Need help for MS Access Select Request using 2 tables - sql

For a "products reservation system", I have 2 tables :
"RD", for global reservations data (fieds: ID, CustomerID, Date, ...)
"RP", for reserved products data per reservation (fields: ID, RD_ID, ProductID, Status, ...). RD_ID fits with the ID in RD table (field for joining). Status field can have these values: O, C, S.
I need to extract (with 2 Select instructions) the list of reservations and the number of reservations for which all products have status 'O' .
Data example for RP:
ID | RD_ID | ProdID | Status
1 | 1 | 100 | O
2 | 1 | 101 | O
3 | 1 | 102 | O
4 | 2 | 105 | O
5 | 2 | 100 | S
6 | 3 | 101 | C
7 | 3 | 102 | O
In this example, Select statement should return only RD_ID 1
For the number of ID, the following request does not work because it also includes reservations with products having different status:
SELECT COUNT(rd.ID) FROM rd INNER JOIN rp ON rp.RD_ID = rd.ID WHERE rp.Status = 'O';
Could you help me for the right Select statement?
Thank you.

SELECT rd.ID, COUNT(rd.ID) CountOfRD, status
GROUP BY rd.ID, status

Use not exists as follows:
Select t.* from your_table t
Where t.status = 'O'
And not exists (select 1 from your_table tt
Where t.rd_id = tt.rd_id
And t.status != tt.status)
You can also use group by and having as follows:
Select rd_id
From your_table t
Group by rd_id
Having sum(case when status <> 'O' then 1 end) > 0


Select rows where main value has disabled status and sub value is active

I have a table containing customer agreement numbers and a status field indicating whether that agreement is active or not - 1 for active, 0 for disabled.
A main customer number contains 5 digits, from which other subagreements can be made. These other agreements are characterized by a 10 digit number, the first 5 coming from the main number and the last 5 autogenerated.
Note that not all main agreements necessarily have subagreements.
Heres a simplified snippet of the table I currently get from my query:
| CustNumber| CustName | CustStatus | |
|12345 | Cust1 | 1 | |
|1234500001 | Cust1 | 1 | |
|1234500002 | Cust1 | 0 | |
|12346 | Cust2 | 0 | |<---
|1234600001 | Cust2 | 1 | |<---
|1234600002 | Cust2 | 0 | |
FROM table
WHERE LEFT(custnumber, 5) IN (
SELECT LEFT(custnumber, 5)
FROM table
GROUP BY LEFT(custnumber, 5)
HAVING Count(*) > 1
ORDER BY custnumber,
custstatus DESC;
From here I'm pretty lost. I'm thinking something along the lines of an inner join on a subquery but I'm really not sure.
What I'm looking for is a query that selects rows with subagreement numbers that are active but where the main agreement number is disabled.
I'm new to SQL and have spend a good while searching around for similar questions, but I actually don't know how to describe this problem in a google-friendly manner.
Join the table with itself - I am using a WITH clause for readability, but that is not necessary - and check the statuses.
with main_rows as
select custnumber as main_number, custname, custstatus
from mytable
where length(custnumber) = 5
, sub_rows as
left(custnumber, 5) as main_number,
right(custnumber, 5) as sub_number,
from mytable
where length(custnumber) = 10
m.custname as main_name,
s.custname as sub_name
from main_rows m
join sub_rows s using (main_number)
where m.custstatus = 0 and s.custstatus = 1
order by main_number, s.sub_number;
And here is the same thing, but shorter and just not as talkative :-)
select *
from mytable m
join mytable s on s.custnumber like m.custnumber || '_____'
where m.custstatus = 0 and s.custstatus = 1
order by s.custnumber;
with data (CustNumber, CustName, CustStatus) as(
Select '12345' ,'Cust1',1 union all
Select '1234500001' ,'Cust1',1 union all
Select '1234500002' ,'Cust1',0 union all
Select '12346' ,'Cust2',0 union all
Select '1234600001' ,'Cust2',1 union all
Select '1234600002' ,'Cust2',0
,subagg (k,CustNumber, CustName, CustStatus) as(
select Left(CustNumber,5) k,CustNumber, CustName, CustStatus
from data
where len(CustNumber)=10
and CustStatus = 1
select s.CustNumber ActiveSunCustomer, d.CustNumber InactivePrimaryCustomer
from subagg s
join data d on d.CustNumber=s.k and d.CustStatus = 0

Postgres: Deleting rows that are duplicated in one column based on the conditions of another column

