How to intercept deserialisation with kotlinx.serialization - kotlin

For example, I have JSON
"url": "//"
In order to deserialize, I define the data class
data class Foo(
val link: String,
After deserializing the Foo object has with "//"
How can I remove the // during the deserializing, which means with ""?

You can add custom Serializer for a single property:
data class Foo(
#Serializable(with = FooLinkDeserializer::class)
val link: String,
object FooLinkSerializer : KSerializer<String> {
override val descriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): String {
return decoder.decodeString().substringAfter("//")
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: String) {
Or you can intercept JSON transformations using JsonTransformingSerializer:
data class Foo(
#Serializable(with = FooLinkInterceptor::class)
val link: String,
object FooLinkInterceptor : JsonTransformingSerializer<String>(String.serializer()) {
override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
return JsonPrimitive(element.jsonPrimitive.content.substringAfter("//"))


how can I convert my room entity to my data class in kotlin?

I have a data class that I pull from internet and I want to save room database but there is a problem like that.
It always gives an error like this, how can I overcome this problem?
my room entity class
#Entity(tableName = "ExchangeValues")
data class ExchangeEntity(
#ColumnInfo(name = "base_code") val base_code: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "conversion_rates") val conversion_rates: ConversionRates,
#ColumnInfo(name = "result") val result: String,
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val uid:Int?=null
my dao
interface ExchangeDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM ExchangeValues")
suspend fun getAll() : List<ExchangeEntity>
#Query("UPDATE ExchangeValues SET base_code=:base_code,conversion_rates=:conversion_rates , result=:result")
suspend fun update(base_code:String,conversion_rates:ConversionRates,result:String)
my exchange data class
data class Exchange(
val base_code: String,
val conversion_rates: ConversionRates,
val documentation: String,
val result: String,
val terms_of_use: String,
val time_last_update_unix: Int,
val time_last_update_utc: String,
val time_next_update_unix: Int,
val time_next_update_utc: String
) {
fun toEntity() = ExchangeEntity(
base_code = base_code,
conversion_rates = conversion_rates,
result = result
data class ConversionRates(
val conversionRates : Map<String,Double>
I cant use toEntity function in getAll()
class ExchangeRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor(
private val dao:ExchangeDao
) : ExchangeRepository{
override suspend fun getAll() : Flow<List<Exchange>> {
return flow {
override suspend fun update(exchange: Exchange) {
my exchange converter
class ExchangeConverter {
fun fromSource(conversionRates: ConversionRates) : String{
val gson = Gson()
return gson.toJson(conversionRates)
fun toSource(json: String): ConversionRates {
val gson = Gson()
val typeToken = object : TypeToken<List<ConversionRates>>() {}.type
return Gson().fromJson(json, typeToken)
I wrote a converter like this, but it might not be correct, I'm not so sure. How can I solve this problem?
Inside flow you have created call map function the call to toEntity() eg
emit (dao.getAll().map{it.toEntity()})
Well your flow returns a flow of
and your repo returns
and there's nothing in your code to map an ExchangeEntity to an Exchange.
So you need something like:
override suspend fun getAll() : Flow<List<Exchange>> {
return flow {
emit(dao.getAll().map{Exchange(base_code = it.baseCode)})// add in other fields on exchange constructor

typealias for global kotlinx.serialization not work

First I'll post the code
#Serializer(forClass = UUID::class)
object UUIDserializer : KSerializer<UUID> {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): UUID = UUID.fromString(decoder.decodeString())
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
get() = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("UUID", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: UUID) {
typealias SID = #Serializable(with = UUIDserializer::class) UUID
fun randomSid() = UUID.randomUUID() as SID
data class Example(val id:SID = randomSid())
class SerializeId {
fun nestedTypeUsage() {
val example = Example()
val string = Json.encodeToString(example)
fun directTypeUsage () {
val hi = randomSid()
val string = Json.encodeToString(hi)
nestedTypeUsage run and passes, but directTypeUsage fails.
Serializer for class 'UUID' is not found.
Mark the class as #Serializable or provide the serializer explicitly.
kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'UUID' is not found
I can't apply the #Serializable annotation directly to a val or a function parameter.
almost immediately after posting this. I realized I can
fun directTypeUsage () {
val hi = randomSid()
val string = hi.toString()

