Is is possible to do this with Subversion/SVN? - apache

I'm using subversion to develop a website with a designer and I'm using a remote server to the Subversion database storage.
Now I need to make visible on the Apache(same machine that Subversion server) all the changes/commits that we make to the repository.
This is possible to do?
I have searched inside the repository files but nothing looks like the name of the files of the project(PHP Project).
Can someone give me a clue on how can I make visible the changes to the repository in a website? Is there a way to connect the changes that I do the the repository to the website?
Best Regards,

Assuming you can already browse the repository using HTTP, simply add something like Repos Style for a nice layout and folder/file history features.

You could shell out to svnadmin.


Can I change gerrit authentication type from openid to ldap?

We in our team are planning to use gerrit. So, to get introduced, I did set up a server, used open-id for authentication and created some test-users and test-projects in it.
Now we are ready to use it. But we actually prefer LDAP for real use.
So, can I change my authentication system from open-id from LDAP? What will happen to current users then?
I want to clear test projects and changes. How can I do them?
Can I complete delete existing gerrit setup and initiate a fresh setup in same machine? (I tried extracting the jar in different folder, but I faced some problems in it)
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 as my server.
Please help.
Delete the database (you're not using the H2 database anymore, but some MySQL or PostgreSQL server, don't you?) plus the directory where Gerrit is running (the -d parameter, see docs). Additionally, remove the git repos, if you configured them to be located on a different path.
Then all your data is gone and you can start from scratch.

Open local repository to others as a remote one

Is there any simple way,which is provided by maven itself, to open my local repo as a remote one for other users?(How cool it would be;) )
Or should I install an ftp server or apache to do it?
This is not straightforward. What you are looking to do is to set up a mirror of the repositories to be used by other users. You will be better of setting up one of the repository managers to do this.

Make Maven Proxy/Server settings configurable based on location?

So I'm not sure what the best way to accomplish this is, but basically I have a laptop that I use at work for Maven projects. It works fine when I'm at work, but as soon as I walk out of the door of their corporate proxy and maven server, I often have to do alot of hand-fudging of the settings.xml file when I'm at home if I'm not VPN'ed in:
We have a corporate-installed Maven Repository proxy server to store some of our own artifacts and handle being the middle-man for our commonly used artifacts.
We have an http proxy that we use for connecting to the outside world.
Both configurations have been handled by my settings.xml file for setting a single Nexus group and maven proxies. If I'm not connected to the VPN while away from the office, I have to muck around with the settings.xml each time I'm not on it, then switch it back when I am on it.
What solutions have anyone else found to handle this? I've been trying profiles to manage the proxy, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly, and it's starting to look pretty ugly. Are there some settings configurations that can detect when I'm not behind the proxy at work and not use the corporate proxy server or Maven server?
While I can think of some profile based solution to handle the proxy (basically, reading the <active> value from a property defined in a profile), this wouldn't be fully automated (the profile activation do not support network based stuff) unless you can find a file that is present or not depending on your location (in which case, you could use an existing/missing file trigger but this is kinda hacky). Anyway, this would solve only one part of the problem because mirrors can't be declared in profiles (see MNG-3525).
So, instead of trying to control this with a profile, my suggestion would be to use two settings.xml and to pass your settings-home.xml file with the -s command line option when you're at home.
Another option would be to automate the changes in your settings.xml with a script (Groovy would be a good choice as someone reported in MNG-3525).
I found a use environment variables to set nonProxyHosts together with proxy and noproxy shell aliases to be the most convenient solution when switching between networks with proxy and without it.
In settings.xml, configure proxy with
Then in ~/.profile set
alias proxy="export MAVEN_NONPROXY=\"$MAVEN_NONPROXY_PROXY\" && export all_proxy="
alias noproxy="export MAVEN_NONPROXY=\"$MAVEN_NONPROXY_NOPROXY\" && unset all_proxy"
To do the switch when roaming, you would just execute from a shell:
[me#linuxbox me]$ proxy
[me#linuxbox me]$ noproxy
Obviously, both aliases proxy and noproxy can include much more changes than just setup of MAVEN_NOPROXY and all_proxy.
I was frustrated by the same problem: having to manually edit settings.xml when roaming between networks. So much in fact, that I wrote a Maven plugin that enables automatic discovery of proxy settings. The current implementation uses the proxy-vole library written by Bernd Rosstauscher to detect proxy settings based on OS configuration, browser, and environment settings.
I've just released the source code of the plugin on Github, under an Apache 2.0 license:
You're welcome to give it a try and to see if it meets your needs. Any feedback or contributions are welcome!
(Note: you don't necessarily have to add the plugin to your project's POM. You can invoke it from the command line as well, after you've installed it. See the README on the site for more details.)
You can set MAVEN_OPTS when you need to activate a proxy:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=my-proxy-server -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=* -Dhttps.proxyHost=my-proxy-server -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.nonProxyHosts=*"

Using Bazaar to handle Website Versioning

I imagine this is a pretty basic question but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere.
I develop websites. In the past I've handled all the live files manually and it stinks, of course. I've been hoping Bazaar could add some power and organization to the way we work.
Right now, I work with a local server on my laptop and want to gracefully push data onto the live server. Currently, I'm doing the following:
Local machine:
bzr push sftp://user#server/path/to/project/BZR/live
On server:
rm -r /path/to/project/live
bzr branch /path/to/project/BZR/live
Is there anyway to get the Local files live from the push?
Otherwise, is a branch to the live path correct?
Is there anyway to get Bazaar to just update changed files in the live path so that I don't have to delete /live each time?
Right now I have to manually edit .htaccess with each upload. If I didn't have to delete /live, I imagine I could tell bzr to ignore it and all would take care of itself.
Thanks for your help!
Check bzr-upload plugin, and also push-and-update plugin.

Should I use an FTP server as a maven host?

I would like to host a Maven repository for a framework we're working on and its dependencies. Can I just deploy my artifacts to my FTP host using mvn deploy, or should I manually deploy and/or setup some things before being able to deploy artifacts? I only have FTP access to server I want to host the Maven repo on.
The online repository I want to use is not hosted by myself. As I say, I only have FTP access, so if possible, I would like to use that FTP space as a Maven repository. The tools mentioned seem to work when you have full control over the host machine, or at least more than just FTP access since you need to configure the local directories where the repositories will be placed. Is this possible?
You might want to have a look at Nexus, a Maven repository manager. We've replaced our local Maven repository with a Nexus-based one and find it tremendously useful.
I've successfully used Archiva as my repository for several years ... see It's easy to administer and allows you to configure as many repositories as you need (SNAPSHOT, internal, external, etc).
According to the book "Better Builds with Maven", the most common type of repository is HTTP, this paragraph describes what I think you need:
This chapter will assume the repositories are running from http://localhost:8081/ and that artifacts are deployed to the repositories using the file system. However, it is possible to use a repository on another server with any combination of supported protocols including http, ftp, scp, sftp and more. For more information, refer to Chapter 3.
A Maven 2 repository is simply a specific directory structure, so once you get the transport and server specifications right for the repository and deployment portion of your POMs, it should be completely transparent to your users.
You can even use Dropbox. All that you need is a public address to access the files generated with mvn deploy, with any of the protocols in the accepted answer.
I guess there are more services that can work in the same way, but I'm not certain about the URL schemes that alternatives to Dropbox may use. will tell you that you can use ftp to read from an existing repository, but not to create a new one. I don't think that it is impossible in principle, but no one has cared to write all the fiddly code to do the directory management via ftp.