Export compiler flags for all the targets in modern CMake - cmake

I'm porting one project to modern CMake. The project has a compiler flag that must be set and exported for all the targets. To avoid repeating target_compile_option for all the targets I tried with add_compile_options, but the latter seems to not export the flag so that it is not used by downstream targets linking the upstream libraries of my project. So do I really have to call target_compile_option for all my targets or is there a workaround?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Since the libs are always part of the same project you can define a macro in the top-level CMakeLists.txt and use this macro instead of add_library. This way you can add common logic inside the macro in addition to add_library:
macro(my_add_library TARGET_NAME)
add_library(${TARGET_NAME} ${ARGN})
target_compile_options(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE -myOption)
my_add_library(mylib1 SHARED foo.cpp bar.cpp)
my_add_library(mylib2 STATIC util.cpp)
Note that the my_add_library command is also available in subdirectories you add after defining the macro so you should be able to use it for all the libraries.


Cmake - add_definitions in library - gobally available

I have a cmake project with many libraries (standalone additional packages) which are build within my project and then my project is linked against them.
If i have the following ...
CMakeLists.txt (1)
library/CMakeLists.txt (2)
... add have "add_definitions(-DMYDEF=15)" inside the library cmakelists (2). Can i somehow make this available to main.cpp and main.hpp, so they "see" the macro definition which is made inside the lib at preprocessing?
So not only sources/headers within the lib shall work with my definition but also any other dependency, like the main project with main.cpp/main.hpp
Yes, there is a way; use target_compile_definitions(mylib PUBLIC MYDEF=15) for your library, instead of add_definifions(-DMYDEF=15). That way all other targets that are linked against mylib will inherit compile definitions from mylib
Please note that target_compile_definitions should be added after the target is created, otherwise, you will receive the error.
Correct usage would be as follows:
#add library first
#compile definitions for the target mylib
More about the subject might be found in cmake documentation for target_compile_definitions

How would I include asio library using CMake?

I am trying to work on a project for a class and I want to use CMake to build the project. My current project looks like
although my Server.cpp needs asio.hpp that is in /include/asio-1.12.2/include.
The professor has a makefile that compiles it with the flags
-DASIO_STANDALONE -Wall -O0 -g -std=c++11 -I./include -I./include/asio-1.12.2/include. My CMakeLists files look like this:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(Server src/Server.cpp)
chat_message PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include"
asio PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/asio-1.12.2/include"
How would I link the asio header file to the Server.cpp file WITH the flags needed?
First of all, as Tzyvarev pointed out in the comments, you must split the target_include_directories() command into two separate commands. This will then propagate asio and chat_message's include directories to your Server target, which will turn add the correct include flags to the compiler flags.
Note: I'd recommend switching from CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR and altering your paths accordingly to make your life slightly easier if in future you decide to change your project structure, as you will usually keep a CMakeLists.txt file in the same directory as the sources for a target it creates.
The -DASIO_STANDALONE option can be added with a target_compile_definitions() call:
target_compile_definitions(asio PUBLIC ASIO_STANDALONE)
Note you do not need the -D - CMake will generate the correct compiler flag for you. Also, since this is a requirement for the asio target and all its consumers will need it, it should be added to that, rather than its consumers - it will then propagate to dependencies as needed.
In your CMakeLists.txt you have set the CPP_STANDARD and CPP_STANDARD_REQUIRED variables. The one's you're after are CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD and CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED respectively.
This will set the flag for all targets throughout your project.
There are different ways to add the error, optimization and debug symbols flags and which one you use depends on your use case. The following is not an exhaustive list.
If you want everyone who builds the library to have these, irrespectively of build configuration (debug/release/etc), you set the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable in your CMakeLists.txt
If you want everyone to have the flags, but only in certain build types, set the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_<CONFIG> variable, where <CONFIG> is the build type selected (DEBUG/RELEASE/MINSIZEREL/RELWITHDEBINFO are available by default)
If you don't want to force the flags upon everyone, before invoking CMake you can set the CXXFLAGS environment variable. But note that according to documentation this will be ineffective if CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS is set in your CMake scripts.
If you want to add flags to a single target, you can call target_compile_options on it, and set the appropriate visibility option to enable/disable propagation to consumers.
However in general you do need to think about portability when using these. For example GCC may support a certain flag which in Clang could be different.
Edit to address this comment
Since the header-only ASIO library does not like being compiled with the compiler definition mentioned above, there are two ways to address it:
Remove the ASIO_STANDALONE compiler flag
This will be the easiest thing to do from your point of view, but as a knock-on effect it will require you to have Boost installed on your system, as not having the flag above will cause the pre-processor to go through some Boost includes. There may be other effects, but this is the first one I encountered before moving on to the solution below.
Keep the flag, and use a CMake interface library
add_library() can allow you to add a target that does not actually produce any compiled objects/libraries/executables, but simply a logical CMake target that can posses properties just like any other ones - include directories, link libraries, etc. So as a minimum you could do this:
add_library(asio INTERFACE)
target_compile_options(asio INTERFACE ASIO_STANDALONE)
target_include_directories(asio INTERFACE <dir where asio.hpp lives>)
target_link_libraries(asio INTERFACE <threads>) # Using ASIO requires you link your final executable/library with your system's threading library (e.g. pthread on linux)
Then when you link another target with it like
target_link_libraries(any_lib PRIVATE asio)
any_lib will inherit all properties required to build with ASIO.
The solution you choose will be dictated by your use case, but if you have to do it the same way as your professor, then go the INTERFACE library route.

