Writing from lines into columns based on third column - awk

I have files that look like this -- already sorted by year (inside years sorted by id, which appears to be equivalent to strict sorting by id, but this may not always apply).
I would like to rewrite them like this (ids for year N after 1999 in column 2N-1, corresponding votes in column 2N):
2000 IDS, VOTE, 2001 IDS, VOTE, 2002 IDS, VOTE, 2003 IDS, VOTE
1,1,3,1, , ,4,2
2,0, , , , ,5,0
I don't know how to do it. My basic thinking with awk was:
if $3 == 2000, { print $1, $4 }
if $3 == 2001, { print " "," ", $1, $4 } etc
But there are two problems:
this way the columns for years other than 2000 would start with a lot of empty lines
I have found no intelligent way to generalise the print command, so I would have to write 20 if-statements
The only working idea I have is, to create 20 unneeded files and glue them with paste which I have never used, but which seems suitable, according to man on my system.

The key is to use multidimensional arrays
BEGIN {FS = ","}
NR == 2 {minYear = maxYear = $3}
NR > 1 {
id[year, count[year]] = $1
vote[year, count[year]] = $4
if (year < minYear) minYear = year
if (year > maxYear) maxYear = year
if (count[year] > maxCount) maxCount = count[year]
sep = ""
for (y=minYear; y<=maxYear; y++) {
printf "%s%d ID,VOTE", sep, y
sep = ","
print ""
for (i=1; i<=maxCount; i++) {
sep = ""
for (y=minYear; y<=maxYear; y++) {
printf "%s%s,%s", sep, id[y, i], vote[y, i]
sep = ","
print ""
$ awk -f transpose.awk input_file
2000 ID,VOTE,2001 ID,VOTE,2002 ID,VOTE,2003 ID,VOTE
If you really want hte spaces in the output, change the last printf to
printf "%s%s,%s", sep,
((y, i) in id ? id[y, i] : " "),
((y, i) in vote ? vote[y, i] : " ")

This is functionally the same as #Glenn's and no better than it in any way so his should remain the accepted answer but I came up with it before looking at his and thought it might be useful to post it anyway to show some small alternatives in style and implementation details:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
NR == 1 { next }
id = $1
year = $3
votes = $4
if ( ++numYears == 1 ) {
begYear = year
endYear = year
yearIds[year,++numIds[year]] = id
yearVotes[year,numIds[year]] = votes
maxIds = (numIds[year] > maxIds ? numIds[year] : maxIds)
for (year=begYear; year<=endYear; year++) {
printf "%s IDS%sVOTE%s", year, OFS, (year<endYear ? OFS : ORS)
for (idNr=1; idNr<=maxIds; idNr++) {
for (year=begYear; year<=endYear; year++) {
id = votes = " "
if ( (year,idNr) in yearIds ) {
id = yearIds[year,idNr]
votes = yearVotes[year,idNr]
printf "%s%s%s%s", id, OFS, votes, (year<endYear ? OFS : ORS)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
1,1,3,1, , ,4,2
2,0, , , , ,5,0

With respect and permission of glenn jackman I am taking his suggested code the only thing I am trying to add here is get maximum and minimum year in awk's variable itself and NOT calculating it inside main block of awk program, since OP confirmed that Input_file is sorted by year. Answers by Glenn and Ed sir are awesome, just thought to add a variant here.
BTW we could use awk in stead of using tail and heads in variables too here :)
awk -v max=$(tail -1 Input_file | cut -d, -f3) -v min=$(head -2 Input_file | tail -1 | cut -d, -f3) '
BEGIN { FS = "," }
NR > 1 {
id[year, count[year]] = $1
vote[year, count[year]] = $4
if (count[year] > maxCount) maxCount = count[year]
sep = ""
for (y=min; y<=max; y++) {
printf "%s%d ID,VOTE", sep, y
sep = ","
print ""
for (i=1; i<=maxCount; i++) {
sep = ""
for (y=min; y<=max; y++) {
printf "%s%s,%s", sep, id[y, i], vote[y, i]
sep = ","
print ""
}' Input_file


