How to get the specified string in a sentence - sql

I have a section as Note which contains the Patient Name and Patient Number I want to fetch Patient Name only. I tried using the CHARINDEX function but was able to fetch the Name along with the Phone written at the end. How can I try to remove the last 5 chars or optimize to fetch only the name from the column?
Patient Name: John Mathews Phone Number: 1234567890
Required Output: John Mathews
Currently, I am using the following SQL query to get the output as:
, CHARINDEX('Phone',Note) - CHARINDEX('Name', Note))
The output I have received is :
Output: John Mathews Phone
I want to remove the Phone part, I tried using various methods but was unable to find a proper solution for the same.
Can someone help me where should I make changes in the same function without using another substring to find the length and removing it from the end?

Based on your sample data and description, the patient name always begins at position 15. That makes this rather simple:
select substring(v.note, 15, charindex('Phone Number:', note) - 16)


Alteryx Designer - How to retrieve only first and last name from field excluding middle initials?

I need help in writing SQL code in Alteryx Designer.
My table employees contains a column Name with values shown below. However, I need the expected output as shown below.
Please help.
Smith, Mary K
Koch, J B
Batoon Rene, Anne S
Vaughan-tre Doctor, Maria S
Excepted output:
Smith, Mary
Koch, J
Batoon Rene, Anne
Vaughan-tre, Maria
The middle initials and “Doctor” word is removed.
Not sure why you need to use SQL if you have the data in Alteryx?
So, you need to remove the right hand 2 characters and the word 'Doctor' from each record?
You could use the Formula tool, though I suspect there are numerous other ways:
replace (TrimRight([Name],' '+right([Name],1)),'Doctor','')

SQL Server - grab part of string after a value sequence

I have a table called Note with a column named Notes.
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\fs20 called insurance company they are waiting to hear from the claimant's attorney
It has font info in the beginning which I don't need. I've created a new column name final_notes and would like to grab everything after the "fs" plus two characters. The final result would be
called insurance company they are waiting to hear from the claimant's attorney
We use PATINDEX to find the first occurrence of fs followed by two digits.
We null it out if we get a 0 i.e. we cannot find the string.
SUBSTRING(Note, NULLIF(PATINDEX('%fs[0-9][0-9]%', Note), 0) + 4, LEN(Note))

Using LIKE clause when formats are different

I was given a patient list with names and I am trying to match with a list already in our database and am having troubles given the format of the name field in the patient list. This list is taken from a web form so people can input names however they want so it does not match up well.
Is there a way to use a LIKE clause in an instance like this? All I really need is the LIKE clause to find the first name because I have joined on phone number and email address already. My issue is when households have the same phone number and email address (spouses for example) I just want to return the right person in the household.
Not sure if all you need is to get first name, here is the WIldCard expression to get first name
FROM yourTable
The assumption here seems to be that the webform (where user would manually) type in the name would be of the format <First Name> [<optional middle Name(s)>] <Last Name>, where as the data stored in the table are of the form <Last Name>,<First Name> [<optional middle Name(s)>]. Its not an exact science, but since other criteria (like email, phone etc) have been matched best case
select *
from webform w, patient p
-- extract just the last name and match that
'^' ||
'([^[:space:],][[:space:],])*([^[:space:],]+)', 1, 2))
and -- extract the first name and match it
',[[:space:]]*' ||
regexp_extract(, '(^[^[:space:],]+)'))
Since webform is free form user input, its hard to handle abbreviated middle name(s) and other variations so using the above will do first name and last name based matching which in addition to the matching you are already doing should help.

Oracle: LIKE where any part of one string matches any part of another string

I am using PL/SQL v7.1
I am trying to find all address records where the country name has been entered in one of the address line fields, and also the country field.
The problem is that the country details have not been entered consistently eg.
addr4 addr5 country
---------- ---------- ---------------
So, I need to find the records where ANY PART of the Country field is also found in either addr4 or addr5.
I started with this
FROM test_addresses
WHERE addr4||addr5 LIKE '%'||country||'%'
I know this doesn't work because it will, taking the 1st record as an example, check if 'UK(JERESEY)' is found in addr4||addr5 and ,so, no match will be found. But how do I make it check if 'JERSEY' is found in addr4||addr5
Try this way:
FROM test_addresses
WHERE (addr4 is not null and country like '%'||addr4||'%')
or (addr5 is not null and country like '%'||addr5||'%')
Sql Fiddle Demo
I don't know so much about plsql
but I think your query is backwards, try this.
FROM test_addresses
WHERE country LIKE '%'||addr4||'%'
or country LIKE '%'||addr5||'%'

How do you query only part of the data in the row of a column - Microsoft SQL Server

I have a column called NAME, I have 2000 rows in that column that are filled with people's full names, e.g. ANN SMITH. How do I do a query that will list all the people whose first name is ANN? There are about 20 different names whose first name is ANN but the surname is different.
I tried
and (NAME = 'ANN')
but it returned zero results.
I have to enter the FULL name and (NAME = 'ANN SMITH') ANN SMITH to even get a result .
I just want to list all the people with there first name as ANN
Try in your where clause:
Where Name like 'ANN %'
Should work mate.
ANN% will find all results where ANN is first then anything after.
%ANN% will find the 3 letters ANN in any part of that rows field.
Hope it helps
Also usually Name is separated into First names and second name columns.
this will save Having to use wild cards in your SQL and provide A bit more normalized data.
This should wildcard select anything that begins with 'ANN' followed by a space.