Is there a way of using dask jobqueue over ssh - ssh

Dask jobqueue seems to be a very nice solution for distributing jobs to PBS/Slurm managed clusters. However, if I'm understanding its use correctly, you must create instance of "PBSCluster/SLURMCluster" on head/login node. Then you can on the same node, create a client instance to which you can start submitting jobs.
What I'd like to do is let jobs originate on a remote machine, be sent over SSH to the cluster head node, and then get submitted to dask-jobqueue. I see that dask has support for sending jobs over ssh to a "distributed.deploy.ssh.SSHCluster" but this seems to be designed for immediate execution after ssh, as opposed to taking the further step of putting it in jobqueue.
To summarize, I'd like a workflow where jobs go remote --ssh--> cluster-head --slurm/jobqueue--> cluster-node. Is this possible with existing tools?

I am currently looking into this. My idea is to set-up an SSH tunnel with paramiko and then use Pyro5 to communicate with the cluster object from my local machine.


Google cloud kubernetes cluster newbie question

I am a newbie of GKE. I created a GKE cluster with very simple setup. It only has on gpu node and all other stuff was default. After the cluster is up, I was able to list the nodes and ssh into the nodes. But I have two questions here.
I tried to install nvidia driver using the command:
kubectl apply -f
It output that:
kubectl apply --filename
daemonset.apps/nvidia-driver-installer configured
But 'nvidia-smi' cannot be found at all. Should I do something else to make it work?
On the worker node, there wasn't the .kube directory and the file 'config'. I had to copy it from the master node to the worker node to make things work. And the config file on the master node automatically updates so I have to copy again and again. Did I miss some steps in the creation of the cluster or how to resolve this problem?
I appreciate someone can shed some light on this. It drove me crazy after working on it for several days.
Tons of thanks.
For the DaemonSet to work, you need to have a tag on your worker Node as (see this line). The DaemonSet checks for this tag on a node before scheduling any pods for installing the driver. I'm guessing a default node pool you create did not have this tag on it. You can find more details on this on the GKE docs here.
The worker nodes, by design are just that worker nodes. They do not need privileged access to the Kubernetes API so they don't need any kubeconfig files. The communication between worker nodes and the API is strictly controlled through the kubelet binary running on the node. Therefore, you will never find kubeconfig files on a worker node. Also, you should never put them on the worker node either, since if a node gets compromised, the keys in that file can be used to damage the API Server. Instead, you should make it a habit to either use the master nodes for kubectl commands, or better yet, have the kubeconfig on your local machine, and keep it safe, and issue commands remotely to your cluster.
After all, all you need is access to an API endpoint for your Kubernetes API server, and it shouldn't matter where you access it from, as long as the endpoint is reachable. So, there is no need whatsoever to have kubeconfig on the worker nodes :)

NiFi Site-to-Site Data Flow is Slow

I have multiple standalone NiFi instances (approx. 10) that I want to use to send data to a NiFi cluster (3 NiFi instances) using RPG (Site-to-Site). But, the flow from the standalone instances to the cluster seems to be slow.
Is this the right approach?
How many Site-to-Site Connections does NiFi allow?
Are there any best practices for Site-to-Site NiFi Data Flow?
You may want to first rule out your network. You could ssh to one of the standalone nodes and then try to SCP a large file from the standalone node to one of the nodes in the NiFi cluster. If that is slow then it is more of a network problem and there won't be much you can do to make it go faster in NiFi.
In NiFi, you can tune each side of the site-to-site config...
On the central cluster you can right-click on the remote Input Port and configure the concurrent tasks which defaults to 1. This is the number of threads that can concurrently process data received on the port.
On the standalone NiFi instances you can also configure the concurrent tasks used to send data to a given port. Right-click on the RPG and select "Manage remote ports", and then change the concurrent tasks for whichever port.

