Terminal in Intellij not working properly - intellij-idea

Hi when I use IDEA to do a springboot project on the mac when I open the terminal in IDEA it shows nothing, and the below are my terminal settings in IDEA, anyone can help?
enter image description here
enter image description here


IntelliJ isn't running correctly

Everytime when I start IntelliJ ultimate edition, I just get a black screen and the fonts are very weird and unreadable:
enter image description here
I already tried to uninstall and then reinstall intellij which did not work.
Has somebody a idea for a solution?

Why the command of python is not executed in the terminal

Hi Guys im trying to copy the code from the video even though i do everything as mentioned in the video but still error, can you please tell me where i made a mistake?this is how she made it.
Try using your terminal inside of vscode. Right click on the file you want to open and select "Open in integrated Terminal".

Setting VM flags failed

I have added flutter to intellij but when i run the code this error appearenter image description here
I was having the same problem with IntelliJ. To fix this move to the box beside the run button then click on it, select edit configurations, then disable the Checked mode below VM options then click on Ok.

How to get access to logcat in IntelliJ IDEA in non-Android project?

I don't see it at the bottom where it usually sits. I also tried "Log Viewer" plugin which should display logcat from any project, but that plugin fails to detect my emulated device.
I mean IntelliJ IDEA, not Android Studio.
in your create() class, the log will be shown in the "Run Window".

The android emulator does't show the changes that occur in the code

I am knew in react native and I need to run a project. I used the following command in the folder of my project:
1- npm start
2- react-native run-android
However, I have a strange problem. Whenever I change any thing in the code, nothing happen in emulator and the emulator show me the previous thing!
I have done it with cell phone connected to the PC and see the same result!
I even stop the emulator and start it again but, I see the same problem. The emulator do not show any changes in the code and show a constant project. Can you help me?
As I shake the cell phone and reload it, I see the following red screen error:
Could not connect to development server.
You need to enable either Live Reload or Hot Reloading. Within the simulator, you can access the menu with the Cmd+M combination or click the icon (see screenshot) then just choose the option you want.