How to tell whether a given target is a library or executable? - cmake

The built-in function install(TARGETS ...) installs library targets to another location than executable targets. I want to do something similar. Given a list of target names, I want to add all library targets among them to a list variable and all runtime targets to another variable.
I couldn't found a list of CMake's default target properties, but I guess add_library() and add_executable() add a property that can be used for this kind of distinction.
How to tell whether a given target is a library or executable (or even something else)?

According to documentation, TYPE property can be used for distinguish standard CMake target types:
It will be one of STATIC_LIBRARY, MODULE_LIBRARY, SHARED_LIBRARY, EXECUTABLE or one of the internal target types.
get_target_property(target_type <target> TYPE)
if (target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
# Process executable target
endif ()


How to link a shared library without having to export its internal targets

The following repro cmake project fail to configure. The goal is to create a shared library that internally consists of a couple of static libraries. I want the internal symbols and include paths etc to be exported from the shared library. To do that I make the internal libs PUBLIC link libraries. But then cmake tells me I need to export my target. I don't want to "pollute" my package config with a bunch of internal targets. Is there no way to "merge" internal targets (static libs) into the public exported target (shared lib) or hide it in the config targets file?
The SystemC::systemc imported target does not show up in my target file and it also don't generate any error. I assume that is because this target is already exported in its own package? If so, would that mean I need to make my internal libs packages and so imported targets to make them go away from my exported targets list?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(SystemCLanguage 2.3.3 CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_library(mysublib STATIC mysublib.cpp)
add_library(mylib SHARED mylib.cpp)
PUBLIC SystemC::systemc
PUBLIC mysublib
FILE MyLibTargets.cmake
Error generated at configure
CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:
export called with target "mylib" which requires target "mysublib" that is
not in any export set.
The goal is to create a shared library that internally consists of a couple of static libraries. I want the internal symbols and include paths etc to be exported from the shared library. To do that I make the internal libs PUBLIC link libraries.
So, first, I'll note that PUBLIC has nothing at all to do with symbol visibility. Your example mysublib doesn't have any INTERFACE properties, so you could make it PRIVATE to mylib and avoid the need to export mysublib.
However, if you do need mysublib in the INTERFACE of mylib, then you do need to export it, period. There is no way to, as you say "'merge' internal targets [...] into the public exported target [...] or hide it in the config targets file". But this is also not a real problem.
If you're concerned about people relying on mysublib, then you can set the EXPORT_NAME property of mysublib to something that indicates it's not meant to be used, like _private_mysublib:
set_target_properties(mysublib PROPERTIES EXPORT_NAME _private_mysublib)
If you want to be really aggressive about it, you could even make the name random:
string(RANDOM LENGTH 12 mysublib_export)
set_target_properties(mysublib PROPERTIES EXPORT_NAME "x${mysublib_export}")
Prepending an x makes sure it doesn't start with a number. There is also a remote chance of collision if you do this a lot. If you want to be absolutely safe, you should write a function that records the names it's already returned in a global property and tries again if it chooses a collision.
The SystemC::systemc imported target does not show up in my target file and it also don't generate any error. I assume that is because this target is already exported in its own package? If so, would that mean I need to make my internal libs packages and so imported targets to make them go away from my exported targets list?
You are correct: because SystemC::systemc is imported, it does not need to be (and in fact cannot be) re-exported. You're expected to call find_dependency(SystemCLanguage 2.3.3) in your MyLibConfig.cmake file, both within the build tree (export) and after install (install(EXPORT)).
If you want this behavior to apply to mysublib, then yes, you will need to split your projects apart. I don't see a compelling reason to do that, though. Either make mysublib PRIVATE or just live with it being renamed in your package config. Targets aren't precious and they're namespaced, so there's no real reason to worry.

CMake: How to make dependence on package optional?

I would like MPI to be optional for using my code.
I currently have a Cmake project that includes MPI as follows in the CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
My some of my .cpp and .h files have the following:
#define MPI_available true
On a system where MPI is not available, one can remove the first statement and change the second statement into #define MPI_available false. Then the code is structured such that it doesn't attempt to include ``mpi.h''. However, I would prefer CMAKE to detect the presence/absence of MPI, and set the MPI_available flag for compiling the source files accordingly.
I believe setting
find_package(MPI QUIET)
will ensure that cmake does not choke when it cannot find MPI. Is this the preferred way of getting where I want to be? If so, how to link this to the flag? If not, what should I do to make MPI optional when cmake-> making the code.
Call to find_package(someLib) sets a variable someLib_FOUND. You can use it to check whether the someLib is available, then you can set a compile definitions. Something like:
target_compile_definitions(yourTarget PUBLIC MPI_available=0)
Calling cmake's default FindMPI.cmake module through find_package(MPI) already ensures that cmake will define the variable MPI_FOUND to reflect whether mpi was found or not.
Afterwards, you can use MPI_FOUND to achieve your goal. For example, you can generate your project's config.h with calls to cmake's config_file to define macros such as MPI_available, and update your code accordingly.

