SQL Join to the latest record in MS ACCESS - sql

I want to join tables in MS Access in such a way that it fetches only the latest record from one of the tables. I've looked at the other solutions available on the site, but discovered that they only work for other versions of SQL. Here is a simplified version of my data:
PatientInfo Table:
| ID | Name |
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Tom |
| 3 | Anna |
Appointments Table
| ID | Date |
| 1 | 5/5/2001 |
| 1 | 10/5/2012 |
| 1 | 4/20/2018 |
| 2 | 4/5/1999 |
| 2 | 8/8/2010 |
| 2 | 4/9/1982 |
| 3 | 7/3/1997 |
| 3 | 6/4/2015 |
| 3 | 3/4/2017 |
And here is a simplified version of the results that I need after the join:
| ID | Name | Date |
| 1 | John | 4/20/2018 |
| 2 | Tom | 8/8/2010 |
| 3 | Anna | 3/4/2017 |
Thanks in advance for reading and for your help.

You can use aggregation and JOIN:
select pi.id, pi.name, max(a.date)
from appointments as a inner join
patientinfo as pi
on a.id = pi.id
group by pi.id, pi.name;

something like this:
select P.ID, P.name, max(A.Date) as Dt
from PatientInfo P inner join Appointments A
on P.ID=A.ID
group by P.ID, P.name

Both Bing and Gordon's answers work if your summary table only needs one field (the Max(Date)) but gets more tricky if you also want to report other fields from the joined table, since you would need to include them either as an aggregated field or group by them as well.
Eg if you want your summary to also include the assessment they were given at their last appointment, GROUP BY is not the way to go.
A more versatile structure may be something like
SELECT Patient.ID, Patient.Name, Appointment.Date, Appointment.Assessment
FROM Patient INNER JOIN Appointment ON Patient.ID=Appointment.ID
WHERE Appointment.Date = (SELECT Max(Appointment.Date) FROM Appointment WHERE Appointment.ID = Patient.ID)
As an aside, you may want to think whether you should use a field named 'ID' to refer to the ID of another table (in this case, the Apppintment.ID field refers to the Patient.ID). You may make your db more readable if you leave the 'ID' field as an identifier specific to that table and refer to that field in other tables as OtherTableID or similar, ie PatientID in this case. Or go all the way and include the name of the actual table in its own ID field.
Edited after comment:
Not quite sure why it would crash. I just ran an equivalent query on 2 tables I have which are about 10,000 records each and it was pretty instanteneous. Are your ID fields (i) unique numbers and (ii) indexed?
Another structure which should do the same thing (adapted for your field names and assuming that there is an ID field in Appointments which is unique) would be something like:
SELECT PatientInfo.UID, PatientInfo.Name, Appointments.StartDateTime, Appointments.Assessment
FROM PatientInfo INNER JOIN Appointments ON PatientInfo_UID = Appointments.PatientFID
WHERE Appointments.ID = (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Appointments WHERE Appointments.PatientFID = PatientInfo_UID ORDER BY StartDateTime DESC)
But that is starting to look a bit contrived. On my data they both produce the same result (as they should!) and are both almost instantaneous.
Always difficult to troubleshoot Access when it crashes - I guess you see no error codes or similar? Is this against a native .accdb database or another server?


SQL - combining two rows of data into one with a common identifier

I am working on a project where I have to solve the following problem.
If there are two rows that same the same identifier, but additional data that is different, how can I combine all of that data into one row with individual columns?
| ID | Rating | Rating Provider|
| 5055 | A+ | Moodys |
| 5055 | Bb+ | SNP |
Desired End Result:
| ID | Moodys | SNP |
| 5005 | A+ | Bb+ |
I believe you simply need a Pivot -
FOR Rating_Provider IN (Moodys AS 'Moodys', SNP AS 'SNP'));
Quantnesto, i believe that what you are looking for it's the JOIN function. You have the information in different databases, right?
You SELECT all the fields that you want from the different tables
SELECT a.ID,a.Moodys,B.SNP
FROM DataBase a
JOIN Database b on a.ID = b.ID
And that's it.
There are different kinds of JOIN's, for further information let me know, i can explain each type.

