CMake: How to make dependence on package optional? - cmake

I would like MPI to be optional for using my code.
I currently have a Cmake project that includes MPI as follows in the CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
My some of my .cpp and .h files have the following:
#define MPI_available true
On a system where MPI is not available, one can remove the first statement and change the second statement into #define MPI_available false. Then the code is structured such that it doesn't attempt to include ``mpi.h''. However, I would prefer CMAKE to detect the presence/absence of MPI, and set the MPI_available flag for compiling the source files accordingly.
I believe setting
find_package(MPI QUIET)
will ensure that cmake does not choke when it cannot find MPI. Is this the preferred way of getting where I want to be? If so, how to link this to the flag? If not, what should I do to make MPI optional when cmake-> making the code.

Call to find_package(someLib) sets a variable someLib_FOUND. You can use it to check whether the someLib is available, then you can set a compile definitions. Something like:
target_compile_definitions(yourTarget PUBLIC MPI_available=0)

Calling cmake's default FindMPI.cmake module through find_package(MPI) already ensures that cmake will define the variable MPI_FOUND to reflect whether mpi was found or not.
Afterwards, you can use MPI_FOUND to achieve your goal. For example, you can generate your project's config.h with calls to cmake's config_file to define macros such as MPI_available, and update your code accordingly.


CMake compiler independent flags

Are there any compiler independent flags that can be set? I'd like to be able to set single variable to e.g. OPTIMIZE_MOST and get -O3 on gcc and /O2 in MS C++ compiler. Is there something I can use or should flags be set for each compiler separately?
Simply spoken: No, there is no flag to directly set the optimization level independently for every compiler.
However, CMake provides so called build types. Those are independent of the compiler in use and each comes with a predefined selection of flags, one of which is the optimization flag.
Available build types are
For a comprehensive explanation, I refer to this answer. It also provides some code that helps to identify the flags in question when included into the CMakeLists.txt file:
To a degree. For some concepts, CMake has support for specifying them in a compiler-agnostic manner, usually by setting properties on the target in question. Unfortunately, there is no one location where all such possibilities would be listed. I went through the current list of target properties and identified the following properties as "absrtacting away build-tool option syntax":
(plus the properties for setting output name, path, etc.)
There is apparently nothing for handling optimisation flags other than IPO.
To the best of my knowledge, there is also no generic process for adding these — they are added to CMake as someone finds the need for them (and the time to implement them).

CMake generator expression dependent on source property

I'm trying to add a compiler flag to all source files that don't have a specific property set.
The first use case is adding -Wshadow -Wuseless-cast to the command line for all non-GENERATED files, later on I'd like to add custom properties for other compiler flags.
I'd like to avoid the "trick" of countermanding default compile flags with per-source flags, because that requires subdirectory CMakeLists.txt to be aware of different options, the need to override them and the proper way to extend a list of flags with
which IMO is a lot of boilerplate that needs to be duplicated often.
The documentation for generator expressions is awfully silent on checking source properties. Can this be done at all?

Is there an include once command for cmake files?

Does anyone know a simple way to apply the "include once" pattern in CMake files? In C/C++ it used to require a #ifdef / #endif pair in the beginning and end of the header file until #pragma once became common. Of course, it's possible to do the same in CMake, but I thought it'd be nice if it didn't require an explicit conditional statement.
Re-edition: It seems that the return() command should do it. And I'd define a macro like this:
Use the macro in the beginning of your file, without any arguments. Because it's a macro, the return is from the include command for the file, not from the macro itself.
Notice that the created variable has an odd name, but CMake seems to accept this.
I used to use the logic that others have suggested as the solution. Then I learned that cmake has this functionality built in.
Take a look at the include_guard() command. I believe this will do what you want.
New in version 3.10.
Provides an include guard for the file currently being processed by CMake.
Sets up an include guard for the current CMake file (see the CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE variable documentation).
CMake will end its processing of the current file at the location of the include_guard() command if the current file has already been processed for the applicable scope (see below). This provides functionality similar to the include guards commonly used in source headers or to the #pragma once directive. If the current file has been processed previously for the applicable scope, the effect is as though return() had been called. Do not call this command from inside a function being defined within the current file.
An optional argument specifying the scope of the guard may be provided. Possible values for the option are:
The include guard applies within the current directory and below. The file will only be included once within this directory scope, but may be included again by other files outside of this directory (i.e. a parent directory or another directory not pulled in by add_subdirectory() or include() from the current file or its children).
The include guard applies globally to the whole build. The current file will only be included once regardless of the scope.
If no arguments given, include_guard has the same scope as a variable, meaning that the include guard effect is isolated by the most recent function scope or current directory if no inner function scopes exist. In this case the command behavior is the same as:
The simplest guard pattern against multiple module's inclusion would be
E.g., if your CMake module defines a function foo_func, you may use this guard:
if(COMMAND foo_func)
Do you actually need a guard?
Depended on things, defined in the module, the module may require protection agains multiple inclusion or not.
In many simple cases a guard is not needed: the module's code will work even when included multiple times.
But in some other cases, wrong protection may break the usage of the proptected module.
A module defines a function or a macro: guard is not needed.
CMake allows to define the functions and macros many times.
A module defines a constant variable: guard is not needed.
Like with function, CMake allows to define the variable many times.
But if you use guard in that case, it should check variable, not a function:
This is because functions have global visibility, but variables have local visibility. That is, if you module will be included into other subtree, the function will be already visible in that subtree, but the variable is not.
A module defines a global variable via set(CACHE): guard is needed only if variable is defined as set(CACHE INTERNAL).
Variables defined via, e.g., set(CACHE STRING) or find_library don't require guards.
A module defines global property: guard is needed.
Note, that if your module uses simple (not CACHE) variable as global, it cannot work in multiple subtrees, so guard should be
message(SEND_ERROR "Module <...> cannot be included twice")

How to tell whether a given target is a library or executable?

The built-in function install(TARGETS ...) installs library targets to another location than executable targets. I want to do something similar. Given a list of target names, I want to add all library targets among them to a list variable and all runtime targets to another variable.
I couldn't found a list of CMake's default target properties, but I guess add_library() and add_executable() add a property that can be used for this kind of distinction.
How to tell whether a given target is a library or executable (or even something else)?
According to documentation, TYPE property can be used for distinguish standard CMake target types:
It will be one of STATIC_LIBRARY, MODULE_LIBRARY, SHARED_LIBRARY, EXECUTABLE or one of the internal target types.
get_target_property(target_type <target> TYPE)
if (target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
# Process executable target
endif ()

Is there a LINK_DIRECTORIES or equivalent property in CMake?

I have created a project with a large number of link_directories() commands. I'd now like to store the resulting string of directories into a variable. For include_directories() this is easy using
however there seems to be no LINK_DIRECTORIES property to do
Is there a way to get a list of link directories used for a target?
(Note: I realize I could manually track the link directories in a variable myself and then use a single link_directories() but it doesn't seem very clean)
Take a look at the LINK_DIRECTORIES directory property.
The point is that link_directories operates on a per-directory basis (the command affects all targets defined in the same CMakeLists, as well as targets from all of its subdirectories), unlike, for instance, target_include_directories which works on a per-target basis.
You can query the value of the property with:
if called from the same directory as the link_directories call. Otherwise, you need to give the (full or relative) path as an additional argument after DIRECTORY. Unfortunately, I know of no way to obtain the matching directory for an existing target.
Note that in general the use of link_directories is discouraged in CMake, which is probably the main reason why it's not supported very well. Unless you have very good reasons not to, you should always stick with full library paths passed to target_link_libraries. It will save you lots of headaches in the long run.