How to query whether a target is an INTERFACE library in CMake

In modern CMake one can specify a library as INTERFACE: it does not produce build output, but it can have properties associated to it, although not all properties can be set (for instance the FOLDER property is not supported). Say I have a generic CMake macro setting properties for a generic library target, is there a way to tell that the input target is an interface library, so that I can skip the unsupported properties only for that target?
You query the TYPE property of target....
get_target_property(type target TYPE)

"config-style" cmake find_package unusable in parent scope

I have the following structure
CMakeLists.txt (A)
CMakeLists.txt (B)
CMakeLists.txt (C)
The setup seems to be the fundamental issue, only when adding this new "config-style" library.
TL;DR: when find_package(foo) in (B) defines foo::foo as the library, how can I make foo::foo available in the parent scope so that target_link_libraries(tgt foo) will work for both (A) and (C)?
List (A) defines my project's options, such as what drivers to compile support for.
add_subdirectory(ext) takes place, and the needed external libraries are found. They are a mixture of add_subdirectory and find_package. List (B) populates lists for extra include directories, libraries, and compile time definitions, making them available to (A) (and subsequently (C)) with
List (A) now adds my library, including these extra directories, adding these extra definitions, and ultimately
target_link_libraries(${MYPROJ_LIB_NAME} ${MYPROJ_EXTRA_LIBS})
When the applications are requested to be built, add_subdirectory(apps) takes place, and list (C) defines a simple macro that creates an executable using the specified dependencies. The relevant part
target_link_libraries(${appName} ${MYPROJ_LIB_NAME} ${MYPROJ_EXTRA_LIBS})
This has been working very well for a long time. However, I added support for a new library that uses config-style find_package definitions, and I can't figure out how to use it correctly.
Call this new library dependency foo. It ultimately defines a single foo_LIBRARY which is foo::foo. My understanding was that I would need to do target_link_libraries(tgt foo), which works in list (A) for my library. However, it does not work for the applications, and in the macro I have to do find_package(foo) again for every executable.
Is there a way to use the existing approach (list(APPEND MYPROJ_EXTRA_LIBS <something>)) that does not require running find_package every time?
I've exhausted every reasonable option, and either get that -lfoo is not defined (if I just append foo to the list like I thought I should be), or find_package() is missing for an IMPORTED or ALIAS target. AKA since find_package(foo) happens in (B), by the time we reach (C) this target is not available. I tried making an ALIAS, but the error was then something that amounts to ALIAS cannot be created to an IMPORTED library.
Results of find_package call(both CONFIG and MODULE) are intended be used in the same directory or below. You are just lucky in that simple propagating of variables into PARENT_SCOPE makes results of find_package usable by the parent.
add_subdirectory(ext) takes place, and the needed external libraries are found.
Instead of ext/CMakeLists.txt included with add_subdirectory create CMake file (e.g. external.cmake) for being included via include. Because include command doesn't introduce new variable's scope, its find_package calls works for the main CMakeLists.txt.
Many existed projects process their dependencies in include files.
Another approach would be propagating results of find_package calls from subdirectory to the parent by creating INTERFACE library target which itself uses these results:
add_library(MyLibExtra INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(MyLibExtra INTERFACE ${MYPROJ_EXTRA_LIBS})
target_include_directories(MyLibExtra INTERFACE ${MYPROJ_EXTRA_INC_DIRS})
target_compile_definitions(MyLibExtra INTERFACE ${MYPROJ_EXTRA_DEFINES})

What are legal items in the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property?

My expectations are, that the items in the target property INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES are other targets. However when I use on Linux for the official Threads package.
get_property(libs TARGET Threads::Threads PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)
libs ist set to -lpthread, which seems to be a linker flag, not a target.
Is this correct?
That property is populated by the command target_link_libraries(), and its documentation lists what can be specified:
A library target name
A full path to a library file
A plain library name
A link flag
Keywords debug, optimized, or general
Therefore, link flags are allowed here, even if discouraged by the CMake documentation.