How to select distinct values from a table? - sql

I am working with SQL Server database and I have a table called companiesData with three columns: id, name, projects I want to get the values from the id and name without the repeated values.
Content of the tables:
| id | name | project |
| 1 | Company A | Project A |
| 2 | Company B | Project A |
| 3 | Company B | Project B |
| 4 | Company A | Project B |
If I write:
select distinct name from companiesData;
The query returns:
| name |
| Company A |
| Company B |
But like I said in the beginning I want the data from two columns of the same table (I only have one right now). So I write the next query to get the data:
select distinct id, company from companiesData;
And it returns:
| id | name |
| 1 | Company A |
| 2 | Company B |
| 3 | Company B |
| 4 | Company A |
So, I also tried with:
select id, company from companiesData group by id, company;
But this returns the same data of the second query. In others questions the answer to this problem is use distinct or group by but this is not working for me.
Is there any other way to get this data? Am I wrong in my queries?
Thanks in advance.

So you want "Company A" to appear once in your results, with one of the ids, and you don't care which one? How about:
select min(id), company from companiesData group by company


SQL Join to the latest record in MS ACCESS

I want to join tables in MS Access in such a way that it fetches only the latest record from one of the tables. I've looked at the other solutions available on the site, but discovered that they only work for other versions of SQL. Here is a simplified version of my data:
PatientInfo Table:
| ID | Name |
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Tom |
| 3 | Anna |
Appointments Table
| ID | Date |
| 1 | 5/5/2001 |
| 1 | 10/5/2012 |
| 1 | 4/20/2018 |
| 2 | 4/5/1999 |
| 2 | 8/8/2010 |
| 2 | 4/9/1982 |
| 3 | 7/3/1997 |
| 3 | 6/4/2015 |
| 3 | 3/4/2017 |
And here is a simplified version of the results that I need after the join:
| ID | Name | Date |
| 1 | John | 4/20/2018 |
| 2 | Tom | 8/8/2010 |
| 3 | Anna | 3/4/2017 |
Thanks in advance for reading and for your help.
You can use aggregation and JOIN:
select,, max(
from appointments as a inner join
patientinfo as pi
on =
group by,;
something like this:
select P.ID,, max(A.Date) as Dt
from PatientInfo P inner join Appointments A
on P.ID=A.ID
group by P.ID,
Both Bing and Gordon's answers work if your summary table only needs one field (the Max(Date)) but gets more tricky if you also want to report other fields from the joined table, since you would need to include them either as an aggregated field or group by them as well.
Eg if you want your summary to also include the assessment they were given at their last appointment, GROUP BY is not the way to go.
A more versatile structure may be something like
SELECT Patient.ID, Patient.Name, Appointment.Date, Appointment.Assessment
FROM Patient INNER JOIN Appointment ON Patient.ID=Appointment.ID
WHERE Appointment.Date = (SELECT Max(Appointment.Date) FROM Appointment WHERE Appointment.ID = Patient.ID)
As an aside, you may want to think whether you should use a field named 'ID' to refer to the ID of another table (in this case, the Apppintment.ID field refers to the Patient.ID). You may make your db more readable if you leave the 'ID' field as an identifier specific to that table and refer to that field in other tables as OtherTableID or similar, ie PatientID in this case. Or go all the way and include the name of the actual table in its own ID field.
Edited after comment:
Not quite sure why it would crash. I just ran an equivalent query on 2 tables I have which are about 10,000 records each and it was pretty instanteneous. Are your ID fields (i) unique numbers and (ii) indexed?
Another structure which should do the same thing (adapted for your field names and assuming that there is an ID field in Appointments which is unique) would be something like:
SELECT PatientInfo.UID, PatientInfo.Name, Appointments.StartDateTime, Appointments.Assessment
FROM PatientInfo INNER JOIN Appointments ON PatientInfo_UID = Appointments.PatientFID
WHERE Appointments.ID = (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Appointments WHERE Appointments.PatientFID = PatientInfo_UID ORDER BY StartDateTime DESC)
But that is starting to look a bit contrived. On my data they both produce the same result (as they should!) and are both almost instantaneous.
Always difficult to troubleshoot Access when it crashes - I guess you see no error codes or similar? Is this against a native .accdb database or another server?

