Pymongo: insert_many() gives "TypeError: document must be instance of dict" for list of dicts - pymongo

I haven't been able to find any relevant solutions to my problem when googling, so I thought I'd try here.
I have a program where I parse though folders for a certain kind of trace files, and then save these in a MongoDB database. Like so:
posts = function(source_path)
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client.database
collection = db.collection
insert = collection.insert_many(posts)
def function(...):
post = parse(trace)
return posts
def parse(...):
post = {'Thing1': thing,
'Thing2': other_thing,
return post
However, when I get to "insert = collection.insert_many(posts)", it returns an error:
TypeError: document must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument, or a type that inherits from collections.MutableMapping
According to the debugger, "posts" is a list of about 1000 dicts, which should be vaild input according to all of my research. If I construct a smaller list of dicts and insert_many(), it works flawlessly.
Does anyone know what the issue may be?

Some more debugging revealed the issue to be that the "parse" function sometimes returned None rather than a dict. Easily fixed.


How can I access value in sequence type?

There are the following attributes in client_output
weights_delta = attr.ib()
client_weight = attr.ib()
model_output = attr.ib()
client_loss = attr.ib()
After that, I made the client_output in the form of a sequence through
a = tff.federated_collect(client_output) and round_model_delta = tff.federated_map(selecting_fn,a)in here . and I declared
#tff.tf_computation() # append
def selecting_fn(a):
return round_model_delta
in here. In the process of averaging on the server, I want to average the weights_delta by selecting some of the clients with a small loss value. So I try to access it via a.weights_delta but it doesn't work.
The tff.federated_collect returns a tff.SequenceType placed at tff.SERVER which you can manipulate the same way as for example client dataset is usually handled in a method decorated by tff.tf_computation.
Note that you have to use the tff.federated_collect operator in the scope of a tff.federated_computation. What you probably want to do[*] is pass it into a tff.tf_computation, using the tff.federated_map operator. Once inside the tff.tf_computation, you can think of it as a object and everything in the module is available.
[*] I am guessing. More detailed explanation of what you would like to achieve would be helpful.

Need to get issuelinks types with Jira python

I am writing a script with Jira python and I have encountered a big obstacle here.
I need to access to one of the issuelinks under "is duplicated by" but I don't have any idea about the attributes I can use.
I can get to the issuelinks field but I can't go further from here.
This is I've got so far:
issue = jira.issue(ISSUE_NUM) #this is the issue I am handling
link = issue.fields.issuelinks # I 've accessed to the issuelinks field
if hasattr(link, "inwardIssue"):
inwardIssue = link.inwardIssue
and I want to do this from here :
if(str(inwardIssue.type(?)) == "is duplicated by"):
inward Issues can be
is cloned by
is duplicated by
and so on.
how can I get the type of inward Issues??
There seem to be a few types of issue links. So far I've seen: Blocker, Cause, Duplicate and Reference.
In order to identify the type that the IssueLink is you can do the following:
issue = jira.issue(ISSUE_NUM)
all_issue_links = issue.fields.issuelinks
for link in all_issue_links:
if == 'Duplicate':
inward_issue = link.inwardIssue
# Do something with link

