jwksError: Not Found thrown by jwks-rsa module during GET request with auth bearer token to protected api - api

An error - “jwksError: Not Found” is thrown when I make a get request with the correct bearer token in the request header to my protected API. I’ve followed the start up guide to create the jwtCheck helper function that I pass to all my routes to protect them. I need help clarifying what this error actually means thanks!
Here I define the helper function jwtCheck which will be used to secure all routes.
var jwtCheck = jwt({
secret: jwksClient.expressJwtSecret({
cache: true,
rateLimit: true,
jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
jwksUri: https://${auth0Domain}/.well-known/jwks.json,
algorithms: ['RS256'],
issuer: https://${auth0Domain}/,
audience: auth0ApiIdentifier,
Then I protect my api using jwtCheck defined above like so. After which the api will throw an Unauthorized Error if one tries to send http requests to it without a header in the request with the auth bearer token.
const app = express();
I get new Bearer tokens by sending a POST request to auth0apiIdentifier/oauth/token and putting the following in the req body:
After sending the get request via postman with the appropriate bearer token in place, rwks-rsa module throws the subsequent error:
JwksError: Not found.
at ../server/node_modules/jwks-rsa/lib/JwksClient.js:119:23
at ../server/node_modules/jwks-rsa/lib/wrappers/request.js:36:12
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
Img 1 - POST request to get new auth Bearer token from Auth0
Img 2 - GET request sent with postman and corresponding error thrown by jwks-rsa module.

I've fixed it! The error was way too ambiguous but after desperation set in, I checked my configs again and I found that I included a "/" at the end of my auth0apiIdentifier, this allowed a "//" in the jwksUri which caused the issue. Solving this typo was my fix.
Check your code guys! Peace!


invalid_grant exchanging authorization code for access and refresh tokens

My application is using OAuth to access the Youtube Data API. My OAuth callback is written in node and uses the OAuth2Client class from the "googleapis" npm package to exchange the authorization code for the access and refresh tokens.
Everything was working fine up to last week until suddenly I started getting the "invalid_grant" response during the authorization code exchange. I have tried everything to resolve this and am running out of ideas. My callback executes as a cloud function so I don't think that it would be out of sync with NTP.
My OAuth consent screen is in "Testing" mode and my email address is included in the test users. The odd thing is that even though the authorization code exchange fails, my Google account's "Third-party apps with account access" section lists my application as if the handshake succeeded.
Is there a limit to how many refresh tokens can be minted for my application? I am testing my implementation of incremental authorization so I have been going through the OAuth flow often.
I've included my code for generating the auth URL and exchanging the authorization code below. The invalid_grant occurs during the call to "oauth2.getToken"
async startFlow(scopes: string[], state: string): Promise<AuthFlow> {
const codes = await oauth2.generateCodeVerifierAsync();
const href = oauth2.generateAuthUrl({
scope: scopes,
access_type: 'offline',
include_granted_scopes: true,
prompt: 'consent',
code_challenge_method: CodeChallengeMethod.S256,
code_challenge: codes.codeChallenge
return { href, code_verifier: codes.codeVerifier };
async finishFlow(code: string, verifier: string): Promise<Tokens> {
const tokens = await oauth2.getToken({ code, codeVerifier: verifier })
return {
refresh_token: tokens.tokens.refresh_token!,
access_token: tokens.tokens.access_token!,
expires_in: tokens.tokens.expiry_date!,
token_type: 'Bearer',
scopes: tokens.tokens.scope!.split(' ')
"oauth2" is an instance of OAuth2Client from "google-auth-library". I initialize it here:
export const oauth2 = new google.auth.OAuth2({
clientId: YT_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: YT_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: `${APP_URI}/oauth`
Looking at the logs, the only out of the ordinary thing I notice is that the application/x-www-form-urlencoded body looks slightly different than the example https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server#exchange-authorization-code
The POST request to "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token" ends up looking like this:
Notice that the "/" characters are not percent-encoded in the official example, but they are in my requests. Could this actually be the issue? I don't see how the official google auth library would have an issue this large.
The most common cause for the invalid_grant error is your refresh token expiring.
If you check oauth2#expiration you will see the following
A Google Cloud Platform project with an OAuth consent screen configured for an external user type and a publishing status of "Testing" is issued a refresh token expiring in 7 days.
Once you set your project to production your refresh tokens will stop expiring.
Is there a limit to how many refresh tokens can be minted for my application?
No but you have a limit of 100 test users.