Remove whitespace after comma using FPAT Var

Here's my code
print "NF = ", NF
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
printf("$%d = <%s>\n", i, $i)}
And the output are :
NF = 3
$1 = <Johny Bravo>
$2 = < Chief of Security>
$3 = < 417-555-66>
There's whitespace before the string. How to remove that whitespace? The whitespace in input are space after ",". The Input from .txt file that contain record like :
Johny Bravo, Chief of Security, 417-555-66
Expected output
NF = 3
$1 = <Johny Bravo>
$2 = <Chief of Security>
$3 = <417-555-66>
Converting my comment to answer so that solution is easy to find for future visitors.
You may call gsub inside the for loop to remove leading and trailing spaces from each field.
s='Johny Bravo, Chief of Security, 417-555-66'
awk -v FPAT='("[^"]+")"|[^,]+' '{
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $i)
printf("$%d = <%s>\n", i, $i)
}' <<< "$s"
$1 = <Johny Bravo>
$2 = <Chief of Security>
$3 = <417-555-66>

awk: reformat date in a list of data-files (mass edit)

I want to awk a list of data-files. All records - there is an unknown number of records before - before , e.g.,
/10-12-2014 06:47:59/{p=1}
are to be skipped.
A brief template of one data file looks like this:
0; n records to be skipped
1;10-12-2014 06:47:59;
2;12-12-2014 10:17:44;
3;12-12-2014 10:37:44;
4;14-12-2014 10:00:32;
6;16-12-2014 04:15:39;
needed Output ($2 datefield reformatted and $3 moved to $4):
My source file is this at the moment:
BEGIN { OFS=FS=";" ; print "colnum;date;col3;col4;col5"}
FNR == 1 { p=0 }
$3 == "movefield" { $4 = $3; $5 = "moved"; $3 = ""}
#(x=index($2," ") > 0) {DDMMYY = substr($2,1,x-1)}
/10-12-2014 06:47:59/{p=1}
I have problems to reformat the data fields: The pattern-action (x=index($2," ") > 0) {DDMMYY = substr($2,1,x-1)} does not work nor $2=substr($2,1,11) in conjunction with the movefield action. Notice that the record where the movefield field appears has no date field.
Please have in mind that the awk is meant to be used on a bunch of files (loop).
With GNU awk for implace editing, no loop required:
awk -i inplace '
BEGIN { OFS=FS=";" ; print "colnum","date","col3","col4","col5" }
FNR==1 { next }
$3 == "movefield" { $4 = $3; $5 = "moved"; $3 = ""; print; next }
{ sub(/ .*/,"",$2); gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $0, ""}
' file*
Another in GNU awk:
$ awk '
function refmt(str) { # reformat date for comparing
split(str,d,"[ :-]")
return mktime(d[3] " " d[2] " " d[1] " " d[4] " " d[5] " " d[6])
start=refmt("10-12-2014 06:47:59") # reformat the threshold date
print "colnum","date","col3","col4" # print header (why 5?)
refmt($2)>start || $2=="" { # if date > start or empty
sub(/ .*/,"",$2) # delete time part
gsub(/-/,".",$2) # replace - by .
$4=$3; $3="" # or $3 = OFS $3
print # output
}' file

