how to set the width of output in lst file in GAMS - gams-math

I use display to output results of some variables. As shown below, variable values are list in one line. With more months included, results go to right and do not come back. It's inconvenient to check. I set the value of page width, but it seems the parameter is not for this. So my question is which is the right parameter I should use to set. Thanks.
Actually I set page width as 72 in GAMS IDE (options -> output) before I post it here. But it does not work. Now I tried to set pagewidth in command line from GAMS terminal (GAMS studio -> tool -> terminal). This is my command: gams myfile PW=80. I cannot see the setting after "-- GAMS parameter defined". I'm not sure if I set it in the wrong way.
I didn't find this page width issue in an old GAMS version. I'm using GAMS 32, and it becomes a problem.

You can use something like "-pw 80" as argument in the command line.


Write GAMS results in text file

Why is it that GAMS stores results in file with .put extension though i made new project in working directory and specified file mse /D:\RS Results\mse_goal(0.5).txt/;
put mse;?
This should work:
parameter x /1/;
file mse /D:\mse_goal(0.5).txt/;
put mse;
'The value of x ='x
Note that GAMS may not like spaces in filepathnames ("D:\RS Results")

TFS 2015 Can build variables access other build variables?

When I define a custom variable in the new TFS 2015 team build as follows:
Name: SomeOutput
Value: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Some doesn't seems to expand $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).
Is there a way around this?
At least it seems it's not expanded everywhere.
For example, in MSBuild-Arguments, /p:OUTPUT="$(SomeOutput)" is expanded to /p:OUTPUT="C:\TfsData\BuildAgents\_work\3\s\Some" but when i add a cmd line build task with tool set to cmd and parameter set to /k set, it prints
Here are my variables
This is my workflow step
And this is what the build prints
You can use the VSTS Variable Tasks extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
When you define a variable in the Variables screen and use other variables as value, they won't be expanded (as you may have expected). Instead the literal text is passed to the tasks in the workflow. Without this little task the following configuration won't work:
Variable Value
Build.DropLocation \\share\drops\$(Build.DefinitionName)\$(Build.BuildNumber)
By adding the Expand variable(s) task to the top of your workflow, it will take care of the expansion, so any task below it will receive the value you're after.
PS: The new agent (version 2.x) auto-expands variables now.
It can be achieved.
You may need use % % instead of $ to call the variables in cmd to print the result. It is also necessary to add call in the front of the command. Here is a simple example:
Note: System.DefaultWorkingDirectory is not available in cmd (not sure why); you need use System_DefaultWorkingDirectory instead. Details can be viewed in the logs.
I had the same problem - wanted to piece together a path made up of several built-in variables and pass it to a PS script.
I ended up combining the variables in the actual script through the corresponding generated environment variables (for example $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY).
Not what I had in mind originally, but it works at least. Drawback - if I need to change the path, I always have to change the PS script instead of a build variable.

Ansys multiphysics: blank output file

I have a model of a heating process on Ansys Multiphysics, V11.
After running the simulation, I have a script to plot a temperature profile:
!---------------- POST PROCESSING -----------------------
/post1 ! tdatabase postprocessor
!---define profile temperature
path,s_temp1,2,,100 ! define a path
ppath,1,,dop/2,0,0 ! create a path point
ppath,2,,dop/2,1.5,0 ! create a path point
PDEF,surf_t1,TEMP, ,noav ! print a path
plpath,surf_t1 ! plot a path
What I now need, is to save the resulting path in a text file. I have already looked online for a solution, and found the following code to do it, which I appended after the lines above:
Ansys generates the file filename.extension but it is empty. I tried to place the OUTPUT command in a few locations in the script, but without any success.
I suspect I need to define something else, but I have no idea where to look, as Ansys documentation online is terribly chaotic, and all internet pages I've opened before writing this question are not better.
A final note: Ansys V11 is an old version of the software, but I don't want to upgrade it and fit the old model to the new software.
For the output of the simulation (which includes all calculation steps, and sub-steps description and node-by-node results) the output must be declared in the beginning of the code, and not in the postprocessing phase.
in the preamble of the main script makes such that the output is stored in the right location, with the desired extension. At the end of the scripts, you must then declare
to reset the output file location for ANSYS.
The output to the PATH call made in the postprocessing script is however not printed in the file.
It is convenient to use
where Vector(1,1) is a two column array created by *DIM, and stores your data to output to file
As this is a special command, run it from file i.e. macro_output.mac

Trying to read in a .gda file to IDL

I am trying to read in a .gda file into IDL for plotting purposes. I am not familiar with the format and my research indicates it is an unformatted binary data file type. Anyways, here is what I am doing:
pro omidi_contour
openr, 1, 'data.gda'
a = fltarr(128,128,128)
readu, 1, a
close, 1
However when I look at the variable definition at the left panel of IDL, it indicates that a is 'undefined'. When I try to print:
print, a[0,0,0]
I get:
Variable is undefined: A
How can I solve this?
I found out that there was nothing wrong with my program. It was reading the right values from the file. However, the IDL "forgot" the value of the variables once the program was done. Solution: DO not run this as a program i.e. remove the following lines:
pro omidi_contour
This makes the code to run as if each line were typed into the IDL prompt and IDL does remember the values this time round.

Display variables using CBC MPS input in NEOS

Am trying to use NEOS to solve a linear program using MPS input.
The MPS file is fine, but apparently you need a "paramaters file" as well to tell the solver what to do (min/max etc.). However I can't find any information on this online anywhere.
So far I have got NEOS to solve a maximization problem and display the objective function. However I cannot get it to display the variables.
Does anyone know what code I should add to the paramters file to tell NEOS/CBC to display the resulting variables?
The parameter file consists of a list of Cbc (standalone) commands in a file (one per line). The format of the commands is (quoting the documentation):
One command per line (and no -)
abcd? gives list of possibilities, if only one + explanation
abcd?? adds explanation, if only one fuller help(LATER)
abcd without value (where expected) gives current value
abcd value or abcd = value sets value
The commands are the following:
? dualT(olerance) primalT(olerance) inf(easibilityWeight)
integerT(olerance) inc(rement) allow(ableGap) ratio(Gap)
fix(OnDj) tighten(Factor) log(Level) slog(Level)
maxN(odes) strong(Branching) direction error(sAllowed)
gomory(Cuts) probing(Cuts) knapsack(Cuts) oddhole(Cuts)
clique(Cuts) round(ingHeuristic) cost(Strategy) keepN(ames)
scaling directory solver import
export save(Model) restore(Model) presolve
initialS(olve) branch(AndBound) sol(ution) max(imize)
min(imize) time(Limit) exit stop
quit - stdin unitTest
miplib ver(sion)
To see the solution values, you should include the line sol - after the min or max line of your parameter file.
If this doesn't work you can submit the problem to NEOS in AMPL format via this page. In addition to model and data files, it accepts a commands file where you can use statements to solve the problem and display the solution, for example:
display _varname, _var;
This post describes how to convert MPS to AMPL.