Deserialize generic object using Kotlin Serialization

I am trying to replace Gson library by kotlin serialization to handle JSON serialization/deserialization.
I am facing some issues to deserialize generic objects I have setup a simple example of what I am trying to achieve:
data class ContentMessageDto<T>(
val method: String,
val content: T
private data class DummyObjectNonNullProperties(
val value: Int,
#SerialName("aaa") val someProp: String,
val bbb: Boolean,
val ccc: Double
interface MyParser {
fun <T> parseContentMessage(
json: String
): ContentMessageDto<T>
class MyParserImpl(private val jsonSerialization: Json) : MyParser {
override fun <T> parseContentMessage(json: String): ContentMessageDto<T> {
return jsonSerialization.decodeFromString<ContentMessageDto<T>>(json)
fun main() {
println("start processing...")
val jsonToParse = """
"aaa": "some string",
"bbb": true,
"ccc": 23.4
val parser:MyParser = MyParserImpl(Json)
val result = parser.parseContentMessage<DummyObjectNonNullProperties>(jsonToParse)
println("result -> $result")
But when I run the main method, I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only KClass supported as classifier, got T
at kotlinx.serialization.internal.Platform_commonKt.kclass(Platform.common.kt:102)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt__SerializersKt.serializer(Serializers.kt:52)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt.serializer(Unknown Source)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt__SerializersKt.builtinSerializerOrNull$SerializersKt__SerializersKt(Serializers.kt:79)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt__SerializersKt.serializerByKTypeImpl$SerializersKt__SerializersKt(Serializers.kt:69)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt__SerializersKt.serializer(Serializers.kt:54)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt.serializer(Unknown Source)
But I am not sure why. Can someone provide me an explanation and if possible some tips on how I can implement this?
It would have worked if you've simply done:
val result = Json.decodeFromString<ContentMessageDto<DummyObjectNonNullProperties>>(jsonToParse)
But with all this wrapping, type information about T was lost. The problem is that you can't simply use reified generics here, cause inline functions can't be non-final.
Possible workarounds:
Define parseContentMessage as extension function so that it could have inline modifier (and T could be reified):
interface MyParser {
val jsonSerialization: Json
inline fun<reified T> MyParser.parseContentMessage(json: String): ContentMessageDto<T> {
return jsonSerialization.decodeFromString(json)
class MyParserImpl(override val jsonSerialization: Json) : MyParser
//Usage will be the same
Manually pass serializer for T into parseContentMessage:
interface MyParser {
fun <T> parseContentMessage(json: String, contentSerializer: KSerializer<T>): ContentMessageDto<T>
class MyParserImpl(private val jsonSerialization: Json) : MyParser {
override fun <T> parseContentMessage(json: String, contentSerializer: KSerializer<T>): ContentMessageDto<T> {
return jsonSerialization.decodeFromString(ContentMessageDto.serializer(contentSerializer), json)
val result = parser.parseContentMessage(jsonToParse, DummyObjectNonNullProperties.serializer())

