MRTG with RRDTool have nothings show up - gps

I was built NTP server with my raspi and then I use MRTG to monitor OFFSET and JITTER and It's work correctly.
I was just +1000 at the offset values before for Negative values can show up.
Now I want to change the graph that can plot the negative values, so I decided to use MRTG with RRDTool and follow the guide but it's doesn't work.
Here's my mrtg.cfg
WorkDir: /var/www/html/mrtg
LogFormat: rrdtool
Target[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: `ntpq -c rv ip | grep offset | sed s/.*$
MaxBytes[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: 100000
Title[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: Offset µs -- ntp2-gps
Options[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: gauge
Colours[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: DARKPURPLE#7608AA, Blue#0000FF, BLACK#000000, Purple#FF00FF
YLegend[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: Offset in microseconds (µs)
Legend1[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: Offset
Legend3[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: Peak Offset
LegendI[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: Offset:
ShortLegend[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: µs
PageTop[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: OFFSET MONITOR
routers.cgi*Options[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: fixunit nototal noo
routers.cgi*ShortDesc[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: Offset µs ntp2-gps
routers.cgi*Icon[ntp2-gps-offset-us]: graph-sm.gif
Target[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: `ntpq -c rv ip | grep sys_jitter | sed $
MaxBytes[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: 100000
Title[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: Jitter µs -- ntp2-gps
Options[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: gauge
Colours[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: TURQUOISE#00CCCC, Blue#0000FF, DARKTURQUOISE#377D77, Purple#FF00FF
YLegend[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: Jitter in microseconds (µs)
Legend1[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: Jitter
Legend3[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: Peak Jitter
LegendI[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: Jitter:
PageTop[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: <H1>JITTER MONITOR</H1>
ShortLegend[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: µs
routers.cgi*Options[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: fixunit nototal noo
routers.cgi*ShortDesc[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: Jitter µs ntp2-gps
routers.cgi*Icon[ntp2-gps-jitter-us]: link-sm.gif
Here's my result.enter image description here

When MRTG creates an RRD file, the max/min range for the DS is set to be from 0 to MaxBytes. Thus, in order to allow negative values (such as for offset) to be stored, you need to subsequently tune the RRD file to allow this. Unfortunately Tobi never added a MinBytes setting!
This will set the 'in' value on targetname.rrd to allow a minimum of -1000000
rrdtool tune targetname.rrd --minimum ds0:-1000000
Once you have done this, then it should be able to store negative values.


What is the best window size (in seconds) and hop size (in seconds) for a audio sample which has 3 second length?

I have some voice samples with 3s length size for an audio feature extraction project. First I select 0.5s window size and 0.2 hop size but I doubt how to select best window size and hop size for better results.
Unfortunately, these are hyper-parameters that need to be optimized on your data.
I often obtain decent results from a hop_length between 10 ms - 40 ms and a window length between 10 ms - 100 ms, depending on whether you want more frequency- or time- resolution.

How does the kernel scheduler maintain time quanta precision with timer interrupts?

From my reading there's a timer interrupt called by the hard ware that executes pretty often and transfers control back from a running process to the kernel/scheduler which is then able to determine if a running process has exceeded its time quanta and if so run another task.
This seems imprecise.
For example:
If a timer interrupt was every 1 unit
And the scheduler algorithm determined a cpu bound process time quanta to be 1.5 units, it would actually get 2 units of CPU time.
Or does the scheduler only give time quanta's to processes in units of interrupt timers?
Linux's scheduler (CFS) allocates time slices to threads by first defining a time period in which every thread will run once. This time period is computed by the sched_slice() function and depends on the number of threads on the CPU, and 2 variables that can be set from user space (sysctl_sched_latency and sysctl_sched_min_granularity):
If the number of threads is greater than sysctl_sched_latency / sysctl_sched_min_granularity; then the period will be nr_threads * sysctl_sched_min_granularity; else the period will be sysctl_sched_latency.
For example, on my laptop, I have the following values:
% cat /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns
% cat /proc/sys/kernel/sched_min_granularity_ns
Therefore, sysctl_sched_latency / sysctl_sched_min_granularity = 8. Now, if I have less than 8 threads on a CPU, then each will be allocated 18.000.000 nanoseconds (ie. 18 milliseconds); else, each will be allocated 2.250.000 ns (2.25 ms).
Now, with those values in mind, if we look at the tick frequency (defined at compile time of the kernel) with this command:
% zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_HZ
# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_250 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
So, on my laptop, I have 300 ticks per second, which means a tick every 3 ms. Which means that in my case, with more than 8 threads on a CPU, I will loose a little bit of precision in my time slices (a thread that should run 2.25 ms will run 3 ms), but I could fix it by recompiling my kernel with more frequent ticks.
However, it should be noted that this is actually not a problem because, as indicated by its name, CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) aims at being fair, which will be the case here.

