Equivalent of Presto REPLACE function in Hive - hive

I have a condition currently in presto like below
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(UPPER(FIELDNAME),' ',''),'LLC',''),'INC',''),'INTERNATIONAL',''),'LTD',''),'.',''),',',''),'QMT','')
What will be the equivalent function in Hive that will serve the exact same prurpose? Will regexp_replace work for the above scenario?
Used regexp_replace in the above condition instead of replace, but it is throwing me the below error.
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10014]: Line 1:255 Wrong arguments ''('': No matching method for class org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFRegExpReplace with (string, string). Possible choices: _FUNC_(string, string, string) (state=42000,code=10014)
It would be greatful if someone can help on this. Thanks

That is true. regexp_replace is the command that you can use. You can give the list of substrings to be substituted as a list separated by '|' and you need to use '\' to give any special characters which might act as wildcards like - . or ? or * etc. Below is the sample usage.
SELECT regexp_replace(upper(fieldname),'LTD|QMT|INTERNATIONAL|ORG|INC|\\.|,| ','') from my_table;


Extract characters between a string and the first occurrence of something in BigQuery

I want to extract a set of characters between "u1=" and the first semi-colon using a regex. For instance, given the following string: id=1w54;name=nick;u1=blue;u2=male;u3=ohio;u5=
The desired regex output should be just blue.
I tested (?<=u1=)[^;]* on https://regex101.com and it works. However, when I run this in BigQuery, using regexp_extract(string, '(?<=u1=)[^;]*') , I get an error that reads "Cannot parse regular expression: invalid perl operator: (?<"
I'm confused why this isn't working in BQ. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use regexp_extract() like this:
regexp_extract(string, 'u1=([^;]+)')

Regexp_Extract BigQuery anything up to "|"

I'm fairly new to coding and I was wondering if you could give me a hand writing some regular expression for BigQuery SQL.
Basically I would like to extract everything before the bar sign "|" for one of my column.
Source string:
Desired output:
I thought about using the REGEXP_EXTRACT(string, delimiter) function but I'm totally unable to write some regex (LOL). Therefore I had a look over Stack, and have found stuff like:
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT( String_Name , "\S*\s*\|" ) ,
# or
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT( String_Name , '.+?(?=|)')
But every time I get error messages like " invalid perl operator: (?= " or "Illegal escape space"
Would you have any suggestions on why I get these messages and/or how could I proceed to extract these strings?
Many many thanks in advance <3
You can use SPLIT instead:
SELECT SPLIT("bla-BLABLA-cid=123456_sept1220_blabla--potato-Blah|someMore_string_stuff-IDontNeed", "|")[OFFSET(0)]
Prefix the pattern string with r:
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(String_Name, r'\S*\s*\|')
This is the syntax for a raw string constant. You can review what this means in the documentation.

REGEXP REPLACE with backslashes in Spark-SQL

I have a string containing \s\ keyword. Now, I want to replace it with NULL.
select string,REGEXP_REPLACE(string,'\\\s\\','') from test
But unable to replace with the above statement in spark sql
input: \s\help
output: help
want to use regexp_replace
To replace one \ in the actual string you need to use \\\\ (4 backslashes) in the pattern of the regexep_replace. Please do look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/4025508/9042433 to understand why 4 backslashes are needed to replace just one backslash
So, the required statement would become like below
select name, regexp_replace(name, '\\\\s\\\\', '') from test
Below screenshot has examples for better understanding

howto cut text from specific character in sqlite query

SQLITE Query question:
I have a query which returns string with the character '#' in it.
I would like to remove all characters after this specific character '#':
select field from mytable;
result :
So in my sample I would like to create a query which only returns :
I tried something with instr() to get the index, but instr() was not recognized as a function -> SQL Error: no such function: instr (probably old version of db . sqlite_version()-> 3.7.5).
Any hints howto achieve this ?
There are two approaches:
You can rtrim the string of all characters other than the # character.
This assumes, of course, that (a) there is only one # in the string; and (b) that you're dealing with simple strings (e.g. 7-bit ASCII) in which it is easy to list all the characters to be stripped.
You can use sqlite3_create_function to create your own rendition of INSTR. The specifics here will vary a bit upon how you're using

substring extraction in HQL

There's a URL field in my Hive DB that is of string type with this specific pattern:
and I would like to extract the two Cat "types" near the end of the string, with the result being something like:
Basically, I'd like to only extract - as one lowercase string - the Cat "types" which are always separated by '_ and _', preceded by '-', and followed by '.html'.
Is there a simple way to do this in HQL? I know HQL has limited functionality, otherwise I'd be using regexp or substring or something like that.
HQL does have a substr function as cited here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+UDF#LanguageManualUDF-StringFunctions
It returns the piece of a string starting at a value until the end (or for a particular length)
I'd also utilize the function locate to determine the location of the '-' and '_' in the URL.
As long as there are always three dashes and three underscores this should be pretty straight forward.
Might need case statements to determine number of dashes and underscores otherwise.
solution here...
LOWER(REGEXP_REPLACE(SUBSTRING(catString, LOCATE('-', catString, 19)+1), '(_to_)|(\.html)|_', ''))
Interestingly, the following did NOT work... JJFord3, any idea why?
LOWER(REGEXP_EXTRACT(SUBSTRING(FL.url, LOCATE('-', FL.url, 19)+1), '[^(_to_)|(\.html)|_]', 0))