How to make imported target GLOBAL afterwards?

From the FindBoost.cmake module of CMake 3.8:
add_library(Boost::${COMPONENT} STATIC IMPORTED)
# Even if Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS is OFF, we might have static
# libraries as a result.
and the corresponding comment from the docu of that module:
It is important to note that the imported targets behave differently than variables created by this module: multiple calls to find_package(Boost) in the same directory or sub-directories with different options (e.g. static or shared) will not override the values of the targets created by the first call.
I see the rational for having the targets not being GLOBAL.
However, what is the preferred way of making them global?
I'm used to defining the dependencies of my project in a sub-directory including any find_package(...) calls. Consequently, the Boost imported targets are not available in another directory, e.g. /tests/CMakeLists.txt:
There is a IMPORTED_GLOBAL target property for this in CMake >= 3.11:
set_target_properties(Boost::unit_test_framework PROPERTIES IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE)
For older versions: find_package() uses standard add_library() calls, so you can always change/extend its functionality to have IMPORTED targets always GLOBAL with something like:
set(_args ${ARGN})
if ("${_args}" MATCHES ";IMPORTED")
list(APPEND _args GLOBAL)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework)
As #CraigScott has commented overwriting CMake's build-in functions is dangerous:
[CMake] infinite loop when using function overriding
CMake Issue #14357: Defining an override macro/function of add_library more than once causes a segmentation fault
CMake Issue #1254: Add new target-property IMPORTED_GLOBAL
CMake Issue #1222: [Threads, Boost] Option to create IMPORTED targets with GLOBAL scope
CMake Issue #17256: Possibility to promote IMPORTED target to IMPORTED GLOBAL
I managed to workaround the problem of having the imported Boost targets not available in the global project scope by including 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt not by add_subdirectory(3rdparty) but via include(3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt) as this evaluates 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt in the caller's scope.

Directing cmake to link against shared object with debug postfix (_d)

I've got a cmake project that pretty much looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
add_library(Frobnigator SHARED ${SourceFiles})
add_library(FrobnigatorStatic STATIC ${SourceFiles})
set_target_properties(FrobnigatorStatic PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME Frobnigator)
target_link_libraries(Frobnigator ${Libraries})
Where ContinuumTransfunctioner and Transmogrifier projects include the debug postfix directive SET(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "_d") so that libContinuumTransfunctioner_d.so and libTransmogrifier_d.so both exist.
The problem is that the current project appears to be linking against the static library without the _d suffix and complains:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lContinuumTransfunctioner
The Libraries that you pass into the target_link_libraries call are interpreted as filenames, not as target names.
This is the unfortunate fallback for that call in CMake: If you pass a random string to it, that cannot be interpreted in a meaningful way, CMake will always assume it to be plain library name. Sometimes this is just what you want, but the name has to be an exact match for an existing library. The whole debug postfix magic will be lost here.
What you might have wanted to do was to pass a library target name instead. This will trigger a much smarter handling of the dependency and would solve your problem. However, that only works if the library is a known target in the context of the target_link_libraries call. You can easily check this as follows:
if(TARGET ContinuumTransfunctioner)
message("Library target name")
message("Plain library name")
target_link_libraries(Frobnigator ContinuumTransfunctioner)
So how do you get to the target name case? This depends on how your build is structured. If the library is being built as part of your CMake run, simply make sure that the corresponding add_library call is performed from a subdirectory that is pulled in via add_subdirectory from the file that performs the target_link_libraries call.
If the library in question is an external dependency, you need to build an imported target that carries all the relevant information where to find the library files (including any potential debug postfixes). This can be a bit cumbersome to do manually, so if you can, you might want to use CMake's packaging mechanism to generate this automatically as part of the library's build process.
Here's the solution, courtesy of the good people on the cmake mailing list:
# Note:
# $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:_d> is called a generator expression.
# It outputs _d if the build is debug.

Specifying libraries for cmake to link to from command line

I have a huge project managed with CMake and this project has hundreds of components each of them having own source files and each of them linking to a list of libraries, specified with target_link_libraries(${project} some_libraries, some_other_libraries)
Now, what I am aiming for is that:
Without actually modifying any of the CMakeLists.txt I want ALL the projects's target executable to link to some specific libraries.
Is there a way of achieving this? Since this is a one time trial, I don't want to manually hunt down all the CMakeLists.txt files and modify them (yes, this is the other alternative). Just a note, I compile the entire project from command line, using cmake (no cmake gui).
This is kind of a hack, but for a C++ project, you can use CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES. For a C project, I think you would use CMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIRBARIES.
Example for C++ that links to libbar and libfoo:
cmake ... -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES="-lbar -lfoo"
See the documentation here:
This won't be available for older versions of CMake; it was added some time after version 3.0.
This is a dirty, dirty hack, so please only use it for testing.
You can actually overload the add_executable command by defining a function of the same name. Do this close to the top of the top-level CMakeLists.txt:
function (add_executable name)
message("Added executable: " ${name})
_add_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
target_link_libraries(${name$} your_additional_lib)
Note that _add_executable is an internal CMake name that may break in future CMake versions. As of now (version 3.0) it seems to work with all versions though.
You can overload add_library the same way if required.
For more fine-grained control over what is linked, instead of calling target_link_libraries you can also mess with the LINK_LIBRARIES and INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target properties directly.