BDD and API testing [closed] - testing

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi I know that BDD with selenium can be used to test user interfaces.
I also know that APIs could be tested using Gherkin.
My question is, should APIs be tested using Gherkin? Is it the right tool for the job?

BDD aims to create a shared understanding of how an application should behave by discovering new features based on concrete examples. Key examples are then formalized with natural language following a Given/When/Then structure
For that you use Gherkin. On which layer you then automate is another decision.
This can be the UI layer, or some API service layer below.
So yes, Gherkin is the right tool for the job.


What is method API Testing? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My question maybe silly, but anyone can help me ? I have a question, i read in the internet: "API testing won't concentrate on the look and feel of an application.". It is the black box testing methods, so i need to use the white box testing methods or associate 2 method ?
That phrase means that when you test API you only deal with the data that is returned from the server (unlike UI testing when it also matters how the output is rendered). When you test API you can apply black-box testing techniques sine you know what the input should be and what output you expect.
White-box testing is the technique which is to be rather applied by developers who develope the API functionality.

Java or python which is better to do Automation using Selenium [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Java or python which is better to do Automation using Selenium. since I don't have an idea about python, so please suggest me if python is better than Java for automation.
The Answer is not only opinion based but also situation based. Java and Python both have its pros and cons (I will mention a few pros for both the variants) :
Java (pros) :
Plenty of documentation and tutorials available online.
Enables you to integrate a wide range of tools. E.g. TestNG , Maven , Jenkins , Cucumber , etc
Widely accepted by customers.
Python (pros) :
Unmatched where Data Extraction and Data Science is the major aim.
Syntax is not so strict.
Slowly and gradually gaining popularity and market share.

How to start writing test framework for the web application using the selenium web driver and testNG? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Please provide some guidelines to start wiring the framework and provide suggestion about the architecture of the framework.
I am building my own framework so need help on the folder structure and the class structure guidelines
Use Page object Model if you are building an automation framework. It's make your script maintainable and flexible
Refer it:-
Hope it will help you :)

Testing a web application? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are the test cases that can be used to test a web application?
test links
bench marking
any other suggestions?
The functions of the web application should be identified based on the specification and/or requirements ( You can write test cases based on this function list. But there are a lot of ways to improve your tests... If you want to use a more sophisticated method, you can read about ISTQB, test planning and test desing.
For webapp testing we use Selenium ( and JUnit (

Can BPMN 2.0 replace BPEL? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wonder if BPMN 2.0 can be used instead of BPEL. I know that it is primarly modeling standard, but BPMN 2.0 can also be executable. What is it mean and how can be used instead of BPEL? Can I use it for calling Web Services or can be the process even called as a service? Or in which meaning is executable? Thaks.
For me BPMN 2.0 do not replace BPEL, they are two differents langage.
But the fact is that in several cases you can use both because BPEL can be translated by using a certain subset of BPMN2.0 or a certain part of BPMN2.0 concepts corerspond to BPEL.
BPMN2.0 and BPEL engines are available in the market but of course the feature are not the same between each of them.