PyMongo checking if entry is already in array - pymongo

I want to have an array of IPs that went to x webpage and have them in an array. However right now everytime an IP connects it gets added, if multiple people connect multiple times there'll be many duplicates.
Currently I'm just using
query = {"_id": paste_id, "ip": {"$ne": real_ip}
collection.update_one(query, {"$push": {"ip": ip}})
but that (logically) just pushes the entry into the array, what'd be a way to check if ip is already in the array?

The updated code you posted is checking for real_ip and then inserting ip; so you're not checking the item your actually updating.
My original answer below still stands as the correct approach; however this complete example demonstrates attempting to insert the real_ip 5 times and it shows the value is only inserted once:
from pymongo import MongoClient
collection = MongoClient()['mydatabase'].collection
result = collection.insert_one({'ip': []})
paste_id = result.inserted_id
real_ip = ''
for i in range(5):
query = {"_id": paste_id, "ip": {"$ne": real_ip}}
collection.update_one(query, {"$push": {"ip": real_ip}})
[{'_id': ObjectId('5feefdb862e2ed3ea952a035'), 'ip': ['']}]
Add a check that the IP is not already in the ip array, e.g.
query = {'ip': {'$ne': ip}}


Need to get issuelinks types with Jira python

I am writing a script with Jira python and I have encountered a big obstacle here.
I need to access to one of the issuelinks under "is duplicated by" but I don't have any idea about the attributes I can use.
I can get to the issuelinks field but I can't go further from here.
This is I've got so far:
issue = jira.issue(ISSUE_NUM) #this is the issue I am handling
link = issue.fields.issuelinks # I 've accessed to the issuelinks field
if hasattr(link, "inwardIssue"):
inwardIssue = link.inwardIssue
and I want to do this from here :
if(str(inwardIssue.type(?)) == "is duplicated by"):
inward Issues can be
is cloned by
is duplicated by
and so on.
how can I get the type of inward Issues??
There seem to be a few types of issue links. So far I've seen: Blocker, Cause, Duplicate and Reference.
In order to identify the type that the IssueLink is you can do the following:
issue = jira.issue(ISSUE_NUM)
all_issue_links = issue.fields.issuelinks
for link in all_issue_links:
if == 'Duplicate':
inward_issue = link.inwardIssue
# Do something with link

Pymongo: insert_many() gives "TypeError: document must be instance of dict" for list of dicts

I haven't been able to find any relevant solutions to my problem when googling, so I thought I'd try here.
I have a program where I parse though folders for a certain kind of trace files, and then save these in a MongoDB database. Like so:
posts = function(source_path)
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client.database
collection = db.collection
insert = collection.insert_many(posts)
def function(...):
post = parse(trace)
return posts
def parse(...):
post = {'Thing1': thing,
'Thing2': other_thing,
return post
However, when I get to "insert = collection.insert_many(posts)", it returns an error:
TypeError: document must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument, or a type that inherits from collections.MutableMapping
According to the debugger, "posts" is a list of about 1000 dicts, which should be vaild input according to all of my research. If I construct a smaller list of dicts and insert_many(), it works flawlessly.
Does anyone know what the issue may be?
Some more debugging revealed the issue to be that the "parse" function sometimes returned None rather than a dict. Easily fixed.

Can't retrieve db Model getId() anymore in activejdbc 1.4.12

I was using activejdbc 1.4.9 and the following sample code was running just fine
Client client = new Client();;
Since I upgraded to 1.4.12, client.getId() is always returning null when save is inserting a new record. i.e. id is not getting refreshed.
Did anyone notice this as well? Do I have to do anything different using this version to get the newly created id?
I cannot confirm this with the version 1.4.12. For instance, I wrote this example: Check out code in the As you can see, the code is identical to yours, but on line 21, it prints out a real value of the new ID.
If you can put together a simple example that replicates your issue, I will take a look.
Now that you provided more info in comments below, the problem is with you setting the ID to empty string: "". Because the ID is not null anymore, the method save() uses update rather than insert. The update then uses the value of ID to update an "existing" record, and, as a result does not do anything. Messing with ID value is possible but not advised. Please see this for more information:

How to use Bioproject ID, for example, PRJNA12997, in biopython?

I have an Excel file in which are given more then 2000 organisms, where each one of them has a Bioproject ID associated (like PRJNA12997). The idea is to use these IDs to get the sequence for a later multiple alignment with other five sequences that I have in a text file.
Can anyone help me understand how I can do this using biopython? At least the part with the bioproject ID.
You can first get the info using Bio.Entrez:
from Bio import Entrez = ""
# This call to efetch fails sometimes with a 400 error.
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="bioproject", id="PRJNA12997")
I've been trying, and doesn't seems to work. But if you do record_xml = you'll get the XML entry for this record. In this XML you can get the ID for the organism, in this case 12997.
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="nuccore", term="12997[BioProject]")
search_results =
Now you can efecth from your search results. At this point you should use Biopython to parse whatever you will get in the efetch step, playing with the rettype
for result in search_results["IdList"]:
entry = Entrez.efetch(db="nuccore", id=result, rettype="fasta")
this_seq_in_fasta =

Peoplesoft CreateRowset with related display record

According to the Peoplebook here, CreateRowset function has the parameters {FIELD.fieldname, RECORD.recname} which is used to specify the related display record.
I had tried to use it like the following (just for example):
&rs1 = CreateRowset(Record.User, Field.UserId, Record.UserName);
For &k = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
MessageBox(0, "", 999999, 99999, &rs1(&k).UserName.Name.Value);
(Record.User contains only UserId(key), Password.
Record.UserName contains UserId(key), Name.)
I cannot get the Value of UserName.Name, do I misunderstand the usage of this parameter?
Fill is the problem. From the doco:
Note: Fill reads only the primary database record. It does not read
any related records, nor any subordinate rowset records.
Having said that, it is the only way I know to bulk-populate a standalone rowset from the database, so I can't easily see a use for the field in the rowset.
Simplest solution is just to create a view, but that gets old very soon if you have to do it a lot. Alternative is to just loop through the rowset yourself loading the related fields. Something like:
For &k = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
&rs1(&k).UserName.UserId.value = &rs1(&k).User.UserId.value;