Custom block icon not appearing - piranha-cms

I am seemingly having an issue with my custom block's icon.
using Piranha.Extend;
using Piranha.Extend.Fields;
namespace NorthwindCms.Models.Blocks
[BlockType(Name = "YouTube Video", Category = "Media", Icon = "fa fa-video-camera")]
public class YoutubeBlock : Block
[Field(Title="YouTube video link URL: ")]
public StringField YouTubeVideoUrl { get; set; }
The custom block shows up, but without an icon: screenshot of custom block without icon appearing.
Does anyone have a tip?

So I've figured it out.
I had a look in Dev Tools and saw that Piranha uses the free licenses, so I checked what is available in those licenses and I managed to select the icons that I want.


Xamarin Studio, Is there a way to create code snippets as in Xcode

(Might not be the appropriate forum to ask, but..)
Is there a way to add a custom code snippet as in Xcode. In Xamarin, ToolBox section, I found the prebuilt code snippets. But if I had to add a new one, its asking for the Assembly.
In Xcode, its like we can select the code and drag onto the codesnippets pane to add it as one.
Any info regarding the same in Xamarin would be most helpful.
In Xamarin Studio open the settings menu:
Windows: Tools > Options
OS X: Xamarin Studio > Preferences
Navigate To Text Editor -> Code Templates
Here you can edit snippets that come with Xamarin studio as well as add new ones. For syntax I'd recommend just looking at one of the already present properties.
E.g. default property looks like this:
public $type$ $name$ {
You could change that to have a backing store:
private $type$ _$name$;
public $type$ $name$ {
get { return _$name$; }
set { _$name$ = value; }

Win 8.1 Metro Hub Navigation

In a Hub view App with subItems Pages, my question is when I navigate to a sub item detail Page and then use command navigate goback, the view always returns to pageroot hub section01.
How can I return the MainHub Page to the original calling section that went to the sub page in the first place?
My research has been fruitless. I don't think snaps are my answer but hey any advice is appreciated.
I apologize if this is a very simple question but...
Ok. Thanks for the answers. After looking at this problem for three days I have found a solution but not quite an answer.
this.NavigationCacheMode = Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
By enabling Navigation Caching the page will return to it's sender position. However I still desire to return to the Hub root page to a specific section. If anyone still has info on how to achieve this I would be grateful.
Seasons Greetings.
Well the newbie here has also discovered the MyHub.ScrollToSection(MyHub.Sections[0]);
This allows you to navigate directly to a section thereby bringing it into the current view.
I'm trying to find an answer to the same question. This is what I've found so far. I welcome any better solutions.
Option 1
Enable caching for the page. Note that this must be set in the page constructor or XAML. This will increase memory usage but will improve performance of your app when you navigate back to a cached page.
this.NavigationCacheMode = Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
More information here:
Option 2
Manually save a controls state between page navigations. The example below is using the NavigationHelper class which is added to a new Windows Store project by default.
private void OnNavigationHelperSaveState(obj sender, SaveStateEventArgs e)
e.PageState["SelectedSection"] = this.MainHub.SectionsInView;
private void OnNavigationHelperLoadState(obj sender, LoadStateEventArgs e)
if (e.PageState != null)
var sections = e.PageState["SelectedSection"] as IList<HubSection>;
if (sections != null && sections.Any())
More information here:
you could get the Hub's descendant scrollviewer and register to scrollchanged events, store the scrollOffsets and restore them as soon as the user navigates back to the page by applying the values to the hub's scrollviewer.
I guess you would have to register to the hub's loaded event to get the descending scrollviewer (you can use an Extension method from WinRt XAML Toolkit that allows you to get the descendants by Type (e.g. Scrollviewer)
you can delete un back stack with this :
Have you tried what i suggested?
Unforunately Hub can't be extended to do this and access it's Scrollviewer so you have to do this with an attached Property or plainly in your page.cs .
First you register an handler for the Loaded event of your hub. In the handler you get the descending scrollviewer (with the help of WINRT XAML Toolkit maybe) and register for it's ViewChanged Event.
You store the paremeters you like somewhere they don't get deleted on page navigation and restore and attach them to the scrollviewer on backwards-navigation.
I can give you example code in the afternoon.
It's not a ridiculous request. Try this:
public static class Concurrency
public static HubSection GotoSection { get; set; }
public class MainPage : Page
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (Concurrency.GotoSection != null)
Concurrency.GotoSection = null;
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
Concurrency.GotoSection = MainHub.SectionsInView.First();
The reason this.NavigationCacheMode = Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.NavigationCacheMode.Enabled; may not be the correct solution is because you might want your hub to be refreshed. If the detail page resulted in an edit (or especially a delete) a back navigation would show stale data, and subject your app to un unexpected state if the user interacts with dead data.
Best of luck!
Enable cache mode on your page at initialization
public MainHubPage()
. .......
this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
You need to add Loaded method to Page constructor.
MainHub.Loaded += async (s, e) => await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
//here you can scroll