Oracle SQL query comparing multiple rows with same identifier

I'm honestly not sure how to title this - so apologies if it is unclear.
I have two tables I need to compare. One table contains tree names and nodes that belong to that tree. Each Tree_name/Tree_node combo will have its own line. For example:
Table: treenode
| 1 | A |
| 1 | B |
| 1 | C |
| 1 | D |
| 1 | E |
| 2 | A |
| 2 | B |
| 2 | D |
| 3 | C |
| 3 | D |
| 3 | E |
| 3 | F |
I have another table that contains names of queries and what tree_nodes they use. Example:
Table: queryrecord
| Alpha | A |
| Alpha | B |
| Alpha | D |
| BRAVO | A |
| BRAVO | B |
| BRAVO | D |
I need to create an SQL where I input the QUERY name, and it returns any ‘TREE_NAME’ that includes all the nodes associated with the query. So if I input ‘ALPHA’, it would return TREE_NAME 1 & 2. If I ask it for CHARLIE, it would return nothing.
I only have read access, and don’t believe I can create temp tables, so I’m not sure if this is possible. Any advice would be amazing. Thank you!
You can use group by and having as follows:
Select t.tree_name
From tree_node t
join query_record q
on t.tree_node = q.tree_node
WHERE q.query = 'ALPHA'
Group by t.tree_name
Having count(distinct t.tree_node)
= (Select count(distinct q.tree_node) query_record q WHERE q.query = 'ALPHA');
Using an IN condition (a semi-join, which saves time over a join):
with prep (tree_node) as (select tree_node from queryrecord where query = :q)
select tree_name
from treenode
where tree_node in (select tree_node from prep)
group by tree_name
having count(*) = (select count(*) from prep)
:q in the prep subquery (in the with clause) is the bind variable to which you will assign the various QUERY values at runtime.
I don't generally set up the test case on online engines; but in a comment below this answer, the OP said the query didn't work for him. So, I set up the example on SQLFiddle, here:
A couple of notes: for some reason, SQLFiddle thinks table names should be at most eight characters, so I had to change the second table name to queryrec (instead of queryrecord). I changed the name in the query, too, of course. And, second, I don't know how I can give bind values on SQLFiddle; I hard-coded the name 'Alpha'. (Note also that in the OP's sample data, this query value is not capitalized, while the other two are; of course, text values in SQL are case sensitive, so one should pay attention when testing.)
You can do this with a join and aggregation. The trick is to count the number of nodes in query_record before joining:
select qr.query, t.tree_name
from (select qr.*,
count(*) over (partition by query) as num_tree_node
from query_record qr
) qr join
tree_node t
on t.tree_node = qr.tree_node
where qr.query = 'ALPHA'
group by qr.query, t.tree_name, qr.num_tree_node
having count(*) = qr.num_tree_node;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

How do I structure my SQL query to prevent the return of duplicate rows with related data?

I need some help with an SQL Query. I have a database table that has related data with other tables. When I query the table it returns the duplicate rows for every row of related data i.e.
|-------------| |-------------| |-------------|
| Cars | | Options | | Value |
|-------------| ------> |-------------| ------> |-------------|
| CarId | | OptionsId | | ValueId |
| CarMake | | OptionName | | CostValue |
| CarModel | | Confirmed | | CarId |
|-------------| | CarId | | OptionsId |
|-------------| |-------------|
---------------> |-------------|
| Warranty |
| WarrantyId |
| WarrantyType|
| CarId |
The query that I have made, which was designed in the query builder of SSMS (because of this it is not using aliases and has the 3 stage naming convention, this will be changed) is as follows:
SELECT dbo.Cars.CarId,
FROM dbo.Cars
LEFT JOIN dbo.Options ON dbo.Cars.CarId = dbo.Options.CarId
LEFT JOIN Value ON Options.OptionsId = Value.OptionsId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Warranty on dbo.Cars.CarId = dbo.Warranty.CarId
Executing this query as it stands returns my data, however, for cars with multiple options I receive duplicate rows i.e.
Id | Make | Model | Option Name | Warranty Type | Value
27 | Ford | Fiesta | Heated Seats | Static | 500
27 | Ford | Fiesta | Front Fog Lights | Static | 400
I've been looking around for possible answers to this question and found that the proposed solution is to use the keyword DISTINCT or to create a subquery. I added DISTINCT to my query but the same data was returned, probably because the options are both distinct in their own right, I don't know I'm guessing.
I'm happy to use a subquery but not sure how to apply that to my above query code. All I want to do here is return one single row for each car with the highest option value i.e.
27 | Ford | Fiesta | Heated Seats | Static | 500
Can anyone help me write this query? I think I've included everything in this question but if I can offer more, please let me know.
Instead of joining the table Value which gives you multiple rows,
you must join this query:
MAX(dbo.Value.CostValue) AS CostValue
FROM dbo.Value
GROUP BY dbo.Value.CarId, dbo.Value.OptionsId
which you will give you from the table Value for each car the option with the max value.
So try this:
SELECT dbo.Cars.CarId,
FROM dbo.Cars
LEFT JOIN dbo.Options ON dbo.Cars.CarId = dbo.Options.CarId
MAX(dbo.Value.CostValue) AS CostValue
FROM dbo.Value
GROUP BY dbo.Value.CarId, dbo.Value.OptionsId
) AS v ON Options.OptionsId = v.OptionsId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Warranty on dbo.Cars.CarId = dbo.Warranty.CarId
you can try like below by using window function
with cte as(
SELECT dbo.Cars.CarId,
row_number() over(partition by dbo.Cars.CarId,
dbo.Cars.Model order by Value.CostValue desc) rn
FROM dbo.Cars
LEFT JOIN dbo.Options ON dbo.Cars.CarId = dbo.Options.CarId
LEFT JOIN Value ON Options.OptionsId = Value.OptionsId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Warranty on dbo.Cars.CarId = dbo.Warranty.CarId
) select * from cte where rn=1

