CMake: How to build multiple projects exported for find_package() via add_subdirectory() - cmake

I have a Library Project that is exported so consumers can use it like so:
target_link_libraries(theirLibrary PUBLIC myNamespace::myLibrary)
MyLibrary is the main product but it lives alongside two other projects in our repository, and the layout looks like this:
include/ //public headers
MyLibrary/ //sources and private headers
MyDependentLibrary/ //another library project
MyExample //executable project
The dependencies for each project are like so:
MyLibrary: None
MyDependentLibrary: MyLibrary
MyExample: MyLibrary, MyDependentLibrary
MyLibrary and MyDependentLibrary are both set up with install and build directory exports to be compatible with the find_package() command. So to build everthing you:
configure/build MyLibrary
configure MyDependantLibrary setting MyLibrary_DIR when prompted, then build it
configure MyExample setting MyLibrary_DIR and MyDependentLibrary_DIR when prompted, then build it
This workflow is great, most of the time we only want to package MyLibrary without the other projects when we send to customers, but occasionally we want to give them the source for all 3 projects so they have more examples to look at.
For that reason I would love to add a top level CMakeLists.txt file that would I imagine look something like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10 FATAL_ERROR)
project(MyCombinedProject VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
However this doesn't work. When configuring the "combined" project, MyDependentLibrary is unable to find MyLibrary_DIR, which makes sense, as MyLibrary hasn't been built yet.
Is there a way to add an export to each of the libraries so they can be found when added in this manner in addition to the find_package()? I really don't want to move any CMake code required to build MyLibrary into the top level CMakeLists.txt, as 90% of the time it will be delivered on its own.

You may ship the sources of your library (MyLibrary) with a pseudo config file, which just provides myNamespace::myLibrary target as alias for myLibrary.
# Assuming you create a library
add_library(mylibrary ...)
# Install and export it
install(TARGETS mylibrary EXPORT mylibraryTargets ...)
# and install the file which describes this installation
install(EXPORT mylibraryTargets NAMESPACE myNamespace ...)
# Then you install config file for your library:
install(FILES myLibrary.cmake ...)
# Then just set `MyLibrary_DIR` variable to point into in-source version of config file.
set(MyLibrary_DIR CACHE INTERNAL "A directory with the in-source config file"
And write that in-source config file as follows:
add_library(myNamespace::mylibrary ALIAS mylibrary)
That way, find_package(MyLibrary) will work if it is issued after configuring sources of your library (add_subdirectory(MyLibrary)).


How to create a cmake libary project with config file?

I am completely stuck :/. I created a simple test "library" with two
files fruits.cpp and fruits.h.
Then I created this CMakeLists.txt (following this tutorial)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
add_library(fruits_Lib STATIC)
set(include_dest "include/fruits-1.0")
set(main_lib_dest "lib/fruits-1.0")
set(lib_dest "${main_lib_dest}/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")
add_library(fruits::fruits ALIAS fruits_Lib)
install(TARGETS fruits_Lib EXPORT fruits DESTINATION "${main_lib_dest}")
install(FILES "include/fruits/fruits.h" DESTINATION "${include_dest}")
install(EXPORT fruits DESTINATION "${lib_dest}")
This works in that it compiles and installs etc, and I can even use
it as a add_subdirectory in a parent project.
In fact, the files that this installs are:
However, when I try to do the following in the parent project:
find_package(fruits CONFIG REQUIRED)
I get the error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:21 (find_package):
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "fruits" with any
of the following names:
Those files are definitely not created or installed by the above CMakeLists.txt :/.
What am I doing wrong? How can I create a static library that provides such config file
so that I can use it (after installation) with a find_package(fruits CONFIG) ?
I think find_package() is for locating and using external and already installed components/libraries so you'll have to install the library first.

How do I specify a specific CMake target as a dependency?