I have a PostgreSQL table that stores user details called users as shown below
ID | user name | item | dos | Charge|
1 | Ed | 32 |01-02-1987| 1 |
2 | Taya | 01 |05-07-1981|-1 |
3 | Damian | 32 |22-19-1990| 1 |
2 | Taya | 01 |05-07-1981| 1 |
2 | Taya | 01 |05-07-1981| 1 |
1 | Ed | 32 |01-02-1987|-1 |
I want to delete rows where they are same across id, username, item and dos & sum of charges is 0. This means both row 1 and row 6 for ed gets deleted.
With more than 2 occurences, if the sum of charge is 1, i want one of the row with charge -1 and 1 deleted which means one row with charge 1 will be retained. For eg: ROw 2 and Row for Taya will be deleted.
The output table that i am after is:
ID | user name | item | dos | Charge|
3 | Damian | 32 |22-19-1990| 1 |
2 | Taya | 01 |05-07-1981| 1 |
Any ideas?
You want the having clause:
This will get you the output you want:
id, user_name, item, dos, sum (charge)
from table
group by
id, user_name, item, dos
sum (charge) != 0
If you're really trying to delete the records that make it zero:
delete from table
where (id, user_name, item, dos) in (
select id, user_name, item, dos
from table
group by id, user_name, item, dos
having sum (charge) = 0
This does the same thing, and is quite a bit more code, but because it's using a semi-join it might be better for really large datasets:
with delete_me as (
select id, user_name, item, dos
from table
group by id, user_name, item, dos
having sum (charge) = 0
delete from table t
where exists (
select null
from delete_me d
where = and
t.user_name = d.user_name and
t.item = d.item and
t.dos = d.dos

Count how many times a value appears in tables SQL

Here's the situation:
So, in my database, a person is "responsible" for job X and "linked" to job Y. What I want is a query that returns: name of person, his ID and he number of jobs it's linked/responsible. So far I got this:
select id_job, count(id_job) number_jobs
from responsible
union all
from linked
) id_job
GROUP BY id_job
And it returns a table with id in the first column and number of occurrences in the second. Now, what I can't do is associate the name of person to the table. When i put that in the "select" from beginning it gives me all the possible combinations... How can I solve this? Thanks in advance!
Example data and desirable output:
| Person |
id | name
1 | John
2 | Francis
3 | Chuck
4 | Anthony
| Responsible |
process_no | id
100 | 2
200 | 2
300 | 1
400 | 4
| Linked |
process_no | id
101 | 4
201 | 1
301 | 1
401 | 2
id | name | number_jobs
1 | John | 3
2 | Francis | 3
3 | Chuck | 0
4 | Anthony | 2
Try this way
select,, count(*) from Person prs
join(select process_no, id
from Responsible res
Union all
select process_no, id
from Linked lin ) a on
group by,
I would recommend aggregating each of the tables by the person and then joining the results back to the person table:
select p.*, coalesce(r.cnt, 0) + coalesce(l.cnt, 0) as numjobs
from person p left join
(select id, count(*) as cnt
from responsible
group by id
) r
on = left join
(select id, count(*) as cnt
from linked
group by id
) l
on =;
select id, name, count(process_no) FROM (
select,, res.process_no from Person pr
LEFT JOIN Responsible res on =
select,, lin.process_no from Person pr
LEFT JOIN Linked lin on = src
group by id, name
order by id
Query ain't tested, give it a shot, but this is the way you want to go

