equals letter start and end SQL - sql

how to select a cells with contents (varchar) starting and ending with equals letter in SQL??

You can use string functions. Assuming a table called mytable with a column called col:
select *
from mytable
where left(col, 1) = right(col, 1)
Note that this also allows values that are made of just one character - you did not tell which behavior you want in that case. You can easily avoid that, if that's what you want, with another condition on the length of the string:
select *
from mytable
where left(col, 1) = right(col, 1) and len(col) > 1


SQL String split and update field

I have table Project with a column name Name with values in the format SYS_12345_Value. I want to update this Name field such that its value in every row is replaced by the term after second _ in its value.
At the moment it looks like SYS_82058_INDIGO and I want to replace it with INDIGO and the same for all the rows in the table.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks alot.
UPDATE : Tried #GordonLinoff's solution as follows
UPDATE Project
SET Name = (select right(str, charindex('_', reverse(str)) - 1) from (values (Name)) v(str))
WHERE Name like '%SYS%'
String manipulation in SQL Server is usually tricky. But if you want the last component, you can use:
select *,
right(str, charindex('_', reverse(str)) - 1)
from (values ('SYS_82058_INDIGO')) v(str)
Use a couple of nested CHARINDEX functions. This assumes that every row has 2 underscore (_) characters:
UPDATE dbo.YourTable
SET YourColumn = STUFF(YourColumn,1,CHARINDEX('_',YourColumn,CHARINDEX('_',YourColumn)+1),'');

SQL - get specific text from string

I have column with this strings:
['autre__renvoi_vers_un_mail', 'contact_type__email']
['contact_type__email', 'internal__shop', 'uk']
I need to get from the string ONLY the contact_type__* part (appears only once in each row)
Any suggestions?
You could use regexp function regexp_extract(), like:
regexp_extract(mycol, 'contact_type__[a-zA-Z0-9_]*')
This will match on string 'contact_type__ followed by a sequence of letters, numbers, or underscore (which are commonly defined as word characters).
Given this example:
create table t (col varchar(100));
insert into t values
('[''autre__renvoi_vers_un_mail'', ''contact_type__email'']'),
('[''contact_type__email'', ''internal__shop'', ''uk'']');
You can use:
charindex('contact_type', col) + 14,
charindex('''', col, charindex('contact_type', col)) - charindex('contact_type', col) - 14
db<>fiddle here

TSQL extract part of string with regex

i would make a script that iterate over the records of a table with a cursor
and extract from a column value formatted like that "yyy://xx/bb/147011"
only the final number 147011and to put this value in a variable.
It's possible to do something like that?
Many thanks.
You don't need a cursor for this. You can just use a query. The following gets everything after the last /:
select right(str, charindex('/', reverse(str)) - 1 )
from (values ('yyy://xx/bb/147011')) v(str)
It does not specifically check if it is a number, but that can be added as well.
You can also use the below query.
SELECT RIGHT(RTRIM('yyy://xx/bb/147011'),
CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE('/' + RTRIM('yyy://xx/bb/147011'))) - 1) AS LastWord
If numeric value has exact position defined with sample data, then you can do :
SELECT t.*, SUBSTRING(t.col, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', t.col), LEN(t.col))
FROM table t;

SQL Server - Delete Values after Decimal (non-int field)

Have a ncarchar(MAX) field in SQL table. It has numbers such as 717.08064182582, 39.0676048113, etc. in which I need to only have 3 places after decimal. For instance 717.080, 39.067.
Without converting the field type, would like to get rid of those last n characters, however every row has different number of characters. I believe I could use ROUND (correct me if wrong), but would rather not.
Try this
Without converting it data type As per #vkp Comment
SELECT SUBSTRING(ColumnName ,0,CHARINDEX('.', ColumnName )+4)
select CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('.', Your_column) > 0
THEN SUBSTRING(Your_column, 1, CHARINDEX('.', Your_column) + 3)
ELSE Your_column
this is similar as previous answers but more faster and safer
Try this:
SELECT SUBSTRING(Your_column, 1, PATINDEX('%.%', Your_column) + 3)
FROM Your_Table

SQL Server - select substring of all characters following last hyphen

I am working with a database of products, trying to extract the product color from a combined ID/color code column where the color code is always the string following the last hyphen in the column. The issue is that the number of hyphens, product ID, and color code can all be different.
Here are four examples:
The color codes in this case would be 001, 0165, M2235, and 001. What would be the best way to select these into their own column?
I think the following does what you want:
select right(col, charindex('-', reverse(col)) - 1)
In the event that you might have no hyphens in the value, then use a case:
select (case when col like '%-%'
then right(col, charindex('-', reverse(col)) - 1)
else col
It is great to check whether the hyphen exists or not in the string, to avoid the following error:
Invalid length parameter passed to the right function.