Our CMake project, hosted on GitHub, has a CMake git submodule as a dependency. The file structure, then, is roughly:
We have authorship of both project and big_lib.
The top level CMakeLists.txt for project includes something like:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} big_lib::static)
big_lib::static is a library we don't install/publish; it's not specified as such in the big_lib configuration, it's for internal consumption only - namely for tests. We deliver a client facing shared library, but the shared library is not appropriate for project.
This is why ExternalProject_Add may not be the most appropriate solution for satisfying our dependency - as it is my understanding installing the dependency in the build directory won't install the specific build target we need. Also, I haven't had luck getting it to work yet.
What I've also noticed is that we're building all targets in big_lib, of which there are hundreds - mostly tests, and that shared library I don't want or need. I suspect this is because we're including the entire library from it's base directory.
I've tried:
But it seems there's configuration from the big_lib base directory that now goes unspecified, which is why I'm including the base directory in project instead of this.
So my questions are:
Is there a better way to specify the static build target so only that gets built?
Is there a better way to organize the configuration of big_lib so I can add only the static library as the dependency folder, and not duplicate configuration from the base directory between static and shared?
What options am I not aware of? Maybe I should use ExternalProject_Add and specify some sort of custom build command where I issue just the static lib as the build target and install target, and then link against that artifact?

CMake package dependencies handling

I am facing the current problem while using CMake:
I have libA, which I build using CMake and install it (in a custom directory, ~/install, using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) together with its exported targets and config (generated by CMake). The installed files look more or less like this:
I have libB, which links (privately) against libA:
find_package(A CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_library(B b.c)
target_link_libraries(B PRIVATE A)
I also install it together with its exported targets and config (generated by CMake).
Finally, I have an application which uses libB:
find_package(B CONFIG REQUIRED)
add_executable(app app.c)
target_link_libraries(app B)
The problem is that when the linker is executed, it will link against libB using the full path (~/install/lib/, but libA is only linked with -lA. As the libraries are not installed in any "standard" folder, it is not found (unless I manually add the folder using link_directories).
Am I doing anything wrong? What is the best solution to handle this case?

Making a CMake library accessible by other CMake packages automatically

I have one project that produces a library:
project (myCoolLibrary)
ADD_LIBRARY(my_cool_library SHARED ${mysources_SRC})
And another project that should be using this library:
find_package (myCoolLibrary REQUIRED)
add_executable(myCoolExe ${my_sources_SRC} )
Is there a way that I can change the first file so that the second file works automatically? That by running CMake on the first file and then running make on the output, then running CMake on the second file, CMake is able to find the package?
An answer where I just give the address of where the first project is built to the second package is also acceptable.
Taking the code found in a blog post by #daniperez - Use CMake-enabled libraries in your CMake project (III) - I've come up with the following minimal solution:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
function(my_export_target _target _include_dir)
WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}Config.cmake"
TARGET ${_target}
export(TARGETS ${_target} FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}Targets.cmake")
# NOTE: The following call can pollute your PC's CMake package registry
# See comments/alternatives below
export(PACKAGE ${_target})
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ${mysources_SRC})
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
find_package(myCoolLibrary REQUIRED)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${my_sources_SRC})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} myCoolLibrary)
To make it reusable I have packed everything into my_export_target(). And I'm friend of self-propagating properties like INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.
As commented by #ruslo, using export(PACKAGE ...) can pollute your package registry. So alternatively you can:
Write the target configuration files directly to some dedicated place specific for a certain toolchain
See e.g. How to install your custom CMake-Find module and 0003659: FIND_PACKAGE command improvements.
Set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH via the second project's CMake command line (injecting the search path(s) from the outside). If you are building the two projects anyway with a build script, then this is the most direct way to propagate the module search path(s).
Additional References
CMake/Tutorials/Package Registry
Unable to find Eigen3 with CMake
How to instruct CMake to use the build architecture compiler

How to use CMake to find and link to a library using install-export and find_package?