Kotlinx Serialization - Custom serializer to ignore null value

Let's say I'm having a class like:
data class MyClass(
#SerialName("a") val a: String?,
#SerialName("b") val b: String
Assume the a is null and b's value is "b value", then Json.stringify(MyClass.serializer(), this) produces:
{ "a": null, "b": "b value" }
Basically if a is null, I wanted to get this:
{ "b": "b value" }
From some research I found this is currently not doable out of the box with Kotlinx Serialization so I was trying to build a custom serializer to explicitly ignore null value. I followed the guide from here but couldn't make a correct one.
Can someone please shed my some light? Thanks.
You can use explicitNulls = false
val format = Json { explicitNulls = false }
data class Project(
val name: String,
val language: String,
val version: String? = "1.3.0",
val website: String?,
fun main() {
val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization", "Kotlin", null, null)
val json = format.encodeToString(data)
println(json) // {"name":"kotlinx.serialization","language":"Kotlin"}
Use encodeDefaults = false property in JsonConfiguration and it won't serialize nulls (or other optional values)
Try this (not tested, just based on adapting the example):
data class MyClass(val a: String?, val b: String) {
#Serializer(forClass = MyClass::class)
companion object : KSerializer<MyClass> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = object : SerialClassDescImpl("MyClass") {
init {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, obj: MyClass) {
encoder.beginStructure(descriptor).run {
obj.a?.let { encodeStringElement(descriptor, 0, obj.a) }
encodeStringElement(descriptor, 1, obj.b)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): MyClass {
var a: String? = null
var b = ""
decoder.beginStructure(descriptor).run {
loop# while (true) {
when (val i = decodeElementIndex(descriptor)) {
CompositeDecoder.READ_DONE -> break#loop
0 -> a = decodeStringElement(descriptor, i)
1 -> b = decodeStringElement(descriptor, i)
else -> throw SerializationException("Unknown index $i")
return MyClass(a, b)
Since I was also struggling with this one let me share with you the solution I found that is per property and does not require to create serializer for the whole class.
class ExcludeIfNullSerializer : KSerializer<String?> {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): String {
return decoder.decodeString()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
get() = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("ExcludeNullString", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: String?) {
if (value != null) {
will work as expected with the following class
class TestDto(
val someString: String,
#Serializable(with = ExcludeIfNullSerializer::class)
val id: String? = null
Note the #EncodeDefault(EncodeDefault.Mode.NEVER) is crucial here in case you using JsonBuilder with encodeDefaults = true, as in this case the serialization library will still add the 'id' json key even if the value of id field is null unless using this annotation.
JsonConfiguration is deprecated in favor of Json {} builder since kotlinx.serialization 1.0.0-RC according to its changelog.
Now you have to code like this:
val json = Json { encodeDefaults = false }
val body = json.encodeToString(someSerializableObject)
As of now, for anyone seeing this pos today, default values are not serialized (see
So you simply add to set a default null value, and it will not be serialized.

Return different object types from pre-existing classes in kotlin

I am working with a method which return different kind of objects and I am using the Any type to achieve this.
the method looks like this:
override fun presentNativeItem(dcsItem: DCSItem): Any {
var type = dcsItem?.type?.toUpperCase()
return when (type) { -> buildNavMenu(dcsItem) -> buildNavLink(dcsItem) -> buildImage(dcsItem)
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unknown Type ${dcsItem?.type} of NavItem")
The model of the classes is just like:
abstract class NavItem {
abstract val attributes: String
abstract val text: String
abstract val hasChildren: Boolean
abstract val childrenIds: List<Int>?
abstract val items: List<NavItem>?
abstract val hasImages: Boolean
abstract val image: String?
data class NavMenu(override val items: List<NavItem>?,
override var image: String?,
override val attributes: String,
override val text: String,
override val hasChildren: Boolean,
override val childrenIds: List<Int>?,
override val hasImages: Boolean) : NavItem()
data class NavLink(override val items: List<NavItem>?,
val shortText: String?,
override var image: String?,
override val attributes: String,
override val text: String,
override val hasChildren: Boolean,
override val childrenIds: List<Int>?,
override val hasImages: Boolean) : NavItem()
And finally I am using this method in the next way:
override fun getNavItemById(dCSServiceContext: DCSServiceContext): Single<Any> {
return scribeProvider.getNavItemById(dCSServiceContext).map { navItem ->
I have read about sealed classes, but you have to create classes with a constructor inside the sealed classes, I have this model which I can't modify because it is used in several places.
Any ideas?
Wrap the different return types in a sealed class hierarchy and return NativeItem from your function:
sealed class NativeItem
class NavMenuItem(val menu: NavMenu) : NativeItem()
class NavLinkItem(val link: NavLink) : NativeItem()
class ImageItem(val image: Image) : NativeItem()