Can I inspect the shape graph - graphdb

I followed the instructions on, and it worked as documented. However, once this is done, I found no way to inspect the Shape graph configured for my repository.
The special graph <> is nowhere to be found; it does not appear in the 'Graphs overview` screen, it is not accessible via SPARQL queries.

Shape graphs currently cannot be queried with SPARQL inside GraphDB as it is not part of the data. One way to inspect the graph is using a RDF4J Client to connect to the GraphDB repository. You can find all the statements inside the shape graph with the following code snippet:
HTTPRepository repository = new HTTPRepository("http://address:port/", "repositoryname");
try (RepositoryConnection connection = repository.getConnection()) {
Model statementsCollector = new LinkedHashModel(connection.getStatements(null, null, null, RDF4J.SHACL_SHAPE_GRAPH)
For more information regarding accessing and updating Shacl shape graphs you can also take a look here .


ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Scripting - Accessing Parameters

Ansys gurus,
My project is a static structural analysis using ANSYS workbench mechanical. I have created the parametrized geometry (via Design modeler) and material property in workbench, and used ACT scripting to configure the model. However, I don't find too much information on how to access the parameters via ACT scripting.
I have confirmed that the geometric parameters are successfully created in the workbench, e.g.
Paramater Name
The documentation LINK suggests that I can obtain parameter ID using Analysis.GetParameter(), however, the following code didn't work for me and resulted in the error as below.
STATIC_STRUCTURAL = ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisByName("Static Structural")
HEIGHT = STATIC_STRUCTURAL.GetParameter('height')
Property not found.
Do you have any suggestions on the cause of such error, is it because the Parameters were not imported from workbench "project schematic" to "Model", or the code I tried to retrieve the parameters was incorrect. In either cases, could you advise the correct method to access the parameters? Thank you!
If you want to access a parameter from the "project schematic" page you can create a list. If you than want to do something with this inside of mechanical, you have to send the commands to your model:
# Access the geometric parameters
allParameters = Parameters.GetAllParameters()
for parameter in allParameters:
print parameter.DisplayText
if parameter.DisplayText == 'height':
heigthParameter = parameter
# Loop over all systems in the project
for system in GetAllSystems():
# Get Model Container
model = system.GetContainer(ComponentName="Model")
# edit model component in batch mode
# code to be sent to ansys mechanical
cmd ='''
here goes your ACT script as string. You have to make sure, that there are no leading spaces or tabs.
# send code and exit mechanical
print "Finished script execution."

Storing graph to gremlin server from in memory graph

I'm new to Graphs in general.
I'm attempting to store a TinkerPopGraph that I've created dynamically to gremlin server to be able to issue gremlin queries against it.
Consider the following code:
Graph inMemoryGraph;
inMemoryGraph =;"test.graphml");
GraphTraversalSource g = inMemoryGraph.traversal();
List<Result> results =
I need some glue code. The gremlin query here is issued against the modern graph that is a default binding for the g variable. I would like to somehow store my inMemoryGraph so that when I run a gremlin query, its ran against my graph.
All graph configurations in Gremlin Server must occur through its YAML configuration file. Since you say you're connected to the modern graph I'll assume that you're using the default "modern" configuration file that ships with the standard distribution of Gremlin Server. If that is the case, then you should look at conf/gremlin-server-modern.yaml. You'll notice that this:
graphs: {
graph: conf/}
That creates a Graph reference in Gremlin Server called "graph" which you can reference from scripts. Next, note this second configuration:
org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.ScriptFileGremlinPlugin: {files: [scripts/generate-modern.groovy]}}}
Specifically, pay attention to scripts/generate-modern.groovy which is a Gremlin Server initialization script. Opening that up you will see this:
// an init script that returns a Map allows explicit setting of global bindings.
def globals = [:]
// Generates the modern graph into an "empty" TinkerGraph via LifeCycleHook.
// Note that the name of the key in the "global" map is unimportant.
globals << [hook : [
onStartUp: { ctx ->"Loading 'modern' graph data.")
] as LifeCycleHook]
// define the default TraversalSource to bind queries to - this one will be named "g".
globals << [g : graph.traversal()]
The comments should do most of the explaining. The connection here is that you need to inject your graph initialization code into this script and assign your inMemoryGraph.traversal() to g or whatever variable name you wish to use to identify it on the server. All of this is described in the Reference Documentation.
There is a way to make this work in a more dynamic fashion, but it involves extending Gremlin Server through its interfaces. You would have to build a custom GraphManager - the interface can be found here. Then you would set the graphManager key in the server configuration file with the fully qualified name of your instance.

