a column named '_value'. I would like to replace the field "sc" as text from object to value of name under sc.
The json before updating looks like this.
"iProps": [
"value": {
"rules": [
"ao": {
"sc": {
"web_link": "",
"name": "name"
"ao": {
"sc": ""
The json after updating should look like this.
"iProps": [
"value": {
"rules": [
"ao": {
"sc": "name"
"ao": {
"sc": ""
I tried the below query to get to 'rules' array but having difficulty to proceed further in parsing and updating.
WITH values AS (
SELECT iprop -> 'value' -> 'rules' AS value FROM
table t,jsonb_array_elements(t._value->'iProps') AS
iprop )
from values, jsonb_array_elements(
throws following error
ERROR: column does not exist
LINE 26: from values, jsonb_array_elements(
SQL state: 42703
Character: 1396

You can try below mentioned query considering your structure is constant and the data type of your column is JSONB.
with cte as (
vals2->'ao'->'sc'->'name' as namevalue,
('{iProps,'||index1-1||',value,rules,'||index2-1||',ao,sc}')::text[] as json_path
with ordinality arr1(vals1,index1),
with ordinality arr2(vals2,index2)
update table_
set value_ = jsonb_set(value_,cte.json_path,cte.namevalue,false)
from cte
WHERE cte.namevalue IS NOT NULL


How to access json array elements (keys) , values in json nested dictionary type using postgresql?

I have a nested structure json .
How to extract the specific elements(keys) and values?
How to access " sky: selling":"1"
Or "U1":"0000" ?
I tried json_object_keys and json_array_elements for extracting the array .
But I don't know exactly how to do this query.
Example code:
Table- record and column name : report
"PIname": {
"n1": "x1",
"n2": "x2",
"params": {
"S1": {
"code1": "y1",
"Code2": "y2",
"id": "2d",
"Dest": {
"Code3": "mi"
"PIDataArea": {
"m1": null,
"PInven": {
"head": {
"Code4": "Increase",
"line": "2020-01"
"PILine": [
"u1": "0000",
"u2": "0",
"u3": "1",
"modes": {
"#cID": "Sng",
"#txt": "12.21"
} },
"Qualify": ".0001",
"QOrder": "1",
"UPriceAmt": {
"#cID": "sng",
"#txt": "13" },
"sky:Qa": ".000",
"sky:Partcode": {
"#c1ID": "a"
"sky:SCode": "Ni",
"sky:PItem": {
"sky:ID": "h"
"sky:Forest": {
"sky:q1": [
"sky:selling": "1"
"sky:selling": "0"
} } }} }}
I tried lot ,one example query here like,
Select * from record r
Where exists( select report->'sky: selling' from json_each( b where b.value->>'sky:selling' Ilike '0');
You can use the json_path_query or jsonb_path_query function. Example to extract the element with key = "sky:selling" :
json_path_query(, $.** ? (#.key == 'sky:selling'))

How to update multiple occurrence a specific value of a object present in array of object within Postgres JSON Field

Here is my JSON field where has multiple users with the same name. I want to update all users whose name is Devang to Dev
"user": [
"user_name": "Devang",
"user_weight": 0.7676846955248864
"user_name": "Meet",
"user_weight": 0.07447325861051013
"user_name": "Devang",
"user_weight": 0.056163873153859706
"address": [
"address_name": "India"
After Update The JSON would be
"user": [
"user_name": "Dev",
"user_weight": 0.7676846955248864
"user_name": "Meet",
"user_weight": 0.07447325861051013
"user_name": "Dev",
"user_weight": 0.056163873153859706
"address": [
"address_name": "India"
Here I have tried this query but update only the first occurrence due to subquery.
with cte as (
select id, ('{user,'||index-1||',user_name}')::text[] as json_path
from user_table, jsonb_array_elements(json_field->'user')
with ordinality arr(vals,index) where arr.vals->>'user_name' ='Devang'
update user_table
set json_field = jsonb_set(json_field,cte.json_path,'"Dev"',false)
from cte where;
Please also look at this DEMO
Any answer will be appreciated
You may use string function REPLACE:
UPDATE user_table
SET json_field = REPLACE(json_field :: TEXT, '"user_name": "Devang"', '"user_name": "Dev"') :: JSONB;

