How to create a local copy of Oracle data to avoid query over a slow link - sql

I have a need to frequently run a large-ish query against a remote Oracle DB, which with my link speed, takes 10+ minutes. Is there a technique that I can use to create a local copy of the data in order to improve performance?
A few notes:
I would just need a local copy of a predetermined set of tables
Being able to schedule an update to run nightly would be a huge bonus
The data generally doesn't need to be refreshed throughout the day, though being able to do a delta update would be nice
I do have remote machines that can access the data much quicker, but I'm not able to install Excel on them to perform the actual work that needs to be done (using SQL Developer is not a problem). But it would be possible to set up an auto download of the data on those machines and then create a task to copy the files to my local machine
I've considered a few ideas so far, such as configuring SQL Developer to automatically pull the data that I need and dump it to Excel (or some other format that I can use to pull the data in from another Excel file), but I thought there might be a better way.

One way is to use the expdp and impdp tools to dump (export) only a subset of the tables :
But this solution could be quite hard to implement since you must have the tools on your local server and an access to the remote server to launch the export.
I think the simplest solution it to use CTAS (Create Table As Select). This will make a copy of the data from the distant server to you local server. For example if you use a database link called DistantServer, issue on you local server :
CREATE TABLE MyTable AS SELECT * FROM MyTable#DistantServer;
You can search for Oracle CTAS for more informations.
Then if the CTAS script is correct you can schedule it every night by creating a Oracle JOB on you local server. See DBMS_JOB for older release of Oracle RDBMS or better DBMS_SCHEDULER package.


Best way to set up a new database on a new server which periodically refreshes tables from a live SQL Server?

I need to create a database solely for analytical purposes. The idea here is for it to start off as a 1:1 replica of a current SQL Server database but we will then add in additional tables. The idea here is to be able to have read-write access to a db without dropping anything in production inadvertently.
We would ideally like to set a daily refresh schedule to update all tables in the new tb to match the tables in the live environment.
In terms of the DBMS for the new database, I am very easy - MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL would be great -- I am not hugely familiar with the Google Storage/BigQuery stack but if this is an easy option, I'm open to it.
You could use a standard HA/DR solution with a readable secondary (Availability Groups/mirroring /log shipping).
then have a second database on the new server for your additional tables.
Cloud Storage and BigQuery are not RDBMS services themselves, but could be used in this case to store the backups/exports/dumps from the replica, and then have the analytical work performed on those backups.
Here is an example workflow:
Perform a backup and restore in a different database
Add the new tables in the new database
Export the database as a CSV file on your local machine
Here you could either directly load the CSV file in BigQuery, or upload that file in a Cloud Storage bucket previously created
Query the data
I suggest to take a look at the multiple methods for loading data in BigQuery, as well as the methods for querying against external data sources which may help to determine which database replication/export method might be best for your use case.

Understanding Azure SQL Server External Tables

We are trying to create a cross-database query using Azure's preview Elastic Query. So we will be creating an External Table to make these queries happen.
Unfortunately, I have some apprehension about how the queries will be executed. I don't want a query or stored procedure to fail at run-time because the database connection fails. I just don't understand how the External Tables work.
Azure's External Table docs have good information on how to query and create the table. I just can't find information that specifically spells out how the data exists.
Oracle's version of external tables is just flat files that are referenced. SQL*Loader loads data from external files into tables of an Oracle database. I couldn't find any documentation about Azure doing the same. (Is it implied that they are the same? Is that a stupid question?)
If it is this way (external flat files), when the external table gets updated, does SQL Server update the flat files so our external table stays up to date? Or will I have to delete/create the link again every time I want to run the query for up to date information?
Per Microsoft Support:
Elastic queries basically works as remote queries which means the data is not stored locally but is pulled from the source database every time you run a query. When you execute a query on an external table, it makes a connection to the source database and gets the data.
With that being said, you do not have to delete/create the links. Once you have performed these steps, you can access the horizontally partitioned table “mytable” as though it were a local table. Azure SQL Database automatically opens multiple parallel connections to the remote databases where the tables are physically stored, processes the requests on the remote databases, and returns the results.
There is no specific risk associated with using this feature but it is simply like opening connections to the source database so it can pull data. Besides this you can expect some slowness when executing a remote query but nothing that will cause any other issues with the database.
In case any of the database becomes unavailable, queries that are using the affected DB as source or target will experience query cancellations or timeouts.

