Passing slots through from Parent to Child Components - vue.js

I have built a user-defined component (async-select) on top of another component (vue mutliselect) like this:
Since the original vue-multiselect component offers a couple of slots, I don't want to loose the chance to use them. So my goal is to make these slots available from inside my custom component. In other words, I want to something like this:
But that code oes not work.
However, if I add the slot to the child component itself, it works just fine (which you can see from the fact that options become red-colored).
After surfing the web, I have come across this article, but it does not seem to work
Is there any way in VueJS to accomplish this ?

Slots can be confusing!
First, you need a template element to define the slot content:
<async-select :value="value" :options="options">
<template v-slot:option-tmpl="{ props }">
<div class="ui grid">
<div style="color: red">{{ }}</div>
Then, in the parent component, you need a slot element. That slot element itself can be inside of another template element, so its contents can be put in a slot of its own parent.
placeholder="My component"
<template slot="option" slot-scope="props">
<slot name="option-tmpl" :props="props"></slot>
Working Fiddle:


VueJS 2 - Re-useable parent component that can accept different children

I have a parent component, SearchComponent:
<div class="relative pl-8 pr-10 rounded bg-white border focus-within:bg-white focus-within:ring-1">
<input v-focus #keyup.escape="clearSearch" #keyup="doSearch" v-model="searchTerm"
class="w-full ml-4 h-12 pl-1 text-gray-700 text-lg rounded-full border-0 bg-transparent focus:outline-none placeholder-gray-400"
placeholder="Search..." autocomplete="off">
<ul class="bg-white mt-4">
<quick-search-item v-for="item in searchResults" :key="" :item-data="item.itemData">
This is responsible for receiving user input and getting results from an ajax call, handling errors etc. and generating the result list.
What I'd like to do is to make this generic so that instead of having a quick-search-item child component I can pass in different types of child component (like car-search-item, person-search-item etc.) depending on the context of where the user is in the app and what they're searching for
I've read a number of tutorials and I couldn't find quite what I'm trying to do. This may mean I'm approaching this in the wrong way - but if anyone could point me in the right direction, or has a better approach, I'd be very grateful.
I would try to make use of the <slot> element. Check out the documentation here
Hope this can put you on the right path.
Schalk Pretorius was quite right: slots are the answer to this, specifically scoped slots. I found the Vue docs a little confusing as it refers to getting data from the child component and I wanted to do it the other way around, so as an aide memoire for myself and to help anyone else here's what I did:
In my parent component I defined the slot like this:
<slot name="results" v-bind:items="searchResults">
The v-bind binds searchResults (a data item in the parent component) to the value 'items'. 'items' then becomes available in the slot.
In my child component I have a simple property setup called items:
props: {
items: {type: Array},
Then to hook it all together in my Blade file I did this:
<search-component endpoint="{{ route('quick_search.index') }}">
<template v-slot:results="props">
<food-results :items="props.items">
This creates the search-component. Inside that -as I'm using named slots - we need a template and use v-slot to tell it which slot to use (results), then the ="props" exposes all the properties we've defined on that slot (in this case just one, 'items').
Inside the template we put our child component and then we can bind items to props.items which will be the searchResults in our parent component.
I'm happy to have this working and I can now create lots of different results components while reusing the search component - and at least I learnt something today!

Pass a button with click handler via slot to recursive child component

I've got a page template with the following code part:
<nested-draggable v-bind:list="list" v-bind:selected="selected" v-bind:group="dragGroup">
<v-icon v-on:click="$root.$emit('click', el)" small v-if="allowcreate" style="float: right">mdi-plus</v-icon>
the sub component ("nested-draggable.vue") for the recursion looks like this:
<ul class="tree">
v-for="el in list"
<span v-bind:class="{'selected' : el._id === selected._id}" v-on:click="elemClicked(el)">{{ el.title }}</span>
<!-- render children of the current iterated element -->
v-bind:list="el.children" v-bind:selected="selected" v-bind:group="group">
so I'd like to have the click event from the button within the passed slot emited with the current iteration's var "el" when the "plus" button is clicked, but within the slot the "el" var that is used within the iteration at the nested-draggable component can not be accessed. Vue tells that there is no "el" reference when trying to emit. (Throwing this error:
So how can I access the recursive data within the passed slot? How do I have to define my slot when passing it?
The only solution I found is putting the button/event-link directly into the nested-draggable component (not as slot) but I think to be clean and write a nice separated component, this would not belong into the nested draggable component, but in its parent.
You don't need to pass your event from the template because you can get in your method anyways. This should help you out.

How to dynamically insert a template into another template

New to VueJS... I have a component that I want to pass other components into based on the selection made in a dropdown. I have a main template that will always be rendered on the screen, part of which has a dropdown. When I make a selection in that dropdown I want to have a div inside that main component with an ID (or some other identifying property) and push another template inside of it. I'm thinking that a slot does the opposite of what I want..
Original Template:
<div class="search-field-with-label-container">
<el-select v-model="serviceType">
v-for="serviceType in serviceTypes"
>{{ serviceType }}</el-option>
<div id="thisIsWhereIWantMyOtherTemplateToRender"
Second template:
<h1>this is the other template</h1>
You can use dynamic components with the keep-alive tag.
<component v-bind:is="selectedComponent"></component>
Documentation is here.

How to make a component use v-for have dynamic slots

I have a child component that uses v-for. I want to be able to have the parent pass down a slot, or something similar of how it wants each item in the v-for display. However, the problem is that the parent does not have access to each individual item in the v-for as it's rendered.
Some things i've tried is passing a slot with specific keys. e.g.
<child-comp :items="items">
<div v-text="item.text" slot="body"/>
Basic code may look like this for what i'm trying (though it doesn't work)
Parent component would look something like
<child-comp :items="items>
<div v-text="item.text"
items = [{ text: 'hello'}]
Child would look something like this
<span v-for="item in items">
Note this has to be dynamic because one item might do v-text, another may do something like add more html such as an image, and another may do something completely different.
I believe you're looking for scoped slots.
Note that the preferred syntax for using scoped slots changed in Vue 2.6.0 so the exact way you write this will depend on which version you're using.
Your child would pass the item to the slot, like this:
<span v-for="item in items">
<slot :item="item"></slot>
The parent would look like this for Vue 2.6.0+:
<child-comp :items="items">
<template v-slot:default="slotProps">
<!-- The parent can put whatever it needs here -->
{{ slotProps.item }}
Any props passed to the slot by the child will be included in the slotProps. There's no need to call it slotProps and in practice it is usually destructured (see the docs for more details).
For Vue 2.5 you'd use slot-scope instead:
<child-comp :items="items">
<template slot-scope="slotProps">
<!-- The parent can put whatever it needs here -->
{{ slotProps.item }}
Prior to Vue 2.5.0 slot-scope was called scope.

How do I use the same slot-element for all elements?

So if I have a slot like this:
<span slot="?" slot-scope="data>...</span>
What should question mark be here if I want to use this for everything?
This is not supported by the current state of Vue, nor is this supported when trying to hack this feature in using the JavaScript Proxy class, this is because the internal design of Vue first collects all children and maps them to an object, before passing this to the next component.
You can work around this by specifying your slot contents multiple times, like:
<!-- inside parent -->
<p slot="head">Hello World</p>
<p slot="body">Hello World</p>
Or modifying the child to accept a base slot to use if a slot is not passed in
<!-- inside child -->
<slot name="head">
<slot name="base/>
<slot name="body">
<slot name="base/>