Can I remove the "pause" button from vscode debugger toolbar? - vscode-extensions

I am writing a debug adapter for vscode.
Unfortunately, our debugger does not have pause functionality. Because of that, I would like to remove/disable the pause button/command (workbench.action.debug.pause) from vscode debugger. Is this possible?
For now, I am overriding "pauseRequest" and displaying a message to the user saying that this feature is not supported.
I would prefer if I could remove the "pause" button from the toolbar in the first place.


shortcut for hiding parameter info popup intellij idea

Ctrl+p seems to be only showing the popup but doesn't toggle it. There is no action to hide it AFAIK.
I have already set delay of 10 secs for showing parameter info popup. But still it seems idea lacks this feature.
I am using ideavim and Ctrl+[ doesn't hide the popup. I need to press escape twice and again i/a to actually hide the popup.
Is there any shortcut for hiding documentation popup?
I have filled the issue for IdeaVim plugin: VIM-2160. Please vote/follow.

Halt code at dialog (msgbox()) command in IDE

Title quite much says it all.
In VB6, and in VBA/Access it was possible to hit break key, and jump into debug mode when using the msgbox() command.
Is there a way to do this in (desktop/winforms) applications?
Often, some code will toss up a dialog box, and it is rather nice then to jump into debug mode as a result of that message box having been displayed.
Ok, hitting pause button in most applications work, but in this application, when I hit pause, then I get this:
Edit two:
Ok, I have discovered the reason for this behavior. I have the application Frame work box un-checked. The reason for this is I did't want to specify the main application form as startup form, and I desired additional control over what occurs if the main startup form (that I don't specify) is closed. Thus, my main application form is launched via application.Run(my form)
It thus seems that due to starting the main form as a new separate application thread (which is the result of using application.Run(), then you can't use ctrl-break, or more common use/hit the pause button in the IDE to halt the code. Hitting pause will thus display that the application is running a main app thread, which indeed is the case since I use applicaiton.Run() to launch the main form from the classic and traditional Sub Main().
Edit 3
A way to fix this, and enable the pause key to work is to un-check in tools->debugging the [ ] Enable Just My Code. This will thus allow debug mode of the other "main" application thread.
Hmm. [CTRL][BREAK] clears the dialog box. However, clicking the pause button in the IDE will do what you want.
Alternatively, select Debug > Break All from the menu.

React Native iOS simulator only performs fetch on click

I have a weird bug in my simulator. iOS / React Native does a call, but it waits until I click inside the simulator to actually display the data (and show the result actions from Redux in my console.log).
Has anyone experienced this behaviour before?
If you're using remote JS debugging (in Chrome for example), try disabling it.
Update: Rather than disabling JS debugging completely, you can instead deactivate breakpoints and remove Pause on exceptions, which usually means you don't have to click to nudge the code to progress.
To do so in Chrome click the Sources tab in inspector, followed by the relevant file, then on the right ensure the two options are disabled. One looks like a bullet with a line through it (you want this to be blue), and the other looks like a pause icon in a circle (you want this to be grey).

XamlSpy prevent me from doing actions

I installed XamlSpy using NuGet in my UWP app.
I debug my application and connect it successfully using the XamlSpy.
The problem is that every mouse hover is responses by XamlSpy what prevents me from clicking on buttons etc'...
How can I start inspect only when needed ?
I tried CTRL+Shift without success...
How can I start inspect only when needed
According to this article, Ctrl+Shift is worked for XAML Spy 2. By testing on my side, I guess you are using XAML Spy 3.
In that case, when you are using the XAML Spy desktop app to inspect, the "Select Visual" button which is for moving your mouse to the app, and click to select a visual in the user interface, is highlighted by default. You may need to click it to not highlight the button to stop inspecting, and click again can start inspecting again when you needed.

Closing frontmost window in Cocoa in an app without a menu bar

I am building a StatusBar App in Cocoa, therefore I have no menu. Having no menu implies not having a "File > Close" menu item, which normally listens to the shortcut "Command + W".
From my StatusBar App the user may open a window to change the preferences and that's where I'm running into problems: The user can only close the window by pressing the red dot with the mouse. However, like alle applications I want to support the "Command + W" shortcut as well.
At the moment I see two possibilities to solve this issue:
Place an invisible button on the window which listens to the shortcut.
Add an application-wide listener for the shortcut and contact the window manually.
Both solutions feel like a misuse of the system. The first solution can lead to unexpected behaviour (the window closes if the user hits the invisible button by chance) and the second solution will still result in a beep, since the window does not know that it handles such a shortcut.
Is there an elegant way to solve this problem? Since the view should know what to do, a solution with just Interface Builder would be perfect. If there is no elegant way, is there a way to enhance the solutions mentioned?
Thanks in advance!
If you put a File > Close menu item in your MainMenu nib, the shortcut will work, even though the menu isn't visible.
If you choose to implement an app-wide listener for the shortcut instead, you can get rid of the beep by returning nil from the block, so that the original event doesn't get passed on.