connecting to remote oracle database in SQL

I need to do some data migration between two oracle databases that in different servers. I've thought of some ways to do it like writing a jdbc program but i think the best way is to do it in SQL itself. I can also copy the entire table over to the database I am migrating to but these tables are big and doesnt seem like a "elegant" solution.
Is it possible to open a connection to one DB in SQL developer then connect to the other one using SQL and writing update/insert functions on tables as if they were both in the same connection?
I have read some examples on creating linked tables but none seem to be oracle specific or tell me how to open the external connection by supplying it the server hostname/port/SID/user credentials.
thanks for the help!
If you create a Database Link, you can just select a from different database by querying TABLENAME#dblink.
You can create such a link using the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.
It depends if its a one time thing or a normal process and if you need to do ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) or not, but ill help you out based on what you explained.
From what i can gather from your explanation, what you attempt to accomplish is to copy a couple of tables from one db to another, if they can reach one another then its really simple, you could just create a DBLINK ( and then do a SELECT AS INSERT from either side using the DBLINK for one of the tables and the local table as the receiver or sender. Its pretty straight forward.
But if its a one time thing i would just move the table with expdp and impdp since that will be a lot faster and a lot less strain on the DB.
If its something you need to maintain and keep updated, why not just add the DBLINK and use that on both sides, this will be dependent on network performance though.
If this is a bit out of you depth or you cant create dblinks due to restrictions, SQL Developer has had a database copy option for a while and you can go as far a copying individual tables, but its very heavy on the system where its being run (

Temporary Tables Quick Guide

I have a structured database and software to handle it and I wanted to setup a demo version based off of a simple template version. I'm reading through some resources on temporary tables but I have questions.
What is the best way to go about cloning a "temporary" database while keeping a clean list of databases?
From what I've seen, there are two ways to do this - temporary local versions that are terminated at the end of the session, and tables that are stored in the database until deleted by the client or me.
I think I would prefer the 2nd option, because I would like to be able to see what they do with it. However, I do not want add a ton of throw-away databases and clutter my system.
How can I a) schedule these for deletion after say 30 days and b) if possible, keep these all under one umbrella, or in other words, is there a way to keep them out of my main list of databases and grouped by themselves.
I've thought about having one database and then serving up the information by using a unique ID for the user and 'faux indexes' so that it appears as 1,2,3 instead of 556,557,558 to solve B. I'm unsure how I could solve A, other than adding a date and protected columns and having a script that runs daily and deletes if over 30 days and not protected.
I apologize for the open-ended question, but the resources I've found are a bit ambiguous.
These aren't true temp tables in the sense that your DBMS knows them. What you're looking for is a way to have a demo copy of your database, probably with a cut-down data set. It's really no different from having any other non-production copy of your database.
Don't do this on your production database server.
Do not do this on your production database server.
Script the creation of your database schema. Depending on the DBMS you're using, this may be pretty easy. If you've got a good development/deployment/maintenance process for your system, this should already exist.
Create your database on the non-production server using the script(s) generated in the previous step. Use an easily-identifiable naming convention, like starting the database name with demo.
Load any data required into the tables.
Point the demo version of your app (that's running on your non-production servers) at this new database.
Create a script/process/job which looks at your database server and drops any databases that match your demo DB naming convention and were created more than 30 days ago.
Without details about your actual environment, people can't give concrete examples/sample code/instructions.
If you cannot run a second, independent database server for these demos, then you will have to make do with your production server. This is still a bad idea because of potential security exposures and performance impact on your production database (constrained resources).
Create a complete copy of your database (or at least the schema, with a reduced data set) for each demo.
Create a unique set of credentials for each of these demo databases. This account should have access to only its demo database.
Configure the demo instance(s) of your application to connect to the demo database
Here's why I'm pushing so hard for separate databases: If you keep copying your "demo" tables within the database, you will have to update your application code to point at those tables each time you do a new demo. Once you start doing this, you're taking a big risk with your demos - the code you keep changing isn't really the application you're running in production anymore. And if you miss one of those changes, you'll get unexpected results at best, and mangling of your production data at worst.