How to select distinct values from a table?

I am working with SQL Server database and I have a table called companiesData with three columns: id, name, projects I want to get the values from the id and name without the repeated values.
Content of the tables:
| id | name | project |
| 1 | Company A | Project A |
| 2 | Company B | Project A |
| 3 | Company B | Project B |
| 4 | Company A | Project B |
If I write:
select distinct name from companiesData;
The query returns:
| name |
| Company A |
| Company B |
But like I said in the beginning I want the data from two columns of the same table (I only have one right now). So I write the next query to get the data:
select distinct id, company from companiesData;
And it returns:
| id | name |
| 1 | Company A |
| 2 | Company B |
| 3 | Company B |
| 4 | Company A |
So, I also tried with:
select id, company from companiesData group by id, company;
But this returns the same data of the second query. In others questions the answer to this problem is use distinct or group by but this is not working for me.
Is there any other way to get this data? Am I wrong in my queries?
Thanks in advance.
So you want "Company A" to appear once in your results, with one of the ids, and you don't care which one? How about:
select min(id), company from companiesData group by company

MySQL Advanced SELECT help

Alright well I recently got into normalizing my database for this little side project that I have been creating for a while now, but I've just hit a brick wall. I'll try to give an understandable example of what I have and what I need to accomplish ― and hopefully it won't be too painful. OK.
I have 3 tables the first one we will call Shows, structured something like this:
| id | title |
| 1 | Example #1 |
| 2 | Example #2 |
| 3 | Example #3 |
Plain and simple.
My next table is called Categories, and lookes like this:
| id | category |
| 1 | Comedy |
| 2 | Drama |
| 3 | Action |
And a final table called Show_categories:
| show_id | cat_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 3 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
As you may have noticed the problem is the in my database a single show can have multiple categories. Everything is structured fine, except for the fact that I can't find a why to search for show with multiple categories.
If I were to search for action and comedy type shows I would be given Example #1, but it is not possible (at least with my queries), because the cat_id's inside the Show_categories are in different rows.
Example of a working single category search (Selecting all comedy shows):
SELECT s.id,s.title
FROM Shows s JOIN Show_categories sc ON sc.anid=s.id
WHERE sc.cat_id=1 GROUP BY s.id
And a query that is impossible (because cat_id can't equal 2 different things):
SELECT s.id,s.title
FROM Shows s JOIN Show_categories sc ON sc.anid=s.id
WHERE sc.cat_id=1 AND sc.cat_id=2 GROUP BY s.id
So to sum things up what I am asking is how do I handle a query where I am looking for a show based on multiple matching categories.
SELECT s.id,
JOIN SHOW_CATEGORIES sc ON sc.anid = s.id
WHERE sc.cat_id IN (1, 2)
GROUP BY s.id, s.title
The COUNT(DISTINCT sc.cat_id) comparison needs to equal the number of cat_id values listed in the IN clause. But if both the SHOW_CATEGORIES show_id and cat_id columns are either the primary key, or there's a unique constraint on both columns -- then you can use COUNT(sc.cat_id).
You need an OR statement.
SELECT s.id,s.title
FROM Shows s JOIN Show_categories sc ON sc.anid=s.id
WHERE sc.cat_id=1 OR sc.cat_id=2 GROUP BY s.id
That is, you want all shows with either catid 1 OR catid 2. So this query will return 1, 2 and 3.