SUM in multi-currency - sql

I am trying to do SUM() in a multi-currency setup. The following will demonstrate the problem that I am facing:-
Id | Name
1 | Mr. A
2 | Mr. B
3 | Mr. C
4 | Mr. D
Id | Name | Cost | Currency
1 | Item 1 | 5 | USD
2 | Item 2 | 2 | EUR
3 | Item 3 | 10 | GBP
4 | Item 4 | 5 | GBP
5 | Item 5 | 50 | AUD
6 | Item 6 | 20 | USD
7 | Item 3 | 10 | EUR
User_Id | Product_Id
1 | 1
2 | 1
1 | 2
3 | 3
1 | 5
1 | 7
1 | 5
2 | 6
3 | 4
4 | 2
Now, I want the output of a SELECT query that lists the Customer Name and the total amount worth of products purchased as:-
Customer Name | Amount
Mr. A | Multiple-currencies
Mr. B | 25 USD
Mr. C | 15 GBP
Mr. D | 2 EUR
So basically, I am looking for a way to add the cost of multiple products under the same customer, if all of them have the same currency, else simply show 'multiple-currencies'. Running the following query will not help:-
SELECT Customer.Name, SUM(Item.Amount) FROM Customer
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.User_Id = Customer.Id
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.Id = Order.Product_Id
GROUP BY Customer.Name
What should my query be? I am using Sqlite

I would suggest two output columns, one for the currency and one for the amount:
SELECT c.Name,
(case when max(currency) = min(currency) then sum(amount)
end) as amount,
(case when max(currency) = min(currency) then max(currency)
else 'Multiple Currencies'
end) as currency
Order o
ON o.User_Id = c.Id INNER JOIN
ON i.Id = o.Product_Id
If you want, you can concatenate these into a single string column. I just prefer to have the information in two different columns for something like this.
The above is standard SQL.

I think your query should looks like this
Data.Name AS [Customer Name],
CASE WHEN Data.Count > 1 THEN "Multiple-currencies" ELSE CAST(Data.Amount AS NVARCHAR) END AS Amount
COUNT(Item.Currency) AS Count,
SUM(Item.Amount) AS Amount
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.User_Id = Customer.Id
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.Id = Order.Product_Id
Customer.Name) AS Data
A subquery to get the count of currencies and then ask for them in the main query to show the total or the text "Multiple-currencies".
Sorry if there is any mistake or mistype but I don't have a database server to test it
Hope this helps.

IMO I would start by standardizing variable names. Why call ID in customer table USER_ID in order table? Just a pet peeve. Anyway, you should learn how to build queries.
start with joining the customer table to the order table on then join the result to the item table. The first join is on CUSTOMER_ID and the second join is on PRODUCT_ID. Once you have that working use SUM and GROUP BY

Ok, I managed to solve the problem this way:-
SELECT innerQuery.Name AS Name, (CASE WHEN innerQuery.Currencies=1 THEN (innerQuery.Amount || innerQuery.Currency) ELSE 'Mutliple-Currencies' END) AS Amount, FROM
(SELECT Customer.Name, SUM(Item.Amount), COUNT(DISTINCT Item.Currency) AS Currencies, Item.Currency AS Currency FROM Customer
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.User_Id = Customer.Id
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.Id = Order.Product_Id
GROUP BY Customer.Name)innerQuery


Need help for MS Access Select Request using 2 tables

For a "products reservation system", I have 2 tables :
"RD", for global reservations data (fieds: ID, CustomerID, Date, ...)
"RP", for reserved products data per reservation (fields: ID, RD_ID, ProductID, Status, ...). RD_ID fits with the ID in RD table (field for joining). Status field can have these values: O, C, S.
I need to extract (with 2 Select instructions) the list of reservations and the number of reservations for which all products have status 'O' .
Data example for RP:
ID | RD_ID | ProdID | Status
1 | 1 | 100 | O
2 | 1 | 101 | O
3 | 1 | 102 | O
4 | 2 | 105 | O
5 | 2 | 100 | S
6 | 3 | 101 | C
7 | 3 | 102 | O
In this example, Select statement should return only RD_ID 1
For the number of ID, the following request does not work because it also includes reservations with products having different status:
SELECT COUNT(rd.ID) FROM rd INNER JOIN rp ON rp.RD_ID = rd.ID WHERE rp.Status = 'O';
Could you help me for the right Select statement?
Thank you.
SELECT rd.ID, COUNT(rd.ID) CountOfRD, status
GROUP BY rd.ID, status
Use not exists as follows:
Select t.* from your_table t
Where t.status = 'O'
And not exists (select 1 from your_table tt
Where t.rd_id = tt.rd_id
And t.status != tt.status)
You can also use group by and having as follows:
Select rd_id
From your_table t
Group by rd_id
Having sum(case when status <> 'O' then 1 end) > 0