awk totally separate duplicate and non-duplicates

If we have an input:
Now we would like to separate the duplicates and non-duplicates based on the fourth column (smiles)
Now the following attempt could do separate the duplicate without any problem. However, the first occurrence of the duplicate will still be included into the non-duplicate file.
BEGIN { FS = ","; f1="a"; f2="b"}
# Keep count of the fields in fourth column
# Save the line the first time we encounter a unique field
if (count[$4] == 1)
first[$4] = $0;
# If we encounter the field for the second time, print the
# previously saved line
if (count[$4] == 2)
print first[$4] > f1 ;
# From the second time onward. always print because the field is
# duplicated
if (count[$4] > 1)
print > f1;
if (count[$4] == 1) #if (count[$4] - count[$4] == 0) <= change to this doesn't work
print first[$4] > f2;
duplicate output results from the attempt:
non-duplicate output results from the attempt
May I know if any guru might have comments/solutions? Thanks.
I would do this:
awk '
NR==FNR {count[$2] = $1; next}
FNR==1 {FS=","; next}
output = (count[$NF] == 1 ? "nondup" : "dup")
print > output
' <(cut -d, -f4 input | sort | uniq -c) input
The process substitution will pre-process the file and perform a count on the 4th column. Then, you can process the file and decide if that line is "duplicated".
All in awk: Ed Morton shows a way to collect the data in a single pass. Here's a 2 pass solution that's virtually identical to my example above
awk -F, '
NR==FNR {count[$NF]++; next}
FNR==1 {next}
output = (count[$NF] == 1 ? "nondup" : "dup")
print > output
' input input
Yes, the input file is given twice.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS="," }
NR>1 {
if (cnt[$4]++) {
dups[$4] = nonDups[$4] dups[$4] $0 ORS
delete nonDups[$4]
else {
nonDups[$4] = $0 ORS
print "Duplicates:"
for (key in dups) {
printf "%s", dups[key]
print "\nNon Duplicates:"
for (key in nonDups) {
printf "%s", nonDups[key]
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Non Duplicates:
This solution only works if the duplicates are grouped together.
awk -F, '
function fout( f, i) {
f = (cnt > 1) ? "dups" : "nondups"
for (i = 1; i <= cnt; ++i)
print lines[i] > f
NR > 1 && $4 != lastkey { fout(); cnt = 0 }
{ lastkey = $4; lines[++cnt] = $0 }
END { fout() }
' file
Little late
My version in awk
awk -F, 'NR>1{a[$0":"$4];b[$4]++}
for(i in a){split(i,c,":");b[c[2]]==1?d=d"\n"i:e=e"\n"i} print e d}' file
Another built similar to glenn jackmans but all in awk
awk -F, 'function r(f) {while((getline <f)>0)a[$4]++;close(f)}
BEGIN{r(ARGV[1])}{output=(a[$4] == 1 ? "nondup" : "dup");print >output} ' file

How to get total column from awk

I am testing awk and got this thought .So we know that
raja#badfox:~/Desktop/trails$ cat num.txt
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
4 1 2 31
raja#badfox:~/Desktop/trails$ awk '{ if ($1 == '4') print $0}' num.txt
4 1 2 31
so the command going to check for 4 at 1st column in filename num.txt .
So now i want output as there is a 4 at column 4 also and for example if i have 100 column of information and i want get the output as how many columns i have with the term i am searching .
I mean from the above example i want column 4 and column 1 as the output and i am searching for 4 .
If you are trying to find the rows which contain your search item (in this case, the value 4), and you want a count of how many such values appear in the row (as well as the row's data), then you need something like:
awk '{ count=0
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == 4) count++
if (count) print $i ": " $0
That doesn't quite fit onto one SO line.
If you merely want to identify which columns contain the search value, then you can use:
awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == 4) column[i] = 1 }
END { for (i in column) print i }'
This sets the (associative) array element column[i] to 1 for each column that contains the search value, 4. The loop at the end prints the column numbers that contain 4 in an indeterminate (not sorted) order. GNU awk includes sort functions (asort, asorti); POSIX awk does not. If sorted order is crucial, then consider:
awk 'BEGIN { max = 0 }
{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == 4) { column[i] = 1; if (i > max) max = i } }
END { for (i = 1; i <= max; i++) if (column[i] == 1) print i }'
You are looking for the NF variable. It's the number of fields in the line.
Here's an example of how to use it:
if (NF == 8) {
print $3, $8;
} else if (NF == 9) {
print $3, $9;
Or inside a loop:
# This will print the line if any field has the value 4
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if ($i == 4)
print $0

Convert scientific notation to decimal in multiple fields

The following works great on my data in column 12 but I have over 70 columns that are not all the same and I need to output all of the columns, the converted ones replacing the scientific values.
awk -F',' '{printf "%.41f\n", $12}' $file
This is one line..
This is working for the non converted output. I am having a bit of trouble inserting an else if statement for some reason. Everything seems to give me a syntax error in a file or on cli.
awk -F',' '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (i <= 9||i == 16||i == 17||i == 19||i == 20||i == 21||i == 22|| i == 40|| i == 43||i == 44||i == 45||i == 46||i >= 51) printf ($i",")};}' $file
I would like to insert the following statement into the code above??
else if (i == 10) printf ("%.41f", $i)
Got it worked out. Thanks for all the great ideas. I can't seem to make it work in a file with awk -f but on the command line this is working great. I put this one liner in my program.
awk -F',' '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (i <= 9||i == 16||i == 17||i >= 19&&i <= 22|| i == 40|| i >= 43&&i <= 46||i >= 51&&i <= 70) printf($i","); else if (i == 10||i == 18) printf("%.2f,", $i); else if (i == 11||i == 12) printf("%.41f,", $i); else if (i == 13) printf("%.1f,", $i); else if (i == 14||i == 15||i >= 24&&i <= 46) printf ("%d,", $i); else if (i == 23) printf("%.4f,", $i); else if (i >= 47&&i <= 50) printf("%.6f,", $i); if (i == 71) printf ($i"\n")};}'
You can do regex matching in a loop to choose the format for each field since numbers are also strings in AWK:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
d = "[[:digit:]]"
OFS = FS = ","
delim = ""
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if ($i ~ d "e+" d d d "$") {
printf "%s%.41f", delim, $i
else {
printf "%s%s", delim, $i
delim = OFS
printf "\n"
I've changed the version above so you can see how it would be used in a file as an AWK script. Save it (I'll call it "scinote") and set it as executable chmod u+x scinote, then you can run it like this: ./scinote inputfile
I've also modified the latest version you added to your question to make it a little simpler and so it's ready to go into a script file as above.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
plainlist = "16 17 19 20 21 22 40 43 44 45 46"
split(plainlist, arr)
for (i in arr) {
plainfmt[arr[i]] = "%s"
OFS = FS = ","
delim = ""
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
printf "%s", delim
if (i <= 9 || i in plainfmt || i >= 51) {
printf plainfmt[i], $i
else if (i == 10) {
printf "%.41f", $i
else if (i == 12) {
printf "%.12f", $i
delim = OFS
printf "\n"
If you had more fields with other formats (rather than just one per), you could do something similar to the plainfmt array.
You could always loop through all of your data fields and use them in your printf. For a simple file just to test the mechanics you could try this:
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf("%d = %s\n", i, $i);}' data.txt
Note that -F is not set here, so fields will be split by whitepace.
NF is the predefined variable for number of fields on a line, fields start with 1 (e.g., $1, $2, etc until $NF). $0 is the whole line.
So for your example this may work:
awk -F',' '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%.41f\n", $i}' $file
Update based on comment below (not on a system test the syntax):
If you have certain fields that need to be treated differently, you may have to resort to a switch statement or an if-statement to treat different fields differently. This would be easier if you stored your script in a file, let's call it so.awk and invoked it like this:
awk -f so.awk $file
Your script might contain something along these lines:
BEGIN{ FS=',' }
{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
if (i == 20 || i == 22|| i == 30)
printf( " .. ", $i)
else if ( i == 13 || i == 24)
printf( " ....", $i)
You can of course also use if (i > 2) ... or other ranges to avoid having to list out every single field if possible.
As an alternative to this series of if-statements see the switch statement mentioned above.