Can't set authorization and token in headers with axios in VueJS

I'm trying to set a JWT token authentication on a VueJS client and PHP API (using Zend and firebase).
I manage to log an user in with the creation of a JWT token stored in LocalStorage. Now I would like to send back this token to the API (so as to the API decode the JWT and return associated infos). I try to set the "Authorisation: Bearer + token" in the header from VueJS using axios but I always have a problem.
Here is a code snippet :
function getInfos() {
return axios({
method: 'get',
url: MYURL,
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('user')
First I got this error :
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'MYURL' from origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok status.
Then I don't have any Authorization in header when I want it in my PHP API :
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *');
$request = new Request();
I know that I probably have to use
axios.defaults.headers.post or maybe axios.interceptors but I'm a beginner so I have no idea how to use it properly..
I hope someone will be able to help me ! Thank you
I think * doesn't work when setting custom headers you have to Type in header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization') atleast that's an issue i had

node-bigcommerce Get and Post Routes

I'm using the npm package, 'node bigcommerce', and I have all my API's setup but whenever I try to make a GET route, the error, Error: Request returned error code: 404 and body: The route is not found, check the URL, shows up. I don't know how or where to specify the url to find. Also, I have the same problem with POST Routes. The code is here. Thanks ahead!
var express = require('express'),
BigCommerce = require('node-bigcommerce');
var bigCommerce = new BigCommerce({
clientId: '* Client ID *',
secret: '* Secret *',
callback: 'https://store-xxi13.mybigcommerce.com',
responceType: 'json',
accessToken: '* Access Token *',
storeHash: 'xxi13'
bigCommerce.get('/happy', (data) =>{
The path supplied in your get request, '/happy' is not a BigCommerce API endpoint--that's why you're getting a 404 not found. If you made a request to /products for example, it should work to pull product data.
Also, the callback would usually be a path on your app, not the store URL. For example, callback: 'https://myapplication.com/auth', would be the path on your app where you want the BigCommerce auth service to send your temporary code and Oauth token during the installation flow:
You can find examples of configuring the client and making requests in the README for the node-bigcommerce client:

Sending axios get request with authorization header

I have tried to send axios get request using vue.js and it worked just fine when there was no need to send headers. However, when it was required to send an authorization jwt, i was getting CORS error: "Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource." I don't know why is this problem occurring since there is Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '*' header in the response. My code is the following:
axios.get(url, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer TOKEN'
.then(function (response) {
The weirdest thing is when I use querystring.stringify or JSON.stringify on the header, I don't get the error 403(forbidden), but just an error 401 - Unauthorized. I tried with variable and with the token itself and it didn't work.
I tried to send a post request in order to get a web token with required data - username an password and it worked. I was able to get the token.
I made a whole bunch of research the last two days on this and I found different kind of request structure and configs which I tried all of them, but none were efficient. Is there a way to check if the request is being send with the header? Is something else the problem? If someone can help, I would appreciate. Thanks.
I think you should add this code to the bootstrap.js (or where the axios is defined):
window.axios = require('axios'); // I think its already added
window.axios.defaults.headers.common = {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
You didn't mention, but I guess you use laravel, or other framework, what is protected from csrf attack, thats why you need to add the generated token to your ajax request header.

KeystoneJS Signup via Rest request

Using sydjs as book to get everything working
I'm trying to signup users via POST request via api:
Whenever I send data with only email&pass - everything works. If I try to add name parameter - it always fails.
Registration on front-end works as it should
Sending data as:
let parameters = [
"email": "\(email)",
"password": "\(password)",
"name": [
"first": "\(firstname)",
"last": "\(lastname)"
Maybe anyone has any idea why it doesn't work with name included? Thx.
It won't work because login request in Keystone need a _CSRF token validation, you need to provide it as parameter.
One example is first make a GET request to your login page (The CSRF Token will be in the HEADER response), save it and then make your login request passing the CSRF token obtained in the previous request.
This will be helpful KeystoneJS signin
I implemented a login against the REST-API of keystone (v4.0.0-beta.5). On the client-side I chose npm request. I enabled request's cookie-functionality (config option request.defaults({ jar: true });).
The login consisted of two separate-requests:
A simple GET-request against: https://www.yourkeystoneapp.com/keystone/session/signin
npm request will receive a cookie containing the CSRF token. There is nothing else you need to do with it. npm request will use the received cookie for all subsequent http-requests.
A POST-request containing a simple JSON body with your credentials:
email: 'user#yourkeystoneapp.com',
password: 'yourpassword'
The POST-request will be answered by Keystone with a valid user-object, if the credentials were correct.
All subsequent http-requests will be part of a valid session, as long as the CSRF-token is valid.
Code examples:
// enable cookies
jar: true
// first request to obtain the cookie
request('https://www.yourkeystoneapp.com/signin', {/* some options */});
// second request to POST your credentials
var loginOptions = {
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://www.yourkeystoneapp.come/api/session/signin',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'accept': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
email: 'user#yourkeystoneapp.com',
password: 'yourpassword
// issue POST request.
// You are now logged in
If you are using npm request, as I did, you have to take a couple of measures to sync the requests you issue, as npm request works asynchronously. Making use of npm request's API and its callback-functions is mandatory.