VSQL: Concatenate two values in same column from same table - sql

I have a table that looks like the following:
email | first_name
------#diffem.com | Matthew
------#email.net | Susan
------#email.net | Thomas
------#email.com | Donald
------#email.com | Paula
I.e. I have records where there is only one value (name) per key (email), but in other instance I have two values per key.
I want the output to look like this:
email | first_name
------#diffem.com | Matthew
------#email.net | Susan and Thomas
------#email.com | Donald and Paula
I have tried the following, but it is not working due to grouping by an aggregate function:
CREATE TABLE user.table1 AS
select distinct email
, case when email_count = 1 then first_name
when email_count = 2 then (MIN(first_name))||' and '||MAX(first_name))
else null end as first_name_grouped
SELECT email
, first_name
, count(email) over (partition by email) as email_count
FROM table
I've also tried partitioning by email, putting the two names into different columns and then concatenating that, but am ending up with blanks in my output table (see below)
email | name1 | name 2
------#email.net | Susan | null
------#email.net | null | Donald
Is there a way to do this in SQL, without creating two separate name columns? Thanks in advance.

What you are trying to accomplish could be done in MYSQL like
SELECT email, GROUP_CONCAT(first_name)
FROM table
GROUP BY email
There is similar function in MS SQL server called STRING_AGG() , you can see more here https://database.guide/mysql-group_concat-vs-t-sql-string_agg/


find duplicated record by first and last name

I have a table called beneficials. Some facts about it:
A beneficial belongs to one organization
An organization has many beneficial
Beneficials have first and last names and no other identification form.
Some sample data from the table
| id | firstname | lastname | organization_id |
| 1 | jan | kowalski | 1 |
| 2 | jan | kovalski | 3 |
| 3 | john | doe | 1 |
| 4 | jan | kowalski | 2 |
I want to find if a beneficial from an organization is also present in other organizations through first and last name and if so, I want to get the organization or organizations ids.
in the sample data above, what I want is given organization id 1, the query should return 2 because jan kowalski is also beneficial on organization 2 but not 3 because even though they match the first name, they don't match the last name
I came up with the following query:
with org_beneficials as (
select firstname, lastname from beneficials where organization_id = ? and deleted_at is null
select organization_id from beneficials
where firstname in (select firstname from org_beneficials)
and lastname in (select lastname from org_beneficials)
and deleted_at is null
and organization_id <> ?;
it kinda works but returns some false positive if beneficial from different organizations share the same first or last name. I need to match both first and last names and I can't figure out how.
I thought about joining the table itself but I'm not sure if this would work since an organization has many beneficials. Adding a column like fullname is not something I want to do it here
You can group by first and last names, then filter for duplicates
SELECT firstname, lastname
FROM beneficials
GROUP BY firstname, lastname
After your edits, it seems you want to select the records of people of a given organization that also appear in a different organization
FROM beneficials a
WHERE a.organization_id != 1
FROM beneficials b
WHERE a.firstname = b.firstname
AND a.lastname = b.lastname
AND b.organization_id = 1

Reorganize multiple rows in a new table with more columns

I have a table that looks like that:
| Club | Role | Name | Lastname | Email |
| Porto | 1 | Peter | Pan | peter.pan#mail.com |
| Porto | 2 | Michelle | Obama | michelle.obama#mail.com |
| Monaco | 1 | Serena | Williams | serena.williams#mail.com |
| Monaco | 2 | David | Beckham | david.beckham#mail.com |
and i want to get a table like that:
| Club | Role 1 Name | Role 1 Lastname | Role 1 Email | Role 2 Name | Role 2 Lastname | Role 2 Email |
| Porto | Peter | Pan | peter.pan#mail.com | Michelle | Obama | michelle.obama#mail.com |
| Monaco | Serena | Williams | serena.williams#mail.com | David | Beckham | david.beckham#mail.com |
where the persons with different roles in each club puts in the same row.
I would ideally like to find a way to do that in Excel, but i am not sure if its possible. If not, SQL code would also help a lot.
Here is what I could come up with for an excel formula. Hopefully it can push you in the right direction.
This formula is assuming that your first table exists at the range A1:E5 and the second table exists at the range G1:M3. It is also assuming that the second table's column names are just repeating without the Role number attached to the front of it (same as the first table). This formula is an array formula, so you have to make sure to do CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER when inputting it.
MATCH(1,($G2=$A$2:$A$5)*((FLOOR((COLUMN() - COLUMN($H$1) ) / 3,1) + 1)=$B$2:$B$5),0),
The first part is using the INDEX forumla which pulls data from the range suppled ($A$2:$E$5) based on the row and column numbers supplied by the following MATCH formulas.
The first MATCH is supplying the row number for when the result of the lookup array section is equal to 1. I am checking two conditions, the first is to check for the "Club" name ($G2=$A$2:$A$5) and the second is to check for which "Role" we are currently on ((FLOOR((COLUMN() - COLUMN($H$1) ) / 3,1) + 1). This is using the FLOOR function to round the result down to the whole number and dividing by the number of columns (3 in this case: Name, Lastname, and Email).
The final MATCH is pulling the column number based on the header names from both tables. If you wanted to incorporate the changing names of the roles in the column headers, you could change this part to something like this:
MATCH(1,($G2=$A$2:$A$5)*((FLOOR((COLUMN() - COLUMN($H$1) ) / 3,1) + 1)=$B$2:$B$5),0),
MOD(COLUMN() - COLUMN($H$1),3) + 3)}
I am adding 3 to the end of the mod because of the original range that was selected for table 1. The columns that we want to pull start at location 3 in the range.
If you want to do this in Oracle Sql, there's a nice approach in analytical sql.
To convert/swap rows to columns or columns to rows, we can use Pivot or Unpivot operators.
In you example use below query to covert data as you like,
select * from
with all_roles as
(select 1 role from dual union all
select 2 role from dual),
ddata as
(select 1 c_role, 'porto' club, 'peter' fname,'pan' lname,'peter.pan#mail.com' email from dual union all
select 2 c_role, 'porto' club, 'Michelle' fname, 'Obama' lname,'michelle.obama#mail.com' email from dual union all
select 1 c_role, 'monaco' club, 'Serena' fname, 'Williams' lname,'serena.williams#mail.com' email from dual union all
select 2 c_role, 'monaco' club, 'David' fname, 'Beckham' lname,'david.beckham#mail.com' email from dual )
(select role, club, fname,lname, email from ddata,all_roles
where all_roles.role=ddata.c_role)) all_data
pivot (
max(fname) fname,
max(lname) lname,
max(email) email
for role in ( 1 role1, 2 role2 )
order by club;

How to return unique rows having count() of multiple columns = 1 using group by?

So here is my situation:
| idnumber | name | sectiongroup |
| 123 | Joe | one |
| 123 | Barry | two |
| 1234 | Laura | one |
| 1234 | LauraCopyCat | one |
I am trying to build a query which will return any unique (i.e. - COUNT(idnumber) = 1) id numbers in a given sectiongroup. So if you are in sectiongroup number one and no one else in your sectiongroup has the same ID number as you, then I want your idnumber. If someone in group two happens to have the same idnumer, that is okay, I still want your idnumber.
For example, Barry and Joe have the same id number but they are in separate sectiongroups, so I want to return their idnubers. However, Laura and LauraCopyCat have the SAME sectiongroup, so I do NOT want their idnumbers to be returned. So far I have the following:
SELECT idnumber
FROM namestable
GROUP BY idnumber, sectiongroup
HAVING(COUNT(idnumber) = 1)
Is there a way to add sectiongroup into the COUNT()=1 condition?
Just use COUNT(*) to avoid confusion. This will count the number of records in the particular group. Remember, a group consists of the unique combinations of values in the fields specified in your GROUP BY statement.
SELECT idnumber
FROM namestable
GROUP BY idnumber, sectiongroup
Note that this will result in duplicate idnumbers, if you have records that share an id but have different subgroups. To remove duplicate, just change SELECT to SELECT DISTINCT.
Tested here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/b0a50c/3