Change JavaFX TabPane background

I'm developing an application in javaFx and I'm using TabPane to organise content. My problem is that when I put a node as the content of a tab, and then set the background of that same node, the background color gets kind of blurry, as you can see in the image, the background color was defined in a css file.
If anyone knows how to resolve this, would really appreciate the help.
I think you are a victim of this issue:
JavaFX Image (PNG) transparency crispness being lost when rendering
It will likely be fixed in a forthcoming (i.e. Java 8) release.
For now, you may be able to use the work-around documented in the linked question's answer.
To do this, place your image in a CenteredRegion and use that as the first element of a StackPane placed in your tab. Then layer the rest of the tab content over the image by adding the content to the StackPane. It's a bit awkward and there may be a more straight-forward solution for your particular case.
class CenteredRegion extends Region {
private Node content;
CenteredRegion(Node content) {
this.content = content;
#Override protected void layoutChildren() {
Math.round(getWidth() / 2 - content.prefWidth(USE_PREF_SIZE) / 2),
Math.round(getHeight() / 2 - content.prefHeight(USE_PREF_SIZE) / 2)
public Node getContent() {
return content;

Windows 8 Tile does not update

The following code worked when I followed the tutorial using a new project:
However, I am unable to get the application's tile to update when I plug-in the same code to my real project.
I have rebuilt the package.
I have uninstalled and redeployed the app.
I have updated the wide logo image file.
I have verified that the same code works when creating a new project.
I have verified the app manifest as suggested by the linked tutorial.
How does this work fine in one solution but not the other?
public MainPage()
SendTileTextNotification("Why isn't this working!");
void ClearTileNotification()
// the same TileUpdateManager can be used to clear the tile since
// tile notifications are being sent to the application's default tile
void SendTileTextNotification(string text)
// Get a filled in version of the template by using getTemplateContent
var tileXml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileWideText03);
// You will need to look at the template documentation to know how many text fields a particular template has
// get the text attributes for this template and fill them in
var tileAttributes = tileXml.GetElementsByTagName("text");
// create the notification from the XML
var tileNotification = new TileNotification(tileXml);
// send the notification to the app's default tile

How to submit a form in Geb (WebDriver) that has no submit button

I'm building up a test in Geb (WebDriver) that has the need to work with a form that has no submit button. From the user's perspective, it is as simple to use as typing in the search term and hitting the enter key on their keyboard.
Using Geb in a purely script form I can get around this by appending the special key code to the text being typed in, as seen in the following:
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys
$('input[id=myInputField]') << "michael"+Keys.ENTER
That works fine. But if I want to use Geb's recommended Page Object pattern (, I don't see what I should do. What do I define in the content section of my EmployeeSearchPage object to duplicate the missing searchButton and its "to" object reference that tells Geb how to handle the resulting page?
class EmployeeSearchPage extends Page {
static url = "http://localhost:8888/directory/"
static at = { title == "Employee Directory" }
static content = {
searchField { $("input[id=myInputField]") }
searchButton(to: EmployeeListPage) { $("input[value='SUBMIT']") }
I realize that I could add a submit button to the form that I could for the test and use CSS to position it out of the user's view, but why should I have to adapt the app to the test? Things should work the other way around.
I've been evaluating a lot of web testing frameworks and find that this type of form presents a problem for many of them - at least as far as their documentation is concerned.
Any ideas? Thanks!
You don't need to use js integration to achieve what you want.
You can also define methods on your page class, not only content. You could implement a submit method that would do what you are looking for in the following way:
class EmployeeSearchPage extends Page {
static url = "http://localhost:8888/directory/"
static at = { title == "Employee Directory" }
static content = {
searchField { $("input[id=myInputField]")
void submitForm() {
searchField << Keys.ENTER EmployeeSearchResultsPage
and then to use it:
to EmployeeSearchPage
searchField << 'michael' // searchField = 'michael' would have the same effect
Geb provides support to execute JavaScript in the context of the browser, details can be found here in the Geb documentation.
You could use this to submit the form exactly like you would submit it using JavaScript in the webapp itself. For example, if you are using jQuery it would be as simple as: