French Dictionary API - api

I would have liked to be able to use an api dictionary with French words, to which I could make a get all query. Not having found anything free of rights, I turned to the wiktionary but I couldn't find how to query all the words of the French language.
Does anyone have any ideas to help me?
Have a nice day.
A dictionary is small enough that you should be able to host it on your own server.
Something like this should work. (This is a PHP spellchecker, but there should be others for other languages)


Program that can extract something from a website

I`m sorry if this is the not right place to ask. If not please delete this.
I`m looking for someone that can help me with a very simple program that can do this:
Login into accounts on an website and extract there a number from every account and and save the details ( account number - the number that must be saved ) on an txt file.
I need this for my job. This program will save me a`lot of time. this is the purpose.
If anybody can help me please let me know. thank you very much.
Fortunately for you, there is ample tooling available.
I will provide you some insight into related tools in the Python ecosystem, since that is what I am most familiar with and also an easy languages for beginners to work with.
If what you are extracting/scraping is relatively simple and doesn't require complex UI interaction with website elements, I would recommend requests Sessions to retain cookies and additional information for use in a series of authenticated requests, and bs4 to parse document trees in order to extract the data you are interested in.
For more complex interaction, you will need to look towards browser automation and possibly more advanced scraping frameworks. Hopefully I've given you enough keywords to go far in Google.
Of course, you'll need to first learn the basics of programming and how web data is structured if you want to write scripts like this. That is left to you to learn and absorb.

OneDrive API '' doesn't seem to work with Asian languages

I'm trying to use OneDrive API search.
It works great with English. I get relevant results from it. However, it doesn't with other languages (e.g. Japanese). I always get zero result.
Do I encode the keyword? Yes.
This query is,{id}/ドキュメント
Like this.
I checked search functionality on Web UI (the search box on the left top), it works fine. Looking at the traffic by Fiddler, it seems to be using different end point. So it seems an issue specific with the public API.
Is there anyone who encountered this and know any workaround?
This is really a deal breaker to build app for many Asian countries, and it's a bit hard to believe this API has been broken like this so I'm sort of hoping there is a trick around this to make it work. Thank you.
we investigated your issue and did find something unexpected in the service. The fix has been deployed so hopefully your searches will now behave as expected.

translate dutch sql data to english

i currently have a dutch sql 2005 database and would like to hopefully convert a good portion of it to english if possible. I have scoured google for options however im at a loss. Some sites are suggesting a wordlist database (from TT Solutions) however the most complete one that i could find is $2000. Anybody have any suggestions?
I'm not fluent in any other language but from my experience of automated translation services they will never provide the quality of translation a human can give.
Not that automated translation is all bad, I think it's amazing they can do it, but if you are working on a commercial product you should invest the money in having it translated properly.
If you really are prepared to accept the bizarre output of a word-for-word translation, you can go looking for a free dictionary. for example, there's this one.
However, unless you really have a database of single words, the results of this process are likely to involve many "hovercraft filled with eels."
maybe automate some calls to an online babelfish implementation.

What tools exist to find frequencies of searches

I'm new to seo, so please excuse what may be a very basic question.
I want to count (or estimate) the number of times that a given search phrase has been searched within a particular time period. Are there any API's out there for this? Does Google (or any other relevant search engine) release this information?
Any helpful links are greatly appreciated.
I'll be using Java, though I doubt that makes much difference.
I'm not aware of any API for it, but you can use Google Insights for Search
I use link text
it also presents the volume for every search
It looks like the WordTracker API might be the best took for programmatically finding search data.
Check out this improv API to Google Trends which helps you export data.

How to describe Full text search for a client?

I implemented a full text search "searching in tags", using SQL server 2005,
I want to describe for the client what i did, what what full text search means by simple examples?
My Client is not a programmer but a good internet user.
I find when describing something to clients use a metaphor or use a very concrete domain specific example.
As a metaphor you could say that Full Text Search is like Google for your site. It looks at everything and anything to try and help you. Whereas, what we had before was more like using the Find feature in XP. It works, but works well if you know a lot about what you are searching for. And isn't Google better than Find :)
Or just give them an example of something they couldn't do before that they can do now! Experience and results always convey the message more than words. Show them how you made their lives easier and they will immediately understand.
Best of luck.
"It now finds stuff much much faster."
Everything else is technical details not interesting to a user.
"Finds information using non exact matches"
Give some examples.
"finds stuff faster, and works more like google".
Gotta toss in a comparison to a search engine--hell, I can't even really describe what "full text search" means. "Full Text Search" is a technical term, really.
I can describe what I dislike about search. Requiring me to type in boolean junk like "cat AND dog" or not offering me alternative queries. In other words, maybe think about what what was wrong with the old way and why this one is better.