Queries for migrating data in live database?

I am writing code to migrate data from our live Access database to a new Sql Server database which has a different schema with a reorganized structure. This Sql Server database will be used with a new version of our application in development.
I've been writing migrating code in C# that calls Sql Server and Access and transforms the data as required. I migrated for the first time a table which has entries related to new entries of another table that I have not updated recently, and that caused an error because the record in the corresponding table in SQL Server could not be found
So, my SqlServer productions table has data only up to 1/14/09, and I'm continuing to migrate more tables from Access. So I want to write an update method that can figure out what the new stuff is in Access that hasn't been reflected in Sql Server.
My current idea is to write a query on the SQL side which does SELECT Max(RunDate) FROM ProductionRuns, to give me the latest date in that field in the table. On the Access side, I would write a query that does SELECT * FROM ProductionRuns WHERE RunDate > ?, where the parameter is that max date found in SQL Server, and perform my translation step in code, and then insert the new data in Sql Server.
What I'm wondering is, do I have the syntax right for getting the latest date in that Sql Server table? And is there a better way to do this kind of migration of a live database?
Edit: What I've done is make a copy of the current live database. Which I can then migrate without worrying about changes, then use that to test during development, and then I can migrate the latest data whenever the new database and application go live.
I personally would divide the process into two steps.
I would create an exact copy of Access DB in SQLServer and copy all the data
Copy the data from this temporary SQLServer DB to your destination database
In that way you can write set of SQL code to accomplish second step task
Alternatively use SSIS
Generally when you convert data to a new database that will take it's place in porduction, you shut out all users of the database for a period of time, run the migration and turn on the new database. This ensures no changes to the data are made while doing the conversion. Of course I never would have done this using c# either. Data migration is a database task and should have been done in SSIS (or DTS if you have an older version of SQL Server).
If the databse you are converting to is just in development, I would create a backup of the Access database and load the data from there to test the data loading process and to get the data in so you can do the application development. Then when it is time to do the real load, you just close down the real database to users and use it to load from. If you are trying to keep both in synch wile you develop, well I wouldn't do that but if you must, make a nightly backup of the file and load first thing in the morning using your process.
You may want to look at investing in a tool like SQL Data Compare.
I believe it has support for access databases too, and you can download a trial.
I you are happy with you C# code, but it fails because of the constraints in your destination database you temporarily can disable them and then enable after you copy the whole lot.
I am assuming that your destination database is brand new DB with no data, and not used by anyone when the transfer happens
It sounds like you have two problems:
You're migrating data from one database to another.
You're changing your schema.
Doing either of these things is tricky if you are trying to migrate the data while people are using the data.
The simplest approach is to migrate the data based on a static copy of the data, and also to queue updates to that data from the moment you captured the static copy. I don't know how easy this is in Access, but in SQLServer or Oracle you can use the redo logs for this or a manual solution using triggers. The poor-man's way of doing this is to make triggers for all the relevant tables that log the primary key of the records that have changed. Then after the old database is shut off you can iterate over those keys and get those records from the old database and put them into the new database. Just copy the whole record; if the record was deleted then delete it from the new database.
Your problem is compounded by the fact that you can't simply copy the data, you have to transform it. This means you probably have to shut down both databases and re-migrate the records based on the change list. It will take a lot of planning to ensure you get things right and I'd recommend writing a testing script that can validate that the resulting data is correct.
Also I'd ensure that the code for the migration runs inside one of the databases if possible. Otherwise you are copying the data twice and this will significantly harm the performance.