SQL: How do I combine similar value rows into one, not affecting the rest

Is there a way to merge similar values in the same column and not affect the rest, for example:
I want to sum Amount by Company and ID too.
You cannot get the data you want to display. You will be getting company name being repeated. If you want to dispaly data in the way, where company name is not repeating for subsequent rows, you have to use EXCEL or some other presentation layer tool.
SELECT Company, ID, SUM(Amount)
FROM Table1
| Company | ID | Amount |
| ABC | 001 | 3 |
| ABC | 002 | 3 |
| DEF | 002 | 10 |
| DEF | 003 | 5 |

Change column seperated field into enters in same column SQL

I am building a list of several company's with products they deliver to show on a map later on.
So every column is filled with a company in 1 column, and all of the products in another column seperated by ;
| Company | Products |
| 1 | a; b; c; d |
Expected outcome:
| Company | Products |
| 1 | a |
| | b |
| | c |
| | d |
Is there any way to achieve this?
In SQL Server (at least the more recent versions), you can use string_split():
select t.*, ltrim(s.value) as product
from t cross apply
string_split(t.products, ';') s

How to create a table from different query results SQL

I want to create a new table using the results from some queries. I might be looking at this the wrong way so please feel free to let me know. Because of this I will try to make this question simple without putting my code to match each employee number with each manager level column from table2
I have two tables, one has employee names and employee numbers example
table 1
| emplpyeenum | firstname | last name | location |
| 11 | joe | free | JE |
| 22 | jill | yoyo | XX |
| 33 | yoda | null | 9U |
and another table with employee numbers under each manager level so basically a hierarchy example
Table 2
| manager | manager2 | manager3 |
| 11 | 22 | 33 |
I want to make a new table that will have the names besides the numbers, so for example but with employee number beside the names
| level 1 | level2 | level3 |
| jill | joe | yoda |
How can I do this?
edit sorry guys I don't have permission to create a new table or view
Why not change your table2 to this?
| EmployeeId | ManagerId|
| 11 | NULL |
| 22 | 11 |
| 33 | 22 |
Then you can do what you want with the data. At least your data will be properly normalized. In your table2. What happen if employee 33 hire another employee below him? You will add another column?
Based on your available table, this should give you the result you want.
SELECT m1.firstname, m2.firstname, m3.firstname
FROM table2 t
LEFT JOIN table1 m1 ON m1.employeenum = t.manager
LEFT JOIN table1 m2 ON m2.employeenum = t.manager2
LEFT JOIN table1 m3 ON m3.employeenum = t.manager3
You can just do a basic create table, then do a insert select to that will fill the table the way you need it. All you have to do is replace the select statement that I provided with the one you used to create the levels table output.
create table Levels
level1 varchar(25),
level2 varchar(25),
level3 varchar(25)
insert into Levels(level1, level2, level3)
select * from tables --here you would put the select statement that you used to create the information. If you dont have this script then let me know

SQL / Oracle to Tableau - How to combine to sort based on two fields?

I have tables below as follows:
| Task_ID | Assigned_ID |
| 1 | 8 |
| 2 | 12 |
| 3 | 31 |
| Task_ID | Source_ID |
| 1 | 4 |
| 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 42 |
| 4 | 8 |
A task is assigned to at least one person (denoted by the "assigned_ID") and then any number of people can be assigned as a source (denoted by "source_ID"). The ID numbers are all linked to names in another table. Though the ID numbers are named differently, they all return to the same table.
Would there be any way for me to combine the two tables based on ID such that I could search based on someone's ID number? For example- if I decide to search on or do a WHERE User_ID = 8, in order to see what Tasks that 8 is involved in, I would get back Task 1 and Task 4.
Right now, by joining all the tables together, I can easily filter on "Assigned" but not "Source" due to all the multiple entries in the table.
Use union all:
select distinct task_id
from ((select task_id, assigned_id as id
from tbl_tasks
) union all
(select task_id, source_id
from tbl_resources
) ti
where id = ?;
Note that this uses select distinct in case someone is assigned to the same task in both tables. If not, remove the distinct.