Get JSON Array from JSON Object and Count Number of Objects

I have a column that contains some data like this:
"activity_goal": 200,
"members": [
"json": "data"
"name": "Hunters Team v3",
"total_activity": "0",
"revenue_goal": 200,
"total_active_days": "0",
"total_raised": 300
I am using cast(team_data -> 'members' as jsonb) to get the "Members" JSON array, which gives me a column like this:
"json": "data"
I am using array_length(cast(team_data -> 'members' as jsonb), 1) to pull a column with the number of Members that exist in the list. When I do this, I am given this error:
function array_length(jsonb, integer) does not exist
Note: I have also tried casting as "json" instead of "jsonb"
I am following this documentation. What am I doing wrong?
Use the JSON functions when working with json such as json_array_length
select json_array_length(team_data -> 'members') from mytable

How to only include a key if the value meets a certain criteria

I have this piece of Dataweave code
list_of_orders: {
order: payload map ((payload01 , indexOfPayload01) -> {
"" when payload01[30] == "S"
"" when payload01[30] == "C"
data: some_data
order_hdr: {
data: some_data
This code will output the following data
"list_of_orders": {
"order": [
"order_dtl": [
"data": "some_data"
"order_hdr": {
"data": "some_data"
But it will only do this if payload01[30] != "S" or "C"
If payload01[30] is equal to "S" or "C" then it does this
"list_of_orders": {
"order": [
"order_dtl": "",
"order_hdr": {
"data": "some_data"
The reason I have done this is because I have been asked to only include the DETAIL line if the order_type is not "C" or "S".
The problem is that the actual key - order_dtl - is still present and I don't want anything there at all.
How do I make a KEY conditional?
Any help appreciated
What you are looking is called conditional elements
list_of_orders: {
order: payload map ((payload01 , indexOfPayload01) -> {
data: some_data
}]) when((payload01[30] != "S") and (payload01[30] != "C")),
order_hdr: {
data: some_data

How to query mongodb with “like” for number data type? [duplicate]

I want to regex search an integer value in MongoDB. Is this possible?
I'm building a CRUD type interface that allows * for wildcards on the various fields. I'm trying to keep the UI consistent for a few fields that are integers.
> db.seDemo.insert({ "example" : 1234 });
> db.seDemo.find({ "example" : 1234 });
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bfc2bfea2004adae015220a"), "example" : 1234 }
> db.seDemo.find({ "example" : /^123.*/ });
As you can see, I insert an object and I'm able to find it by the value. If I try a simple regex, I can't actually find the object.
If you are wanting to do a pattern match on numbers, the way to do it in mongo is use the $where expression and pass in a pattern match.
> db.test.find({ $where: "/^123.*/.test(this.example)" })
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bfc3187fec861325f34b132"), "example" : 1234 }
I am not a big fan of using the $where query operator because of the way it evaluates the query expression, it doesn't use indexes and the security risk if the query uses user input data.
Starting from MongoDB 4.2 you can use the $regexMatch|$regexFind|$regexFindAll available in MongoDB 4.1.9+ and the $expr to do this.
let regex = /123/;
$regexMatch and $regexFind
"$expr": {
"$regexMatch": {
"input": {"$toString": "$name"},
"regex": /123/
"$expr": {
"$gt": [
"$size": {
"$regexFindAll": {
"input": {"$toString": "$name"},
"regex": "123"
From MongoDB 4.0 you can use the $toString operator which is a wrapper around the $convert operator to stringify integers.
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$gt": [
{ "$indexOfCP": [
{ "$toString": "$example" },
] },
] },
If what you want is retrieve all the document which contain a particular substring, starting from release 3.4, you can use the $redact operator which allows a $conditional logic processing.$indexOfCP.
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$gt": [
{ "$indexOfCP": [
{ "$toLower": "$example" },
] },
] },
which produces:
"_id" : ObjectId("579c668c1c52188b56a235b7"),
"example" : 1234
"_id" : ObjectId("579c66971c52188b56a235b9"),
"example" : 12334
Prior to MongoDB 3.4, you need to $project your document and add another computed field which is the string value of your number.
The $toLower and his sibling $toUpper operators respectively convert a string to lowercase and uppercase but they have a little unknown feature which is that they can be used to convert an integer to string.
The $match operator returns all those documents that match your pattern using the $regex operator.
{ "$project": {
"stringifyExample": { "$toLower": "$example" },
"example": 1
{ "$match": { "stringifyExample": /^123.*/ } }
which yields:
"_id" : ObjectId("579c668c1c52188b56a235b7"),
"example" : 1234,
"stringifyExample" : "1234"
"_id" : ObjectId("579c66971c52188b56a235b9"),
"example" : 12334,
"stringifyExample" : "12334"
Now, if what you want is retrieve all the document which contain a particular substring, the easier and better way to do this is in the upcoming release of MongoDB (as of this writing) using the $redact operator which allows a $conditional logic processing.$indexOfCP.
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$gt": [
{ "$indexOfCP": [
{ "$toLower": "$example" },
] },
] },