Is there any way to set SVN path read permissions on Scm-Manager - authorization

I had been using VisualSvn Server for a long time. I was able to set user access read/write permissions for each folder of the repo with VSS.
I couldn't find a way to do that on SCM-Manager. There is a Path Write Protection plugin, but I think it is just for write permissions. I want users to be able to reach or not specific paths on the repo.
Is there a way to do that with SCM-Manager.

No, sorry, there is no such option and we do not plan this for the future. We suggest using svn:externals for this.


Set Permissions to Test Plans only

I'm currently searching for a way to grant specific users permissions to only use and manage the features listed ind the Test Plans tab in azure devops. So users in this group/team should not be able to see releases, builds, code and all the other stuff in the current project.
Is there a Way to achieve this?
There is no default way to disable services of Repos, Pipeline, etc. You need to set the permission for each resource by referring to the following link:
For example, make users not see the repo, you can deny the "Read" permission for the repo:

OpenCMIS + Alfresco make file read-only

I'm developing an Alfresco client which uses the OpenCMIS (Apache Chemistry) to upload files into Alfresco. I would like to know if there is a way to make a single file read-only for everyone.
In theory, you'll need to use CMIS to alter the Access Controls on the node to change the permissions.
From what you've described, I think your node will have "Inherit Permissions" turned on. This means that you can grant additional permissions with CMIS, via the Access Controls functionality, but you can't remove any permissions that come from the parent. This Alfresco forum thread has more on it. Currently, I believe you'll need to use a tiny bit of Alfresco code (rule JS, Java, WebScript etc) to turn off the "Inherit Permissions" on your node. You can then use CMIS to grant people read access to it, without write (Consumer)
At the moment you can't disable inherited permissions.
So what Can you do?
Get ALL the ACL's of the object you just uploaded/submitted to Alfresco. Set these to Read.
Create a rule/behaviour in the folder-tree where you save documents and disable the inherit permissions.

Where to find logs for SVN and access them without root permission?

Seems like the current svn repo is locked. When I do svn up svn just stays there as if its hanged or something and no option from there except to kill it. Would help looking at the logs to see what's going on.
So where does SVN store it's logs and how to find where their location is configured?
Update 1: Found from the answer to a similar question that the logs are at /var/log/httpd but only root has access to that folder.
Is there an alternative to update the location of logs to go to a more accessible location?
If I have permission to use svn should hopefully have access to svn logs or atleast via .htaccess redirect for my folder to somewhere else.
I think you may find it at /var/log/httpd
Is there an alternative to update the location of logs to go to a more
accessible location?
No I dont think you can do that. You can perhaps create a seperate log file.
Check this:-
By activating an “operational logging” feature, you can ask
mod_dav_svn to create a separate log file describing what sort of
high-level operations your clients are performing.

should apache upload dir have 777 permissions or belong to www-data user?

I'm running apache and my php site uploads images to the server. should apache upload dir have 777 permissions or belong to www-data user? How would this affect backing things up?
I think read + write permission is enough. read for backup, write for upload. It seems that no one ever need to execute anything.
And you should only grant permissions to who really need them. For example, grant write permission to www-data. And if you use another-user to do back up, only grant read permission to another-user.
You'd better avoid using 777
That depends on what you need from it. You should always use the most restrictive permissions that will let you do what you need.
Read the man page for chmod(1) to learn what the various permission bits mean. And maybe provide some more detail about your situation, so someone can provide a specific answer for you.
First and foremost the apache server needs to run as a non-privileged user. Second the upload directory should only need 600 as the permission (rw) iirc. This will allow the user that is running apache to write to that directory. The practical attack against a web server is to trick it into writing to a directory and having it execute the code that is placed there.

Is is possible to do this with Subversion/SVN?

I'm using subversion to develop a website with a designer and I'm using a remote server to the Subversion database storage.
Now I need to make visible on the Apache(same machine that Subversion server) all the changes/commits that we make to the repository.
This is possible to do?
I have searched inside the repository files but nothing looks like the name of the files of the project(PHP Project).
Can someone give me a clue on how can I make visible the changes to the repository in a website? Is there a way to connect the changes that I do the the repository to the website?
Best Regards,
Assuming you can already browse the repository using HTTP, simply add something like Repos Style for a nice layout and folder/file history features.
You could shell out to svnadmin.