I/O Disk Drive Calculations

So I am studying for an up and coming exam, one of the questions involves calculating various disk drive properties. I have spent a fair while researching sample questions and formula but because I'm a bit unsure on what I have come up with I was wondering could you possibly help confirm my formulas / answers?
Information Provided:
Rotation Speed = 6000 RPM
Surfaces = 6
Sector Size = 512 bytes
Sectors / Track = 500 (average)
Tracks / Surfaces = 1,000
Average Seek Time = 8ms
One Track Seek Time = 0.4 ms
Maximum Seek Time = 10ms
Calculate the following
(i) The capacity of the disk
(ii) The maximum transfer rate for a single track
(iii) Calculate the amount of cylinder skew needed (in sectors)
(iv) The Maximum transfer rate (in bytes) across cylinders (with cylinder skew)
My Answers:
(i) Sector Size x Sectors per Track x Tracks per Surface x No. of surfaces
512 x 500 x 1000 x 6 = 1,536,000,000 bytes
(ii) Sectors per Track x Sector Size x Rotation Speed per sec
500 x 512 x (6000/60) = 25,600,000 bytes per sec
(iii) (Track to Track seek time / Time for 1 Rotation) x Sectors per Track + 4
(0.4 / 0.1) x 500 + 4 = 24
(iv) Really unsure about this one to be honest, any tips or help would be much appreciated.
I fairly sure a similar question will appear on my paper so it really would be a great help if any of you guys could confirm my formulas and derived answers for this sample question. Also if anyone could provide a bit of help on that last question it would be great.
(iv) The Maximum transfer rate (in bytes) across cylinders (with cylinder skew)
500 s/t (1 rpm = 500 sectors) x 512 bytes/sector x 6 (reading across all 6 heads maximum)
1 rotation yields 1536000 bytes across 6 heads
you are doing 6000 rpm so that is 6000/60 or 100 rotations per second
so, 153,600,000 bytes per second (divide by 1 million is 153.6 megabytes per second)
takes 1/100th of a second or 10ms to read in a track
then you need a .4ms shift of the heads to then read the next track.
10.0/10.4 gives you a 96.2 percent effective read rate moving the heads perfectly.
you would be able to read at 96% of the 153.6 or 147.5 Mb/s optimally after the first seek.
where 1 Mb = 1,000,000 bytes

Calculate size in Hex Bytes

what is the proper way to calculate the size in hex bytes of a code segment. I am given:
IP = 0848 CS = 1488 DS = 1808 SS = 1C80 ES = 1F88
The practice exercise I am working on asks what is the size (in hex bytes) of the code segment and gives these choices:
A. 3800 B. 1488 C. 0830 D. 0380 E. none of the above
The correct answer is A. 3800, but I haven't a clue as to how to calculate this.
How to calculate the length:
Note CS. Find the segment register that's nearest to it, but greater.
Take the difference between the two, and multiply by 0x10 (read: tack on a 0).
In your example, DS is closest. 1808 - 1488 == 380. And 380 x 10 = 3800.
BTW, this only works on the 8086 and other, similarly boneheaded CPUs, and in real mode on x86. In protected mode on x86 (which is to say, unless you're writing a boot sector or a simple DOS program), the value of the segment register has very little to do with the size of the segment, and thus the stuff above simply doesn't apply.

VB FFT - stuck understanding relationship of results to frequency

Trying to understand an fft (Fast Fourier Transform) routine I'm using (stealing)(recycling)
Input is an array of 512 data points which are a sample waveform.
Test data is generated into this array. fft transforms this array into frequency domain.
Trying to understand relationship between freq, period, sample rate and position in fft array. I'll illustrate with examples:
Sample rate is 1000 samples/s.
Generate a set of samples at 10Hz.
Input array has peak values at arr(28), arr(128), arr(228) ...
period = 100 sample points
peak value in fft array is at index 6 (excluding a huge value at 0)
Sample rate is 8000 samples/s
Generate set of samples at 440Hz
Input array peak values include arr(7), arr(25), arr(43), arr(61) ...
period = 18 sample points
peak value in fft array is at index 29 (excluding a huge value at 0)
How do I relate the index of the peak in the fft array to frequency ?
If you ignore the imaginary part, the frequency distribution is linear across bins:
Frequency#i = (Sampling rate/2)*(i/Nbins).
So for your first example, assumming you had 256 bins, the largest bin corresponds to a frequency of 1000/2 * 6/256 = 11.7 Hz.
Since your input was 10Hz, I'd guess that bin 5 (9.7Hz) also had a big component.
To get better accuracy, you need to take more samples, to get smaller bins.
Your second example gives 8000/2*29/256 = 453Hz. Again, close, but you need more bins.
Your resolution here is only 4000/256 = 15.6Hz.
It would be helpful if you were to provide your sample dataset.
My guess would be that you have what are called sampling artifacts. The strong signal at DC ( frequency 0 ) suggests that this is the case.
You should always ensure that the average value in your input data is zero - find the average and subtract it from each sample point before invoking the fft is good practice.
Along the same lines, you have to be careful about the sampling window artifact. It is important that the first and last data point are close to zero because otherwise the "step" from outside to inside the sampling window has the effect of injecting a whole lot of energy at different frequencies.
The bottom line is that doing an fft analysis requires more care than simply recycling a fft routine found somewhere.
Here are the first 100 sample points of a 10Hz signal as described in the question, massaged to avoid sampling artifacts
> sinx[1:100]
[1] 0.000000e+00 6.279052e-02 1.253332e-01 1.873813e-01 2.486899e-01 3.090170e-01 3.681246e-01 4.257793e-01 4.817537e-01 5.358268e-01
[11] 5.877853e-01 6.374240e-01 6.845471e-01 7.289686e-01 7.705132e-01 8.090170e-01 8.443279e-01 8.763067e-01 9.048271e-01 9.297765e-01
[21] 9.510565e-01 9.685832e-01 9.822873e-01 9.921147e-01 9.980267e-01 1.000000e+00 9.980267e-01 9.921147e-01 9.822873e-01 9.685832e-01
[31] 9.510565e-01 9.297765e-01 9.048271e-01 8.763067e-01 8.443279e-01 8.090170e-01 7.705132e-01 7.289686e-01 6.845471e-01 6.374240e-01
[41] 5.877853e-01 5.358268e-01 4.817537e-01 4.257793e-01 3.681246e-01 3.090170e-01 2.486899e-01 1.873813e-01 1.253332e-01 6.279052e-02
[51] -2.542075e-15 -6.279052e-02 -1.253332e-01 -1.873813e-01 -2.486899e-01 -3.090170e-01 -3.681246e-01 -4.257793e-01 -4.817537e-01 -5.358268e-01
[61] -5.877853e-01 -6.374240e-01 -6.845471e-01 -7.289686e-01 -7.705132e-01 -8.090170e-01 -8.443279e-01 -8.763067e-01 -9.048271e-01 -9.297765e-01
[71] -9.510565e-01 -9.685832e-01 -9.822873e-01 -9.921147e-01 -9.980267e-01 -1.000000e+00 -9.980267e-01 -9.921147e-01 -9.822873e-01 -9.685832e-01
[81] -9.510565e-01 -9.297765e-01 -9.048271e-01 -8.763067e-01 -8.443279e-01 -8.090170e-01 -7.705132e-01 -7.289686e-01 -6.845471e-01 -6.374240e-01
[91] -5.877853e-01 -5.358268e-01 -4.817537e-01 -4.257793e-01 -3.681246e-01 -3.090170e-01 -2.486899e-01 -1.873813e-01 -1.253332e-01 -6.279052e-02
And here is the resulting absolute values of the fft frequency domain
[1] 7.160038e-13 1.008741e-01 2.080408e-01 3.291725e-01 4.753899e-01 6.653660e-01 9.352601e-01 1.368212e+00 2.211653e+00 4.691243e+00 5.001674e+02
[12] 5.293086e+00 2.742218e+00 1.891330e+00 1.462830e+00 1.203175e+00 1.028079e+00 9.014559e-01 8.052577e-01 7.294489e-01
I'm a little rusty too on math and signal processing but with the additional info I can give it a shot.
If you want to know the signal energy per bin you need the magnitude of the complex output. So just looking at the real output is not enough. Even when the input is only real numbers. For every bin the magnitude of the output is sqrt(real^2 + imag^2), just like pythagoras :-)
