Is there anyway to restore a deleted graphdb repository? - graphdb

Mistakenly I have deleted a repository from live , Is there anyway that I can restore the deleted graphdb repository ? Its important to restore.

For properly recover deleted repository from backup, follow the instructions given in our documentation:

Sava Savovs is correct, but there is one step missing for
"Option 2: Restore the database from a binary image or zip backup."
Step 1 should be the same as for Option 1:
Make sure that the repository is empty or recreated with the same repository configuration settings.
I wrote Ontotext to fix this.


Unable to Publish Azure Data Factory Publish

I am trying to pulish an Azure Data Factory pipeline, however I'm getting the error:
Error The document creation or update failed because of invalid
reference 'master'. Please ensure 'master' exists in data factory mode
and recreate it in Git mode if already present.
I am familiar with the error. However, I'm can't find reference 'master'. Can someone let me know how to go about tracking down the reference 'master'?
This issue is commonly caused by a mismatch between Data Factory mode and Git mode. It may happen when Git is first configured, or when changes are added directly in Git or in Live mode.
If you are unable to find and fix the conflict manually, you may re-sync the content in the Git Configuration page, by using either:
Overwrite Live Mode (which I recommend): Makes Data Factory mode (published) version match Git.
Import Resources: Makes a Git branch match Data Factory mode.
Git configuration page
Please be advised that overwriting live mode may result in losing changes not currently in Git. You may use Import Resources to persist changes prior to this.

Is it possible to invalidate build cache on a given branch?

I'm using Gitlab CI on one of my projects and I face the following problem :
My master build fails since a lot of time...
I push a new branch built from the master (no new commits) and push it, the build works.
I think that it's related to build cache because the codebase is strictly the same... The latest valid build cache may make the current code base failed...
Is there a way to clean the build cache on a specific branch ? In my case the master ? From the API ?
Finally, the Gitlab Team gave me the solution on Twitter :
Since my repository is hosted on, I can't remove the cache by myself. But on the .gitlab-ci.yml file documentation, it's explained that we can use a cache:key entry.
This cache:key is used to determine how the cache entry is named so I can change the default value to start on a blank cache 😊.
Below a sample of my .gitlab-ci.yml file :
key: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME-assets"
With that configuration, my cache is related to the current ref (so a build on the same ref will use the cache) with a suffix !
Thanks to the Gitlab Team for their quick answer on Twitter !
If you have trouble with the variable name, maybe you need to check this page :
Also, since Gitlab 10.4, we have a "Clear runner cache" button in the pipeline list. Clicking on that button will have the same effect than changing variable name without polluting commit history.

Idea, sbt, unable to reparse warning

I've pushed my artifact to oss nexus repo, added it as dependency to another project. Idea keeps me warning:
[warn] Unable to reparse com.github.kondaurovdev#jsonapi_2.11;0.1-SNAPSHOT from sonatype-snapshots, using Fri May 13 17:12:52 MSK 2016 [warn] Choosing sonatype-snapshots for com.github.kondaurovdev#jsonapi_2.11;0.1-SNAPSHOT
Maybe i pushed artifact somehow in a wrong way? But i did it earlier, everything was ok. How to get rid of these warnings? Or just ignore them?
I had the same issue.
Did you publish your SNAPSHOT version to your artifactory? If so this might be your problem.
As you know when publishing locally your snapshot version is stored in the .ivy2/local directory. The remote version are stored in the .ivy2/cache directory.
When looking into the .ivy2/cache/{dependency} folder you will see that it has only downloaded the xml and properties file. So just the metadata and no jars. This is the actual reason why it can't be parsed since it's not there.
Since the .ivy2/cache takes precedence over .ivy2/local it won't see your local published version. There are 2 ways to fix this.
Update your snapshot version number(recommended)
Remove the SNAPSHOT from your artifactory and remove the .ivy2/cache/{dependency} folder on every client that has a local version.
In my opinion the first one is the way to go.
I had the same issue, and it goes away after I add the follow in my build.sbt:
updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withLatestSnapshots(false)
You can find more detail from

Expired time for acquiring lock pentaho

I'm using pentaho BI (spoon) and I have a problem with it.
At each action (open job/transformation or save for example) it show this window
now I can't open existing transformation. Does anyone know this issue?
I know this is an old post, but the problem is still current (version 8.2 CE), and I was unable to find any help (other than the workaround to delete the .lock files, but this only solves it for a few minutes, possibly even less).
I had exactly the same problem, it basically rendered Spoon useless. In my case, the culprit was the antivirus program. I noticed it only because I installed the AV after I used Spoon for some time. I just removed the AV (and installed another one) - no more problems.
It seems that your repository is having some issue in connecting.
Try checking the repo. connection and also check for the permission of accessing the repo.
I faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock file under
(local-repository root)\.meta\metastore\.lock
Kettle - Spoon version
I was also facing a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock.
Pentaho tool creates .pentaho directory in the home directory.
inside .pentaho delete .lock from
and also delete .lock file
restart your pentaho tool.
hope above solution works for you.
I faced a similar issue and was able to resolve it by deleting the lock file under C:\Users\myuser.pentaho\metastore

Backup individual Raven database

In an old version of Raven (r888) I had an individual database backed up with the following command
"C:\RavenDB\Server\Raven.Backup.exe" --url=http://localhost:8089/databases/Production --dest=C:\temp\raven\production
This would place the backup of the Production database into the destination directory.
On the latest unstable version, after upgrading, the command no longer executes and an error is returned
The system cannot find the path specified.
The docs mention being able to backup the entire server but there is no mention of how to isolate this to a single database?
Could it be that your path to the executable is wrong? (Replace Server with Backup)
Actually, we always backup a single db.
To execute on a single db, you use the url http://localhost:8089/databases/Production note the /databases/Production there.