Specify Which Column Comes First SQL

I am processing a large list of church members in order to send them a letter. We want the letter to say "Dear John & Jane Smith". We will use Word to do the mail merge from an Excel sheet. The important thing is the male name has to always come first.
Each individual has their own row in the table I am using. They have a unique ID as well as a family ID. I am using that family ID to put families together on the same row. Currently I have the male name and the female name separated using MAX(CASE WHEN) in order to specify what goes where. It looks something like this:
| family id | male name | female name | last name |
| 1234 | john | jane | doe |
| 1235 | bob | cindy | smith |
| 1236 | NULL | susan | jones |
| 1237 | jim | NULL | taylor |
But I run into a problem when the family only has one member.
Here's a part of the query I have:
fm.family_id AS 'Family ID',
MAX(CASE WHEN PB.gender like 'm' and FM.role_luid=29 THEN PB.nick_name END)
AS 'Male Name',
MAX(CASE WHEN PB.gender like 'f' and FM.role_luid=29 THEN PB.nick_name END)
AS 'Female Name',
PB.last_name AS 'Last Name',
FROM core_family F
I was thinking that I need to combine rows using STUFF or something like that, but I'd need some way of specifying which column comes first so that the male name always comes first. Essentially, as stated above, I need the letter to read "Dear John & Jane Smith" for families with two people and "Dear John Smith" for families with one person. So I am hoping my results might look like:
| family id | First name | last name |
| 1234 | john & jane | doe |
| 1235 | bob & cindy | smith |
| 1236 | susan | jones |
| 1237 | jim | taylor |
You can use your intermediate table (assuming you don't have 3 names for a family id).
From the table you indicated use:
, coalesce(male_name+' & '+female_name,male_name, female_name)
, last_name
from F;
Here is an example with your data
Basically if you concatenate using + in Sql Server you will get null. So if either male or female name is NULL, you get NULL. Coalesce will move on to the next value if it sees NULL. This way you either get a pair with '&' or a single name for each family.
I've created some test data. This technique works with the test data.
MaleName VARCHAR(20),
FemaleName VARCHAR(20),
LName VARCHAR(20))
VALUES (1234, 'John' ,'Jane' , 'Doe' ),
(1235, 'Bob' , 'Cindy' , 'Smith'),
(1236 , NULL , 'Susan' , 'Jones'),
(1237 , 'Jim' , NULL , 'Taylor')
Here is your query.
ISNULL(MaleName+' ','') +
ISNULL(FemaleName,'') AS FirstName,
FROM #Temp
You can use like this
fm.family_id AS 'Family ID',
MAX(CASE WHEN PB.gender like 'm' and FM.role_luid=29 THEN PB.nick_name END)
+ '&'+
MAX(CASE WHEN PB.gender like 'f' and FM.role_luid=29 THEN PB.nick_name END)
AS 'First Name',
PB.last_name AS 'Last Name',
FROM core_family F

Rows which do not exist in a table

I have a lists of names John, Rupert, Cassandra, Amy, and I want to get names which are not exists in table: Cassandra, Amy
How should I write such query?
My table:
| id | name | address | tele |
| 1 | Rupert | Somewhere | 022 |
| 2 | John | Doe | 029 |
| 3 | Donald | Armstrong | 021 |
| 4 | Bob | Gates | 022 |
Think in sets. You add names to a the result set with UNION ALL, you remove names from the result set with EXCEPT.
select 'John'
union all
select 'Rupert'
union all
select 'Cassandra'
union all
select 'Amy'
select name from mytable;
Build up a list of your names to check and do a left join to the users table:
with to_check (name) as (
('John'), ('Rupert'), ('Cassandra'), ('Amy')
select tc.name as missing_name
from to_check tc
left join the_table tt on tt.name = tc.name
where tt.name is null;
SQLFiddle example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/5c4f5/1
Hope your list is in form of table lets its be table b and your original table as a
now SQL query goes like it
Select name from a where name not in (select name from b);
Think this will give you solution as per my understanding. Also if further details are required please comment.
Also its more important to search for an answer as it look like its a question from a book/Class. Please try out to find solution could have got much more information like link below
How to write "not in ()" sql query using join