Check if two products belong to same invoice

I have a table of Invoices, InvocicesLines and Products, and I'd like to select all the invoices that have two different products.
How can I do this?
Invoices table:
InvoiceNo | CustomerId | ...
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 7 |
InvoicesLines table:
InvoiceNo (FK) | Id (PK) | ProductId |
1 | 1 | 3 |
2 | 2 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 2 |
4 | 4 | 5 |
I need the invoices which have product 1 and 2:
InvoiceNo |
2 |
You can join twice your invoices with your lines, and return the ones having different products. You must group the result.
select Invoices.IdInvoice
from Inovices
inner join InvoicesLines as First on First.IdInvoice = Invoices.IdInvoice
inner join InvoicesLines as Second on Second.IdInvoice = Invoice.IdInvoice
where First.IdProduct <> Second.IdProduct
group by Invoices.IdInvoice
This is going to return all the invoices with at least two different products.
But if you want to return the invoices with two different products, and only two different products, you can ensure it with a having clausule.
select Invoices.IdInvoice
from Inovices
inner join InvoicesLines as First on First.IdInvoice = Invoices.IdInvoice
inner join InvoicesLines as Second on Second.IdInvoice = Invoice.IdInvoice
where First.IdProduct <> Second.IdProduct
group by Invoices.IdInvoice
having count(Invoices.IdInvoice) = 2
Group by Invoice number and use having clause to return only those invoices which has distinct count of products equal to 2 (or greater of 1, if you want "at least two products"):
select i.InvoiceNumber
from Inoices i
inner join InvoiceLines il on il.InvoiceId = i.InoiceId
group by i.InvoiceNumber
having count(distinct il.ProductId) = 2

SQL Server - OR clause in join confusion

I have the table structure like below
1 | Shoes | 20
2 | Cloths| NULL
100 | 1 | 10
101 | 1 | NULL
102 | 1 | 10
A | 10
B | 20
I want to write a query to list how many items are there in a package grouped by same brand. If the brand is not defined in the item it should get it from package.
Note: Brand_id in both package and items are nullable
My query is this
SELECT count (*) as count,p.descr as descr, FROM [items] item
inner join [package] p on item.pack_id= p.pack_id
inner join [brands] b on b.brand_id = item.brand_id or b.brand_id = p.brand_id
where p.pack_id = 1
group by,p.descr
and my result is
COUNT | descr | NAME
2 | Shoes | a
3 | Shoes | B
whereas i expect the result to be something like this
COUNT | descr | NAME
2 | Shoes | a
1 | Shoes | B
could you please suggest what is wrong with my code? Thanks in advance.
Try using ISNULL on your join condition:
SELECT count (*) as count,p.pack_id as pack_id, FROM [items] item
inner join [package] p on item.pack_id= p.pack_id
inner join [brands] b on b.brand_id = ISNULL(item.brand_id, p.brand_id)
where p.pack_id = 1
group by,p.pack_id
Your OR was causing it to join to multiple rows, this should use the item by default and then fall back to the package.
I would tend to approach this by getting the brand for both the item and the package. Then decide which one to use in the select:
SELECT count(*) as count, p.descr as descr, coalesce(, as name
FROM [items] item inner join
[package] p
on item.pack_id= p.pack_id left join
[brands] bi
on bi.brand_id = item.brand_id left join
brands bp
on b.brand_id = p.brand_id
where p.pack_id = 1
group by coalesce(,, p.descr;
One key advantage to this approach is performance. Databases tend to do a poor job when joins are on expression or or conditions.

hive convert columns into a row

Here is the data i have in hive:
id | name
1 | n1
2 | n2
oid | cid | amt
1 | 1 | 10
2 | 1 | 20
3 | 1 | 30
4 | 2 | 10
I would like to get something like this:
cid, avg(amt), oid1,oid2,oid3...etc
in other words i want each custid, avg of amt and all the order ids associated with cid in 1 row.
I have come up with something like this:
select,avg(o.amt),.... from customers c join orders o on = o.cid;
can some one please fill up how to achieve this please.
It would be difficult to have a column for each order id (I am assuming that there will be a varying number of orders for each customer) but you could collect them to an array and make it its own column. Also, you said you want custid, avg_amt, and all the orders; since this doesn't include name you don't need to join customers to orders.
select cid
,AVG(amt) as avg_amt
,collect_list(oid) as orders_array
from customers
group by cid;
1 20 [1,2,3]
2 10 [4]

SQL join from the same table

How do I get grand total for orders made by credit card only from such a table :
order_id | meta_name | meta_value
1 | type | credit
1 | total | 1030.00
2 | type | check
2 | total | 930.00
3 | type | credit
3 | total | 330.00
what is the best way to describe such select operation if you are to search the Internet for a solution to this problem.
suppose I am MySQL.
You can do this with either join or group by. Here is the join method:
select ttype.order_id, cast(ttotal.meta_value as money)
from table ttype join
table ttotal
on ttype.order_id = ttotal.order_id and
ttype.meta_name = 'type' and
ttype.meta_value = 'credit' and
ttotal.meta_name = 'total';
If yo could have more than one total for an order, then you would still want to aggregate:
select ttype.order_id, sum(cast(ttotal.meta_value as money))
from table ttype join
table ttotal
on ttype.order_id = ttotal.order_id and
ttype.meta_name = 'type' and
ttype.meta_value = 'credit' and
ttotal.meta_name = 'total'
group by ttype.order_id