You have a CMake-enabled library project. You need to use it in another library or executable. How to use CMake to find and link to the library? You may have the following preferences:
write the least possible amount of boiler-plate code
decouple the internal details of the linked library from the consuming target
Ideally, the usage of the library should look like this:
add_executable(myexe ...)
target_link_libraries(myexe mylib::mylib)
Let me demonstrate a possible solution on a concrete example:
The myapp project
We have an executable target myapp. We're linking it with mylib, which is built in its own build tree. In the CMakeLists.txt of myapp we find and specify mylib as a dependency of myexe:
find_package(mylib REQUIRED)
add_executable(myexe ...)
target_link_libraries(myexe mylib::mylib)
Let's see how to set up mylib and the build of myexe to make this work.
The mylib project
The directory layout of mylib:
- CMakeLists.txt
- mylib.c
+ include
- mylib.h # single public header
In the CMakeLists.txt of mylib we need to create the target and specify its source files:
add_library(mylib mylib.c include/mylib.h)
The public header mylib.h will be included as #include "mylib.h" both by mylib and the clients of mylib:
mylib itself and other targets built in mylib's CMake project (for example tests) need to find include/mylib.h from the mylib source tree
clients of mylib built in their own projects (like myexe) need to find include/mylib.h at its installed location
CMake allows us to specify both include paths for mylib:
target_include_directories(mylib PUBLIC
We're using the PUBLIC option here since this header is needed on the public interface of mylib. Use PRIVATE for include paths internal to mylib.
The INSTALL_INTERFACE specifies a path relative to the install root, that is, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. To actually install the public header:
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER include/mylib.h")
We also need to install the library itself and the so-called config-module and related files. The config-module is the file which will be used by consuming projects, like myapp to find mylib and get all the parameters needed to link with it. It is similar to the pkg-config's .pc files.
We need two, related install commands. The first one:
install(TARGETS mylib
EXPORT mylib-targets
The list of destinations needed to cover all the standard install locations of static libraries, dll's and so's. If you're sure your library will be built exclusively as a static lib, a single DESTINATION lib would make it.
The interesting part is the EXPORT option. It assigns the list of targets (currently, it's only mylib) to the identifier mylib-targets. This identifier will be used in the next command to generate and install some special files which make find_package(mylib) work in the consuming projects:
install(EXPORT mylib-targets
FILE mylib-config.cmake
DESTINATION lib/cmake/mylib)
This command generates multiple files:
one file for each build configuration (Debug, Release, etc..) which describes the library file and configuration-dependent parameters
a file which describes the configuration-agnostic parameters and also includes all the config-dependent files. Since this file can also be used as a config-module on its own we simply rename it as mylib-config.cmake
The files will be installed into ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/cmake/mylib which is one of the many standard locations the find_package(mylib) command will search for mylib-config.cmake.
Building mylib
We need to specify an install location in the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../out ../mylib
and build and install the library:
cmake --build . --target install
Building myexe
myexe needs to know where to look for mylib. The variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can be a list of paths. We need to specify the previous install location:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$PWD/../out ../myexe
cmake --build .
A note on building multiple configurations
Usually we need to build multiple configurations (Debug, Release). A critical issue is to specify configuration-dependent filenames or install locations. For example, you can set the default value of the DEBUG_POSTFIX property for the library project:
The debug version of the mylib library file will be named libmylibd.lib (or mylibd.lib on Windows). The generated EXPORT files will contain the modified filenames.
If you're using makefile-style CMake generators you can control the build configuration by setting the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../out ../mylib
cmake --build . --target install
You may need seperate build directories for each configuration or you can re-use the same build dir. In that case, to play it safe it's best to explicitly clean before build:
cmake --build . --target install --clean-first
If you're using a multiconfig IDE generator, like Xcode or Visual Studio, you need to specify the configuration in build time:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/../out ../mylib
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
You can clone and build this repository which contains the mylib and myexe projects (tested on Windows and Linux).
Check out the CMake documentation. The most important related commands are:
and two detailed articles:
Build System