Sap Code Inspector - Generating a table of all PCodes linked to the classes

I have problems to read the error codes and corresponding messages of SCI message classes.
Is there an way to easy access those?
I'm using "Praxishandbuch SAP Code Inspector" as a reference, but in that regard it is of no help.
I looked in Se11 but the information to the messages isn't helpful.
Has someone an approch to build such a table?
You can try this, perhaps it will work for you. I use the code below to get the access to all the errors found by Code Inspector for particular user(s):
data: ref_inspec_a type ref to cl_ci_inspection.
ref_inspec_a = cl_ci_inspection=>get_ref(
p_user = pa_iuser
p_name = pa_inam
p_vers = pa_ivers ).
data: ls_resp type scir_resp,
lt_resp type scit_resp.
clear: ls_resp, lt_resp.
ls_resp-sign = 'I'.
ls_resp-option = 'EQ'.
ls_resp-low = pa_fuser.
insert ls_resp into table lt_resp.
call method ref_inspec_a->get_results
p_responsibl = lt_resp
insp_not_yet_executed = 1
overflow = 2
others = 3.
Playing around with LT_RESP you can get results for more users at the same time.
After you execute the code above, you can check the attributes SCIRESTPS and SCIRESTHD of the object REF_INSPEC_A. These are the large tables, which contain the result data of the SCI check. You can either work with them on your own, or you can simply pass the object REF_INSPEC_A into the function module SCI_SHOW_RESULTS to get regular SCI user interface.
I found out that you can get all the changeable messages (found in SCI GoTo/Management Of/ Message Priorities) can be read from the scimessages attribute of the test classes.
With this help you can get about 60% of all errors.

D3 Graph Example Using In Memory Object

This seems like it should be simple, but I have spent literally hours without any success.
Take the D3 graph example at The example uses a local file called graph.json. I have set up a Rails app to serve a similar graph, however I don't want to write a file of the JSON. Rather, I generate the nodes and links into an object such as:
{"nodes":[{"node_type":"Person","name":"Damien","id":"damien_person"}, {"node_type":"Person","name":"Grant","id":"grant_person"}}],
Now when I render the D3, I need to update the call d3.json("graph.json", function(json) {...}); to reference my in-memory object rather than the local file (or url). However, everything I've tried breaks my html/javascript. For example I tried setting the var dataset = <%= raw(#myInMemoryObject) %>;, and that works for assignment (I did an alert on the dataset), however I can't get the D3 code to use it.
How can I replace the d3.json call in order to use my in-memory object?
Thank you,
Your idea of using, for example, var dataset = <%= raw(#myInMemoryObject) %>; is the right way to go but you need to prep your object to be in the right format.
The nodes specified in the links need to either be numeric references to nodes in the nodes array eg. 0 for first, 1 for second
var json ={
"nodes":[{"name":"Damien","id":"a"}, {"name":"Bob","id":"b"}],
"links":[{"source":0, "target":1,"value":1}]
or links to the actual objects which make the nodes themselves:
var a = {"name":"Damien","id":"a"};
var b = {"name":"Bob","id":"b"}
var json ={
Relevant discussion is here:!topic/d3-js/LWuhBeEipz4
Example here:

Cannot add new Workitems using TFS API

Hi I am trying to add new workitems to the TFS repository using the API, but when I validate the workitem before it is saved, it returns an error. I previously got exceptions regarding the field definitions for a bug namely, Symptom, Steps to Reproduce and Triage. (Error code TF 26027). The code snippet is shown below: Can anyone tell me what's wrong here?
switch (workItemType)
case "Bug":
workItem.Title = values["Title"].ToString();
workItem.State = values["State"].ToString();
workItem.Reason = values["Reason"].ToString();
workItem.Fields["Priority"].Value = values["Priority"].ToString();
workItem.Fields["Severity"].Value = values["Severity"].ToString();
//workItem.Fields["Triage"].Value = values["Triage"].ToString();
workItem.Fields["Assigned To"].Value = values["Assigned To"].ToString();
//workItem.Fields["Symptom"].Value = values["Symptom"].ToString();
//workItem.Fields["Steps to Reproduce"].Value = values["Steps to Reproduce"].ToString();
// Validate the Work Item fields.
ArrayList result = workItem.Validate();
// If any invalid fields are returned, report an error.
if (result.Count > 0)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occurred while adding the Bug to the repository.");
To find the available field definitions, you can iterate over the collection (FieldDefinitions). The Name and ReferenceName properties are the values you can index by into the collection.
the Field "Symptom" cannot be empty
Just reading the error message it looks like you are defining a field called "somefield" in your work item. I'm thinking that you have some old code hanging around elsewhere, maybe above the code snippet you posted, where you are defining a value for workItem.Fields["somefield"]
Old question, but hopefully helps someone. The field name is "Repro Steps"
.Fields["Repro Steps"].Value