How to use custom input component in vuejs? - vue.js

While using Bootstrap-Vue as UI framework, I am trying to make a custom form component and use it in several parent components. Here is my form component
<b-form-input placeholder="Post Title"></b-form-input>
<wysiwyg-input placeholder="Post Content" />
and the parent component is
<FormFields :title="title" :content="content" />
How can i access the value in parent component from child component.
Note: I am using vue-quill editor as well.
Here is the codesandbox link:
Thanks in advance !

Define a prop on your child component and pass the data to it when you use it in the parent:
// ChildComponent.vue
export default {
props: {
someData: {}
// ParentComponent.vue
<child-component :some-data="myData"></child-component>
export default {
data() {
return {
myData: {...}


Vue: Reuse loading spinner template and logic

I've multiple (20+) pages where I need the following code:
<template v-if="isLoading">
<Spinner full size="medium" />
<template v-else>
<p>Page data</p>
export default {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['loader/isLoading'];
I don't want to rewrite this part everytime I need it so is there a way to create something like a higher order component with access to the computed method and a way to add the hoc to the script tag of the different vue files? Or another way to archive this?
I could recommend extending the spinner component where you want to show the spinner. I've created a boilerplate setup that show a very simple implementation of this approach here.
The main idea is to expose a default slot for you spinner component, and wrap the page component in that slot.
<Spinner v-if="isLoading" full size="medium" />
<!-- Slot for component data -->
<slot v-else></slot>
export default {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['loader/isLoading'];
Then in any component that you want to show the spinner:
<!-- Pass here the component content to be shown after the spinner is hidden -->
import Spinner from "./spinner";
export default {
name: "Page1",
extends: Spinner,
components: { Spinner }

Parent variable not updated when updating trough child component

I am trying to create a few custom form fields for my page and i learned that i cannot use props to do so so i am trying to find a way to update my parent component variable when i use my child component. Whe i check the parent variable it is always empty.
Here is my component:
export default {
props: ['placeHolder'],
data() {
return {
value: ''
methods: {
this.$emit("update-text", this.value);
watch: {
value: function(){
And this is how i use the component:
<TextField placeholder="Nome" :update-text="name = value"/>
what exactly am i doing wrong?
I am using vue.js with nuxt.js
I think a simpler approach in this case might be emitting an input event from your custom text field and binding the component to the variable using v-model.
#input="$emit('input', $"
export default {
props: ['placeHolder']
<TextField placeholder="Nome" v-model="name"/>
export default {
data: () => ({
name: '',
Read more about using v-model on custom components here.

How to import a component as prop from another component?

It is possible to import a component as prop from another component?
For example:
<myCustomComponent />
//Edited:This works, but I want to register dynamically from props
//import myCustomComponent from "components/MyCustomComponent.vue";
import myCustomComponent from this.myComponent;
export default {
props: ["myComponent"],
components: { myCustomComponent }
Another component:
component: CustomComponent, //dialog
myComponent: 'components/MyCustomComponent.vue'
Edited, for better clarify what I am trying to achieve in this case:
My dialog is an abstract component in which an unlimited number of different myCustomComponent can be rendered.
To achieve this, I need that the registration of each component (import) is not done in the q-dialog.
A solution to consider is to register each component in the file from which the q-dialog is loaded for rendering (different from the q-dialog, in my case the another component file) and then pass that path from the imported file to the q-dialog, possibly as props.
Is this possible?
Edited with solution:
Parent component
import registeredComponent from "components/MyCustomComponent.vue";
export default {
data() {
return {
myComponent: registeredComponent
methods: {
component: dialogComponent,
//pass registered component as prop to dialog
myCustomComponent: this.myComponent
<component :is="myCustomComponent" />
export default {
props: ["myCustomComponent"]
In your q-dialog component you can use the component tag to dynamically render a passed in component prop. See this stackblitz.
// q-dialog html
<component :is="myComponent" />
In your parent component you'll want to import the desired component, assign it to a data property and pass it in
// parent component js
import SomeComponent from './SomeComponent.vue'
data () {
return {
passedInComponent: SomeComponent
// parent component html
<q-dialog :my-component="passedInComponent" />

How to set $ref to child component elements from parent component in vuejs?

This is the parent component:
export default class ParentCom extends Vue {
//all props for <upload-block></upload-block> component defined here
handleUploadIcon(event) {
const icon_type = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-type");
let appImgElem = this.$refs[icon_type];;
async uploadAppIcon(event) {
And this is the child component:
<div class="upload-div" #click="uploadClickHandler" :data-type="inputName">
<img v-if="imSrc" :src="imSrc">
<div v-else class="upload-icon-block">
<font-awesome-icon class="upload-icon" icon="arrow-circle-up" size="lg"></font-awesome-icon>
<br>Click to upload
<!-- <spinner variant="primary" :show="true"></spinner> -->
<input style="display:none" type="file" :ref="inputRef" :name="inputName" #input="inputHandler">
props: {
imSrc: String,
inputRef: String,
inputName: String,
inputHandler: Function,
uploadClickHandler: Function
export default class ChicdCom extends Vue {
The problem I am facing in the handleUploadIcon method in which I am not able to get the input element via ref.
It is showing Cannot read property 'click' of undefined in this line;
But when I move the file input to the parent component, it's works fine. So can you plz help me how to set the ref to child component elements from parent as currently is it not setting.
Well you could add a ref to upload-block in the parent component:
<upload-block ref="upload" ... >
Then in the handleUploadIcon you can acces your input: this.$refs.upload.$refs[icon_type]
But I would try to move handleUploadIcon to the child component if I were you.

Vue js how to use props values to v-model

I have two component namely App.vue and hello.vue
In App component I import the hello component and use props to pass relevant data to the hello component.
there I bind data which are took from the App component.
In my hello component I have a input box bind to the passed value.
My final goal is pass values as props to the hello component and change it and finally
pass that edited values to the backend using the save method.
How do I achive this?
This is what I have done up to now.
<div id="app">
<hello-world :msg="'hello good morning'"></hello-world>
import helloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld";
export default {
components: {
<input type="text" :value="msg">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String
In my hello component's input field v-model is not possible. I want something similar to the v-model.
You cannot use prop to bind to v-model. Child component is not supposed to modify prop passed by the parent component.
You will have to create a copy of prop in your child component if you wish to use prop with v-model and then watch prop like this:
<input type="text" #input="onInput" v-model="msgCopy">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String
data() {
return { msgCopy: '' };
methods: {
onInput(newInputValue) {
this.$emit('msgChange', newInputValue);
watch: {
msg(newVal) {
this.msgCopy = newVal;
Also, notice the use of event handler #input to pass changed prop back to the parent component via event. As a syntax sugar, you can make your Hello component work as a custom form input control by adopting to v-model lifecycle.