Create a repository on a remote server with RDF4J

I've been trying to create a new repository on a remote GraphDB server using RDF4J, but I'm having problems.
This runs, but is seemingly not correct
HTTPRepositoryConfig implConfig = new HTTPRepositoryConfig(address);
RepositoryConfig repoConfig = new RepositoryConfig("test", "test", implConfig);
Model m = new
However, based on the info I get from "edit repository" in the workbench, the result doesn't look right. All the values are empty, except for id and title.
This fails
I tried to copy the settings from an existing repository that I created on the workbench, but that failed with:
Unsupported repository type: owlim:MonitorRepository
The code for that attempt is inspired by the one found here . Except that the config file is based on an existing repo, as explained above. I also tried to config file provided in the example, but that failed aswell:
Unsupported Sail type: graphdb:FreeSail
Anyone got any tips?
As Henriette Harmse correctly pointed out, I should have provided my code, not simply linked to it. That way I might have discovered that I hadn't done a complete copy after all, but changed the important first bits that she points out in her answer. Full code below:
String address = "serveradr";
RemoteRepositoryManager repositoryManager = new RemoteRepositoryManager( address);
// Instantiate a repository graph model
TreeModel graph = new TreeModel();
InputStream config = Rdf4jHelper.class.getResourceAsStream("/repoconf2.ttl");
RDFParser rdfParser = Rio.createParser(RDFFormat.TURTLE);
rdfParser.setRDFHandler(new StatementCollector(graph));
rdfParser.parse(config, RepositoryConfigSchema.NAMESPACE);
// Retrieve the repository node as a resource
Resource repositoryNode = graph.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, RepositoryConfigSchema.REPOSITORY).subjects().iterator().next();
// Create a repository configuration object and add it to the repositoryManager
RepositoryConfig repositoryConfig = RepositoryConfig.create(graph, repositoryNode);
It fails on the last line.
ANSWERED #HenrietteHarmse gives the correct method in her answer below. The error is caused by missing dependencies. Instead of using RDF4J directly, I should have used the graphdb-free-runtime.
There are a number of issues here:
(1) RepositoryManager repositoryManager = new LocalRepositoryManager(new File(".")); will create a repository where ever your Java application is running from.
(2) Changing to new LocalRepositoryManager(new File("$GraphDBInstall/data/repositories")) will cause the repository to be created under the control of GraphDB (assuming you have a local GraphDB instance) only if GraphDB is not running. If you start GraphDB after running your program, you will be able to see the repository in GraphDB workbench.
(3) What you need to do is get the repository manager of the remote GraphDB, which can be done with RepositoryManager repositoryManager = RepositoryProvider.getRepositoryManager("http://IPAddressOfGraphDB:7200");.
(4) In the way you have specified the config, you cause the RDF graph config to be lost. The correct way to specify it is:
RepositoryConfig repositoryConfig = RepositoryConfig.create(graph, repositoryNode);
(5) A minor issue is that GraphUtil.getUniqueSubject(...) has been deprecated, for which you can use something like the following:
Model model = graph.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, RepositoryConfigSchema.REPOSITORY);
Iterator<Statement> iterator = model.iterator();
if (!iterator.hasNext())
throw new RuntimeException("Oops, no <> subject found!");
Statement statement =;
Resource repositoryNode = statement.getSubject();
EDIT on 20180408:
(5) Or you can use the compact option as #JeenBroekstra suggested in the comments:
graph.filter(null, RDF.TYPE, RepositoryConfigSchema.REPOSITORY))
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Oops, no <> subject found!"));
EDIT on 20180409:
For convenience I have added the complete code example here.
EDIT on 20180410:
So the actual culprit turned out to be an incorrect pom.xml. The correct version is as below:
I believe I just had the same issue. I used the example code from GraphDB Free for running with RDF4J as a remote service and ran into the same exception as you (Unsupported Sail type: graphdb:FreeSail). Henriette Harmse's answer does not directly address this issue but one should follow the suggestions given there to avoid running into issues later. In addition, based on a look into the RDF4J code you need the following dependency in your pom.xml file (assuming GraphDB 8.5):
This seems to be because there is some kind of service loading going on with META-INF, which I frankly am not familiar with. Maybe someone can provide more details in the comments. The requirement for adding this dependency in also seems to be absent from the instructions, so if this works for you, please let me know. Others who followed the same steps we did should be able to resolve this issue as well then.

use local graph in noflo.asCallback

I'm trying to execute a graph located in a local graphs/ folder using the noflo.asCallback function.
I'm getting an error that the graph or component is not available with the base specified at the baseDir.
What is the correct way to us the asCallback function with a graph?
The issue was related to the package name of the project. The name I was using was noflo-test, and the graph was available as test/GraphName, without the noflo- prepended.

Inferring topics with mallet, using the saved topic state

I've used the following command to generate a topic model from some documents:
bin/mallet train-topics --input topic-input.mallet --num-topics 100 --output-state topic-state.gz
I have not, however, used the --output-model option to generate a serialized topic trainer object. Is there any way I can use the state file to infer topics for new documents? Training is slow, and it'll take a couple of days for me to retrain, if I have to create the serialized model from scratch.
We did not use the command line tools shipped with mallet, we just use the mallet api to create the serialized model for inferences of the new document. Two point need special notice:
You need serialize out the pipes you used just after you finish the training (For my case, it is SerialPipes)
And of cause the model need also to be serialized after you finish the training(For my case, it is ParallelTopicModel)
Please check with the java doc:
Restoring a model from the state file appears to be a new feature in mallet 2.0.7 according to the release notes.
Ability to restore models from gzipped "state" files. From the new
TopicTrainer, use the --input-state [filename] argument. Note that you
can manually edit this file. Any token with topic set to -1 will be
immediately resampled upon loading.
If you mean you want to see how new documents fit into a previously trained topic model, then I'm afraid there is no simple command you can use to do it right.
The class cc.mallet.topics.LDA in mallet 2.0.7's source code provides such a utility, try to understand it and use it in your program.
P.S., If my memory serves, there is some problem with the implementation of the function in that class:
public void addDocuments(InstanceList additionalDocuments,
int numIterations, int showTopicsInterval,
int outputModelInterval, String outputModelFilename,
Randoms r)
You have to rewrite it.