I have a problem with InlineKeyboardButton in python telegram API - telegram-bot

This is what my bot will do:
If someone sends a command like \sendFriendReq to my bot, then my bot will send a message with their details and an Inline Button with with "yes" and "no".
The problem I'm facing: How can i know who send those messages other than formatting the text with their details, is there a way to send their chat id along with the inline button so i can use that chat id to send a reply to my bot users
Disclaimer: This is not the actual problem but the solution to this problem could solve my problem so alternate solution to send friend req won't help me

This would give you pretty much every detail about the incomming message:
userid = update.message.from_user.id
firstname = update.message.from_user.first_name
lastname = update.message.from_user.last_name
fullname = update.message.from_user.full_name
username = update.message.from_user.name
message = update.message.text
chatid = update.message.chat_id


How to get the chat id, bot id, message id, channel id, group id using python-telegram-bot API?

I have created a bot in telegram and I wish to control it using python.
I am using python-telegram-bot API. What is the easiest way to figure out various ids using the python: bot id, chat id, message id, group id, channel id? Is there any readymade code available for this?
I suppose you have something like that
updater = Updater(TOKEN, use_context=True)
dp = updater.dispatcher
dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, echo))
with dispatcher.add_handler you associate a specific function to run when the bot receive a message (in this case only text messages due to Filters.text)
The function will be something like that:
def echo(update, context):
chat_id = update.message.chat_id
message_id = update.message.message_id
text = update.message.text
All the informations you need are inside the Update object, received by the Dispatcher, i extracted the more usefull, but there are a lot others. Check the documentation for more details.

Get message and use it Telegram bot (pyTelegramBotAPI)

I am making a Telegram bot. I want write code that:
user send command - /color
bot ask ‘Red: ‘
user send text
How can I get that message without ‘/’ ?
def info_produkts(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "Red: ")
text = Update.message.replay_text()
But it's not working...
I am working in visual studio code.
use regexp= keyboard like that

How do I disable the note when sending an email?

Is there a way to disable the creation of a "log note" when I send an email using the send_mail() method of mail.template?
Basically what I'm doing is sending an email to all team members every time a ticket is opened in the helpdesk. the problem is that in the ticket itself, it creates as many log notes for me as there are emails I send.
How can I disable the creation of log notes?
Thanks in advance
I had the same issue which you are facing so my solution :
mail_id = template_valuess.with_context(
ctx).send_mail(self.id, force_send=True)
if mail_id:
mail_obj = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().browse(mail_id)
mail_message_id = mail_obj.mail_message_id
mail_message_id.res_id = False
It worked for me as i unlinked the res_id.
Note: If someone has better option, please add as i'm looking for alternative too.
I found the solution add auto_delete:True on template's value

Why I can't send sticker by it's id

I want my bot to send special sticker. I got it ID in logs after sending it to bot.
file_id "CAADAgADOQADfyesDlKEqOOd72VKAg"
This is what getUpdates give me
But if I try to send it, for example:
It responds"Bad Request: there is no sticker in the request". This is the code and it obviously does nothing:
def stickinmyass(bot, update):
bot.send_sticker(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, file_id='CAADAgADOQADfyesDlKEqOOd72VKAg')
stickyass = MessageHandler(Filters.sticker, stickinmyass)
j = updater.job_queue
The file_id needs to be passed as the sticker parameter for the sendSticker method.
bot.send_sticker(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, sticker='CAADAgADOQADfyesDlKEqOOd72VKAg')

How to obtain Telegram chat_id for a specific user?

How to obtain user chat_id in Telegram bot API?
The documentation says:
Integer | Unique identifier for the message recipient — User or GroupChat id
The message updates you receive via getUpdates or your webhook will contain the chat ID for the specific message. It will be contained under the message.chat.id key.
This seems like the only way you are able to retrieve the chat ID. So if you want to write something where the bot initiates the conversation you will probably have to store the chat ID in relation to the user in some sort of key->value store like MemCache or Redis.
I believe their documentation suggests something similar here, https://core.telegram.org/bots#deep-linking-example. You can use deep-linking to initiate a conversation without requiring the user to type a message first.
I created a bot to get User or GroupChat id,
just send the /my_id to telegram bot #get_id_bot.
It does not only work for user chat ID, but also for group chat ID.
To get group chat ID, first you have to add the bot to the group,
then send /my_id in the group.
Here's the link to the bot.
There is a bot that echoes your chat id upon starting a conversation.
Just search for #chatid_echo_bot and tap /start. It will echo your chat id.
Another option is #getidsbot which gives you much more information. This bot also gives information about a forwarded message (from user, to user, chad ids, etc) if you forward the message to the bot.
First, post a message in a chat where your bot is included (channel, group mentioning the bot, or one-to-one chat). Then, just run:
curl https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/getUpdates | jq
Feel free to remove the | jq part if your dont have jq installed, it's only useful for pretty printing. You should get something like this:
You can see the chat ID in the returned json object, together with the chat name and associated message.
You can just share the contact with your bot and, via /getUpdates, you get the "contact" object
Using the Perl API you can get it this way: first you send a message to the bot from Telegram, then issue a getUpdates and the chat id must be there:
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::Telegram::BotAPI;
my $TOKEN = 'blablabla';
my $api = WWW::Telegram::BotAPI->new (
token => $TOKEN
) or die "I can't connect";
my $out = $api->api_request ('getUpdates');
warn Dumper($out);
my $chat_id = $out->{result}->[0]->{message}->{chat}->{id};
print "chat_id=$chat_id\n";
The id should be in chat_id but it may depend of the result, so I also added a dump of the whole result.
You can install the Perl API from https://github.com/Robertof/perl-www-telegram-botapi. It depends on your system but I installed easily running this on my Linux server:
$ sudo cpan WWW::Telegram::BotAPI
Hope this helps
chat_id is nothing but id of user (telegram user account id). You can start a chat with #get_my_chat_id_bot. It will send you back the chat_id (your user_id).
There are following commonly used ids: channel id, group id, bot id, chat id(user id).
Straight out from the documentation:
Suppose the website example.com would like to send notifications to its users via a Telegram bot. Here's what they could do to enable notifications for a user with the ID 123.
Create a bot with a suitable username, e.g. #ExampleComBot
Set up a webhook for incoming messages
Generate a random string of a sufficient length, e.g. $memcache_key = "vCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PA"
Put the value 123 with the key $memcache_key into Memcache for 3600 seconds (one hour)
Show our user the button https://telegram.me/ExampleComBot?start=vCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PA
Configure the webhook processor to query Memcached with the parameter that is passed in incoming messages beginning with /start. If the key exists, record the chat_id passed to the webhook as telegram_chat_id for the user 123. Remove the key from Memcache.
Now when we want to send a notification to the user 123, check if they have the field telegram_chat_id. If yes, use the sendMessage method in the Bot API to send them a message in Telegram.
Whenever user communicate with bot it send information like below:
$response = {
So you can access chat it like:
Assuming you are using PHP.
Extending #Roberto Santalla answer and if you prefer to use Telegram API together with javascript and axios library then you might want the following:
const method = 'get'
const headers: any = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
timestamp: +new Date(),
const options = { headers: { ...headers } }
const urlTelegramBase =
const urlGetUpdates = `${urlTelegramBase}/getUpdates`
const username = 'user_name'
const {
data: { result: messages },
} = await axios[method](urlGetUpdates, options)
const chat_id = messages.find(
messageBlock => messageBlock.message.chat.username === username
console.info('chat_id': chat_id)