Google Compute Engine SSH from browser stopped working Error 13

A compute instance I had running stopped working and I am no longer able to ssh to it from the browser. When I try it hangs forever and eventually I get the error message:
You cannot connect to the VM instance because of an unexpected error.
Wait a few moments and then try again. (#13)
I looked here for common issues. I made a snapshot and tried recreating with a larger disk, in a different region and with a bigger compute instance but I was still unable to connect. When other users try to connect they have the same problem. I'm using a standard container so I expect the google daemon should be running.
This instance was collecting tweets and writing output to GCS regularly. Since ssh stopped working the instance has also stopped writing output.
Does anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?
I would also suggest checking the Serial Console of the machine to see if there are any messages which provide any clues. For example, if the boot disk has run out of space (which can prevent SSH connectivity), there will be some messages displayed in the Serial Console implying this.
You could also try connecting to the machine via the Serial Console to troubleshoot the issue by following the advice here.
When you try to SSH into the instance from the Cloud Shell for example, using the following command, the output should provide some clues as to why you cannot SSH into the machine:
$ gcloud compute ssh INSTANCE_NAME --zone ZONE
If you are on a VPC network, try to check the applicable network TAG that allows the instance to use SSH and provide that tag to your instance. Because it could be the Firewall rules that are blocking your instance from creating the ssh connection.

How to get notifications about failovers in Redis cluster to the client application

Is there a way for a client to get notified about failover events in the Redis cluster? If so, which client library would support this? I am currently using Jedis but have the flexibility to switch to any other Java client.
There are two ways that I can think of to check this, one of them is to grep for master nodes on the cluster, keeping in mind their IDs, if the ports changed for any of them then a failover happened.
$ redis-cli -p {PORT} cluster nodes | grep master
Another way, but it is not as robust of a solution is using the consistency checker ruby script, that will start showing errors in writes as an output, which you can monitor and send notifications depending on it, since that happens when the read server is trying to take its master's role.
Sentinel ( has the ability to monitor the cluster member, and send a publish/subscribe notification upon failure. The link contains a more in-depth explanation and tutorial.

Clone RabbitMQ admin users, etc. on replacement server

We have a couple of crusty AWS hosts running a RabbitMQ implementation in a cluster. We need to upgrade the hardware, and therefore we developed a Chef cookbook to spawn replacement servers.
One thing that we would rather not recreate by hand is the admin users, the queues, etc.
What is the best method to get that stuff from the old hosts to the new ones? I believe it's everything that lives in the /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia directory.
Is it wise to copy the files from one host to another?
Is there a programmatic means to do this?
Can it be coded into our Chef cookbook?
You can definitely export and import configuration via command line:
I'm not sure about admin user, though.
If you create new rabbitmq nodes on your new hardware, you will get all the users in that new node. This is easy to try:
run docker container with image of rabbitmq (with management plugin)
and create a user
run another container and add that node to the
cluster of the first one
kill rabbitmq on the first one, or delete
the docker container and you will see that you still have the newly
created user on the 2nd (but now master) node
I wrote docker since it's faster to create a cluster this way, but if you already have a cluster you could use it for testing if you prefer.
For the queues and exchanges, I don't want to quote almost everything found in the rabbitmq doc page for the high availability, but I will just say that you have to pay attention to the following:
exclusive queues because they are gone once the client connection is gone
queue mirroring (if you have any set up, if not it would be wise to consider it, if not even necessary)
I would do the migration gradually, waiting for the queues to get emptied and then kill of the nodes on the old hardware. It maybe doable in a big-bang fashion, but seems riskier. If you have a running system, than set up queue mirroring and try to find appropriate moment to do manual sync - but careful, this has a huge impact on the broker performance.
Additionally there is this shovel plugin (I have to point out that I did not use it or even explore it) but that may be another way to go since (quoting form the link):
In essence, a shovel is a simple pump. Each shovel:
connects to the source broker and the destination broker, consumes
messages from the queue, re-publishes each message to the destination
broker (using, by default, the original exchange name and