Error while executing Postman Test Script - testing

I am writing the Postman test cases. I am getting an error from following test-case
pm.test("Response to have expected data", function () {
pm.expect(documentIdArray).to.have.members(['5868', '4', '5874']);
There was an error in evaluating the test script: Error: expected [ '4837', '4', '5874' ] to have the same members as [ '5868', '4', '5874' ]

I think you are having string in documentIdArray. You can parse it:
pm.test("Response to have expected data", function () {
pm.expect(JSON.parse(documentIdArray)).to.have.members(['5868', '4', '5874']);
Else stringify the array and compare ( Recommended ) as the end point is not actually returning array but string it should be a bug
pm.test("Response to have expected data", function () {
pm.expect(documentIdArray)['5868', '4', '5874']));


VUEJS and Vuetify - Push the results from a localbase into a data table

How do i push my results into a data object please
I would like to push the :key to the id field and the :data to map across to my other data fields
my data object is called orgs: []
I have the following data returned from my get query
data: {person: 'John', orgName: 'test', due: 'this is due'}
key: "11ed25ccf7548160bff2ab4c1d56ee40"
I have tried
this.$db.collection('orgs').get({ keys: true })
(response => {
console.log('orgs: ', response) <--- this displays the results
this.orgs.forEach(response => {
const data = {
'id': response.key
I get no errors but my this.orgs data item remains empty so assume I am not updating the array for some reason
I seem to be able to populate it in a simple way as follows
this.$db.collection('orgs').get({ keys: true })
(response => {
this.orgs = response
console.log('response:', this.orgs)
Is there any issue with this approach for just getting my results or should I be using push?

Read value from search request Datatable?

I am trying to read value from search box of Datatable.
This is request payload:
[Object: null prototype] {
draw: '8',
'columns[0][data]': '_id',
'columns[0][name]': '',
'columns[0][searchable]': 'true',
'columns[0][orderable]': 'true',
start: '0',
length: '50',
'search[value]': 'id3dsd3dsdddsddsd',
'search[regex]': 'false'
I want to get value from search[value]. I get this error after using this code:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value')
Anyone can help me!
Hope this would solve your problem.
let search_str = req.body['search[value]'];

Sequelize raw query update array of objects as replacements

I am using sequelize (postgres) and I need to properly escape a query like this:
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
.map((pet) => `WHEN '${}' THEN '${pet.newName}'`)
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(${input.pets
.map((pet) => `'${}'`)
Sample input.pets:
[{ name: "rocky", newName: "leo" }]
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this with replacements?
I have found a thread on github which suggested something like this:
let data = [ [ 252456, 1, 55, '0' ],
[ 357083, 1, 56, '0' ],
[ 316493, 1, 57, '0' ] ];
`INSERT INTO product (a, b) VALUES ${ => '(?)').join(',')};`,
replacements: data,
type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.INSERT
However, a 2d array is being used here not an array of objects. Is there a way to access individual properties from the array? When I try something like this
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
.map((_pet) => `WHEN ? THEN ?`)
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(${input.pets
.map((_pet) => `?`)
{ type: QueryTypes.UPDATE, replacements: input.pets },
The first ? turns out to be the whole object. Is there a way to access it's properties?
I also tried transforming input.pets into a 2d array but still couldn't get it to work as in example with insert above.
In advance thanks for your time
const names = =>;
const newNames = => pet.newName);
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
${ => `WHEN LOWER(:names) THEN :newNames`).join('\n')}
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(${ => `LOWER(:names)`).join(',')});
{ replacements: { names, newNames } },
This works. In cases like this it's better to work with simpler data structures. Another option I found is using sequelize.escape() built-in function, but it's not documented so I decided not to
After some testing, this works but for only one object in the input
If the input looks something like this:
{ name: "rocky", newName: "fafik" }
{ name: "asd", newName: "qwerty" }
Then in resut I get queries like this:
WHEN LOWER('rocky', 'asd') THEN 'fafik', 'qwerty'
WHEN LOWER('rocky', 'asd') THEN 'fafik', 'qwerty'
So it doesn't loop over arrays. Still the problem remains, how to access individual properties, whether from array or an object?
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
${ => `WHEN ? THEN ?`).join('\n')}
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(?);
replacements: [
...input.pets.flatMap((x) => [, x.newName]), =>,

vue-i18n this.$tc is not a function

My lang file:
AccountNotifications: {
createdWithName: 'Account «{account}» created',
created: 'Account created | Accounts created',
my submit method
type: 'success',
html: accounts.length === 1
? this.$tc('AccountNotifications.created', 1)
: this.$tc('AccountNotifications.created', 2),
My output
app.js:290949 TypeError: this.$tc is not a function
Whats wrong?
$tc() is not actually needed. The $t() function supports pluralization now.

How to match a string value from the database with an integer value from the response

My feature calls Java to query the database and then compares the results with the response. The results from the Java call returns all values as string. But in the response some of values are integer. So the test fails with the reason: actual value is not a string. I have tried to convert the results to json but that didn't work. If I print out the results, it shows all keys and values are enclosed in double quotes, but there are no double quotes in the error message. I found a similar question in the forum and it was suggested to set the field in the response to '#ignore'. But I want to verify all the fields. How do I get this to work?
Scenario: Get an script by id
* def results = db.getRows("select * from ScriptVersion where id=4 order by version")
Given path '4'
When method get
Then status 200
And match response.version == results
[main] ERROR - assertion failed: path: $.version[0], actual: {id=4, version=1, created=2016-06-23T10:49:51.9630000-05:00, updated=2016-06-23T10:49:51.9630000-05:00, message=Initial Version, author=ocadm, hash=0023ad00455962eee4ef1db16a58ce41}, expected: {created=2016-06-23T10:49:51.9630000-05:00, author=ocadm, id=4, message=Initial Version, version=1, updated=2016-06-23T10:49:51.9630000-05:00, hash=0023ad00455962eee4ef1db16a58ce41}, reason: [path: $.version[0].id, actual: 4, expected: '4', reason: actual value is not a string]
Just convert the fields you need to the right data type before the match:
* def results = [{ id: '1', foo: 'bar' }, { id: '2', foo: 'baz' }]
* def fun = function(x){ =; return x }
* def results =, fun)
* match results == [{ id: 1, foo: 'bar' }, { id: 2, foo: 'baz' }]