bins 0 to 449 are positive frequencies from 0 Hz to 500 Hz. bins 500 to 1000 are negative frequencies and should be the same as the positive for a real signal. If you process one buffer every second frequencies and array indices line up nicely. So the peak at index 6 corresponds with 6Hz so that's a bit strange. This might be because you're only looking at the real output data and the real and imaginary data combine to give an expected peak at index 10. The frequencies should map linearly to the bins.
The peaks at 0 indicates a DC offset.
It's been some time since I've done FFT's but here's what I remember
FFT usually takes complex numbers as input and output. So I'm not really sure how the real and imaginary part of the input and output map to the arrays.
I don't really understand what you're doing. In the first example you say you process sample buffers at 10Hz for a sample rate of 1000 Hz? So you should have 10 buffers per second with 100 samples each. I don't get how your input array can be at least 228 samples long.
Usually the first half of the output buffer are frequency bins from 0 frequency (=dc offset) to 1/2 sample rate. and the 2nd half are negative frequencies. if your input is only real data with 0 for the imaginary signal positive and negative frequencies are the same. The relationship of real/imaginary signal on the output contains phase information from your input signal.
The frequency for bin i is i * (samplerate / n), where n is the number of samples in the FFT's input window.
If you're handling audio, since pitch is proportional to log of frequency, the pitch resolution of the bins increases as the frequency does -- it's hard to resolve low frequency signals accurately. To do so you need to use larger FFT windows, which reduces time resolution. There is a tradeoff of frequency against time resolution for a given sample rate.
You mention a bin with a large value at 0 -- this is the bin with frequency 0, i.e. the DC component. If this is large, then presumably your values are generally positive. Bin n/2 (in your case 256) is the Nyquist frequency, half the sample rate, which is the highest frequency that can be resolved in the sampled signal at this rate.
If the signal is real, then bins n/2+1 to n-1 will contain the complex conjugates of bins n/2-1 to 1, respectively. The DC value only appears once.
The samples are, as others have said, equally spaced in the frequency domain (not logarithmic).
For example 1, you should get this:
alt text
For the other example you should get
alt text
So your answers both appear to be correct regarding the peak location.
What I'm not getting is the large DC component. Are you sure you are generating a sine wave as the input? Does the input go negative? For a sinewave, the DC should be close to zero provided you get enough cycles.
Another avenue is to craft a Goertzel's Algorithm of each note center frequency you are looking for.
Once you get one implementation of the algorithm working you can make it such that it takes parameters to set it's center frequency. With that you could easily run 88 of them or what ever you need in a collection and scan for the peak value.
The Goertzel Algorithm is basically a single bin FFT. Using this method you can place your bins logarithmically as musical notes naturally go.
Some pseudo code from Wikipedia:
s_prev = 0
s_prev2 = 0
coeff = 2*cos(2*PI*normalized_frequency);
for each sample, x[n],
s = x[n] + coeff*s_prev - s_prev2;
s_prev2 = s_prev;
s_prev = s;
power = s_prev2*s_prev2 + s_prev*s_prev - coeff*s_prev2*s_prev;
The two variables representing the previous two samples are maintained for the next iteration. This can be then used in a streaming application. I thinks perhaps the power calculation should be inside the loop as well. (However it is not depicted as such in the Wiki article.)
In the tone detection case there would be 88 different coeficients, 88 pairs of previous samples and would result in 88 power output samples indicating the relative level in that frequency bin.
WaveyDavey says that he's capturing sound from a mic, thru the audio hardware of his computer, BUT that his results are not zero-centered. This sounds like a problem with the hardware. It SHOULD BE zero-centered.
When the room is quiet, the stream of values coming from the sound API should be very close to 0 amplitude, with slight +- variations for ambient noise. If a vibratory sound is present in the room (e.g. a piano, a flute, a voice) the data stream should show a fundamentally sinusoidal-based wave that goes both positive and negative, and averages near zero. If this is not the case, the system has some funk going on!