How to set $ref to child component elements from parent component in vuejs? - vue.js

This is the parent component:
export default class ParentCom extends Vue {
//all props for <upload-block></upload-block> component defined here
handleUploadIcon(event) {
const icon_type = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-type");
let appImgElem = this.$refs[icon_type];;
async uploadAppIcon(event) {
And this is the child component:
<div class="upload-div" #click="uploadClickHandler" :data-type="inputName">
<img v-if="imSrc" :src="imSrc">
<div v-else class="upload-icon-block">
<font-awesome-icon class="upload-icon" icon="arrow-circle-up" size="lg"></font-awesome-icon>
<br>Click to upload
<!-- <spinner variant="primary" :show="true"></spinner> -->
<input style="display:none" type="file" :ref="inputRef" :name="inputName" #input="inputHandler">
props: {
imSrc: String,
inputRef: String,
inputName: String,
inputHandler: Function,
uploadClickHandler: Function
export default class ChicdCom extends Vue {
The problem I am facing in the handleUploadIcon method in which I am not able to get the input element via ref.
It is showing Cannot read property 'click' of undefined in this line;
But when I move the file input to the parent component, it's works fine. So can you plz help me how to set the ref to child component elements from parent as currently is it not setting.

Well you could add a ref to upload-block in the parent component:
<upload-block ref="upload" ... >
Then in the handleUploadIcon you can acces your input: this.$refs.upload.$refs[icon_type]
But I would try to move handleUploadIcon to the child component if I were you.


How to use custom input component in vuejs?

While using Bootstrap-Vue as UI framework, I am trying to make a custom form component and use it in several parent components. Here is my form component
<b-form-input placeholder="Post Title"></b-form-input>
<wysiwyg-input placeholder="Post Content" />
and the parent component is
<FormFields :title="title" :content="content" />
How can i access the value in parent component from child component.
Note: I am using vue-quill editor as well.
Here is the codesandbox link:
Thanks in advance !
Define a prop on your child component and pass the data to it when you use it in the parent:
// ChildComponent.vue
export default {
props: {
someData: {}
// ParentComponent.vue
<child-component :some-data="myData"></child-component>
export default {
data() {
return {
myData: {...}

Vue - Unable pass specific value to higher component

I am getting the following - Cannot read property 'free' of undefined.
I will be adding this button component on multiple pages and I have data object which will allow me to add text based on whatever page I want displayed on a page. For example if its on the homepage I would like to use <buttons :text="" /> and on about us page I would like to use <buttons :text="buttonText.spend" />
Template file
<main class="container">
<buttons :text="" />
import Buttons from '~/components/atoms/buttons.vue'
export default {
components: {
Component file
<button class="button"">
<span>{{ buttonText }}</span>
export default {
props: {
text: String
data () {
return {
buttonText: {
free: 'free',
spend: 'spend',
now: 'now',
nowFree: 'now free'
Could you tell me what I am doing wrong?
You should define your data in your parent component's data property. All the variables that is used inside the template tag will be fetched from data, computed or props of the component. You are passing an undefined buttonText data to your buttons component.
<main class="container">
<buttons :text="" />
import Buttons from '~/components/atoms/buttons.vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
buttonText: {
free: 'free',
spend: 'spend',
now: 'now',
nowFree: 'now free'
components: {
and in your buttons component, just accept the props passed by the parent component. In this case, you are using text as the props of the buttons component.
<button class="button"">
<span>{{ text }}</span>
export default {
props: {
text: String
<main class="container">
<buttons :text="your customized text" />
import Buttons from '~/components/atoms/buttons.vue'
export default {
components: {
<button class="button">
<span>{{ text }}</span>
export default {
props: {
text: String
here is a simple solution to solve your problem
but you need to learn more fundamentals on vue components
vue component doc

How to access parents data value in vuejs with the template syntax

In my VueJS app I am using bootstrap-vue and want to use iframe inside a collapsable elements b-collapse. Because of some problems with iframe content and resizing (problem not related here) I found out that if I enable/disable b-embed with conditional rendering it works.
The parent component b-collapse has a data element called show which change its state if toggle is clicked. In my HelloWorld component I want that b-collapse can pass it's show value into the if check of b-embed.
My approach with this.$parent.$ isn't working and I am not sure if there is any better way to do so.
<b-btn v-b-toggle.logs>
<span class="when-opened">Close</span>
<span class="when-closed">Open</span>
<b-collapse id="logs">
<b-embed :src="src" v-if="this.$parent.$"></b-embed>
<div>Data: {{this.$parent.$}}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { Prop, Component, Inject } from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
src = "http://localhost:7681/";
Like this:
<Child :show="myShow"></Child>
import Child from './child'
export default {
data () {
return {
myShow: 'StackOverflow'
components: {Child}
<b-btn v-b-toggle.logs>
<span class="when-opened">Close</span>
<span class="when-closed">Open</span>
<b-collapse id="logs">
<b-embed :src="src" v-if="this.$parent.$"></b-embed>
<div>Data: {{this.$parent.$}}</div>
export default {
props: {
show: {
type: Number,
require: true
Or use vuex to do this.

Vue js how to use props values to v-model

I have two component namely App.vue and hello.vue
In App component I import the hello component and use props to pass relevant data to the hello component.
there I bind data which are took from the App component.
In my hello component I have a input box bind to the passed value.
My final goal is pass values as props to the hello component and change it and finally
pass that edited values to the backend using the save method.
How do I achive this?
This is what I have done up to now.
<div id="app">
<hello-world :msg="'hello good morning'"></hello-world>
import helloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld";
export default {
components: {
<input type="text" :value="msg">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String
In my hello component's input field v-model is not possible. I want something similar to the v-model.
You cannot use prop to bind to v-model. Child component is not supposed to modify prop passed by the parent component.
You will have to create a copy of prop in your child component if you wish to use prop with v-model and then watch prop like this:
<input type="text" #input="onInput" v-model="msgCopy">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String
data() {
return { msgCopy: '' };
methods: {
onInput(newInputValue) {
this.$emit('msgChange', newInputValue);
watch: {
msg(newVal) {
this.msgCopy = newVal;
Also, notice the use of event handler #input to pass changed prop back to the parent component via event. As a syntax sugar, you can make your Hello component work as a custom form input control by adopting to v-model lifecycle.

Undefined props in Vue js child component. But only in its script

I have just started using Vue and experienced some unexpected behavior. On passing props from a parent to child component, I was able to access the prop in the child's template, but not the child's script. However, when I used the v-if directive in the parents template (master div), I was able to access the prop in both the child script and child template. I would be grateful for some explanation here, is there a better was of structuring this code? See below code. Thanks.
Parent Component:
<div v-if="message">
{{ message.body }}
<answers :message="message" ></answers>
import Answers from './Answers';
export default {
components: {
answers: Answers
return {
created() {
.then(response => this.message =;
Child Component
<div class="">
<h1>{{ }}</h1> // works in both cases
<li v-for="answer in answers" :key="">
<span>{{ answer.body }}</span>
export default{
return {
axios.get('/answers/' //only worls with v-if in parent template wrapper
.then(response => this.answers =;
</script> only works with v-if because sometimes message is not an object.
The call that you are making in your parent component that retrieves the message object is asynchronous. That means the call is not finished before your child component loads. So when your child component loads, message="". That is not an object with an id property. When message="" and you try to execute you get an error because there is no id property of string.
You could continue to use v-if, which is probably best, or prevent the ajax call in your child component from executing when message is not an object while moving it to updated.