SUM in multi-currency

I am trying to do SUM() in a multi-currency setup. The following will demonstrate the problem that I am facing:-
Id | Name
1 | Mr. A
2 | Mr. B
3 | Mr. C
4 | Mr. D
Id | Name | Cost | Currency
1 | Item 1 | 5 | USD
2 | Item 2 | 2 | EUR
3 | Item 3 | 10 | GBP
4 | Item 4 | 5 | GBP
5 | Item 5 | 50 | AUD
6 | Item 6 | 20 | USD
7 | Item 3 | 10 | EUR
User_Id | Product_Id
1 | 1
2 | 1
1 | 2
3 | 3
1 | 5
1 | 7
1 | 5
2 | 6
3 | 4
4 | 2
Now, I want the output of a SELECT query that lists the Customer Name and the total amount worth of products purchased as:-
Customer Name | Amount
Mr. A | Multiple-currencies
Mr. B | 25 USD
Mr. C | 15 GBP
Mr. D | 2 EUR
So basically, I am looking for a way to add the cost of multiple products under the same customer, if all of them have the same currency, else simply show 'multiple-currencies'. Running the following query will not help:-
SELECT Customer.Name, SUM(Item.Amount) FROM Customer
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.User_Id = Customer.Id
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.Id = Order.Product_Id
GROUP BY Customer.Name
What should my query be? I am using Sqlite
I would suggest two output columns, one for the currency and one for the amount:
SELECT c.Name,
(case when max(currency) = min(currency) then sum(amount)
end) as amount,
(case when max(currency) = min(currency) then max(currency)
else 'Multiple Currencies'
end) as currency
Order o
ON o.User_Id = c.Id INNER JOIN
ON i.Id = o.Product_Id
If you want, you can concatenate these into a single string column. I just prefer to have the information in two different columns for something like this.
The above is standard SQL.
I think your query should looks like this
Data.Name AS [Customer Name],
CASE WHEN Data.Count > 1 THEN "Multiple-currencies" ELSE CAST(Data.Amount AS NVARCHAR) END AS Amount
COUNT(Item.Currency) AS Count,
SUM(Item.Amount) AS Amount
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.User_Id = Customer.Id
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.Id = Order.Product_Id
Customer.Name) AS Data
A subquery to get the count of currencies and then ask for them in the main query to show the total or the text "Multiple-currencies".
Sorry if there is any mistake or mistype but I don't have a database server to test it
Hope this helps.
IMO I would start by standardizing variable names. Why call ID in customer table USER_ID in order table? Just a pet peeve. Anyway, you should learn how to build queries.
start with joining the customer table to the order table on then join the result to the item table. The first join is on CUSTOMER_ID and the second join is on PRODUCT_ID. Once you have that working use SUM and GROUP BY
Ok, I managed to solve the problem this way:-
SELECT innerQuery.Name AS Name, (CASE WHEN innerQuery.Currencies=1 THEN (innerQuery.Amount || innerQuery.Currency) ELSE 'Mutliple-Currencies' END) AS Amount, FROM
(SELECT Customer.Name, SUM(Item.Amount), COUNT(DISTINCT Item.Currency) AS Currencies, Item.Currency AS Currency FROM Customer
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.User_Id = Customer.Id
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.Id = Order.Product_Id
GROUP BY Customer.Name)innerQuery

Select columns with and without group by

Having Table1
id | productname | store | price
1 | name a | store 1 | 4
2 | name a | store 2 | 3
3 | name b | store 3 | 6
4 | name a | store 3 | 4
5 | name b | store 1 | 7
6 | name a | store 4 | 5
7 | name c | store 3 | 2
8 | name b | store 6 | 5
9 | name c | store 2 | 1
I need to get all columns but only the rows with the
lowest price.
Result needed:
id | productname | store | price
2 | name a | store 2 | 3
8 | name b | store 6 | 5
9 | name c | store 2 | 1
My best try is:
SELECT ProductName, MIN(Price) AS minPrice
FROM Table1
GROUP BY ProductName
But then I need the ID and STORE for each row.
Try this
select p.* from Table1 as p inner join
(SELECT ProductName, MIN(Price) AS minPrice FROM Table1 GROUP BY ProductName) t
on p.productname = t.ProductName and p.price = t.minPrice
Select ID,ProductName,minPrice
SELECT ProductName, MIN(Price) AS minPrice
FROM Table1
GROUP BY ProductName
) t
join Table1 t1 on t.ProductName = t1.ProductName
You didn't mention your SQL dialect, but most DBMSes support Standard SQL's "Windowed Aggregate Functions":
select *
( select t.*,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductName ORDER BY Price) as rnk
from table1 as t
) as dt
where rnk = 1
If multiple stores got the same lowest price all of them will be returned. If you want only a single shop you have to switch to ROW_NUMBER instead of RANK or add column(s) to the ORDER BY.
I think this query should do:
select min( id
, t.productname
, t.price
from table1 t
( select min(price) min_price
, productname
from table1
by productname
) v
on v.productname = t.productname
and v.price = t.min_price
by t.productname
, t.price
It determines the lowest price per product and fetches every line in the base table (t). This avoids duplicates by grouping on the productname and selecting the lowest id.
This should work for you:
SELECT * FROM `Table1` AS `t1`
SELECT count(*) FROM `Table1` AS `t2` WHERE `t1`.`productName` = `t2`.`productName` AND `t2`.`price` < `t1`.`price`) < 1
Check SqlFiddle
But if you have same products with same minimum price in two stores, you will get both of them in result output