Post API vs import data through the app (insert it as customer/tester through the app forntend) - api

For testing API, I need to set some data.
Is it better (cheaper and faster) to import data through the app like regular user. Using frontend which will set and store the data into data base, and I will test that data and have it stored forever, until I decide that data needs to be changed.
Or is it better to do a POST method with API and set data through the API.
I assume that programing API POST method is more expensive and time consuming then using regular app. And also data is stored only while test is runing (that is less memory on other hand, but assume that few MB of DB is not giving higher advantage).
Maybe I am missing something.

Uploading anything through UI is more costlier and slower than uploading through API its not the other way:
Thats why we have the inverted pyramid tobe anti pattern in testing:
Ideal pattern is the testing pyramid or inverted cone


How do multiple versions of a REST API share the same data model?

There is a ton of documentation on academic theory and best practices on how to manage versioning for RESTful Web Services, however I have not seen much discussion on how multiple REST APIs interact with data.
I'd like to see various architectural strategies or documentation on how to handle hosting multiple versions of your app that rely on the same data pool.
For instance, suppose you make a database level destructive change to a database table that causes you to have to increment your major API version to v2.
Now at any given time, users could be interacting with the v1 web service and the v2 web service at the same time and creating data that is visible and editable by both services. How should this be handled?
Most of changes introduced to API affect the content of the response, till changes introduced are incremental this is not a very big problem (note: you should never expose the exact DB model directly to the clients).
When you make a destructive/significant change to DB model and new API version of API is introduced, there are two options:
Turn the previous version off, filter out all queries to reply with 301 and new location.
If 1. is impossible to need to maintain both previous and current version of the API. Since this might time and money consuming it should be done only for some time and finally previous version should be turned off.
What with DB model? When two versions of API are active at the same time I'd try to keep the DB model as consistent as possible - having in mind that running two versions at the same time is just temporary. But as I wrote earlier, DB model should never be exposed directly to the clients - this may help you to avoid a lot of problems.
I have given this a little thought...
One solution may be this:
Just because the v1 API should not change, it doesn't mean the underlying implementation cannot change. You can modify the v1 implementation code to set a default value, omit the saving of a field, return an unchecked exception, or do some kind of computational logic that helps the v1 API to be compatible with the shared datasource. Then, implement a better, cleaner, more idealistic implementation in v2.
when you are going to change any thing in your API structure that can change the response, you most increase you'r API Version.
for example you have this request and response:
request post: a, b, c, d
res: {a,b,c+d}
and your are going to add 'e' in your response fetched from database.
if you don't have any change based on 'e' in current client versions, you can add it on your current API version.
but if you'r new changes are going to change last responses, for example:
res: {a+e, b, c+d}
you most increase API number to prevent crashing.
changing in the request input's are the same.

Porting PHP API over to Parse

I am a PHP dev looking to port my API over to the Parse platform.
Am I right in thinking that you only need cloud code for complex operations? For example, consider the following methods:
// Simple function to fetch a user by id
function getUser($userid) {
return (SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=$userid LIMIT 1)
// another simple function, fetches all of a user's allergies (by their user id)
function getAllergies($userid) {
return (SELECT * FROM allergies WHERE userid=$userid)
// Creates a script (story?) about the user using their user id
// Uses their name and allergies to create the story
function getScript($userid) {
$user = getUser($userid)
$allergies = getAllergies($userid).
return "My name is {$user->getName()}. I am allergic to {$allergies}"
Would I need to implement getUser()/getAllergies() endpoints in Cloud Code? Or can I simply use Parse.Query("User")... thus leaving me with only the getScript() endpoint to implement in cloud code?
Cloud code is for computation heavy operations that should not be performed on the client, i.e. handling a large dataset.
It is also for performing beforeSave/afterSave and similar hooks.
In your example, providing you have set up a reasonable data model, none of the operations require cloud code.
Your approach sounds reasonable. I tend to put simply queries that will most likely not change on the client side, but it all depends on your scenario. When developing mobile apps I tend to put a lot of code in cloud code. I've found that it speeds up my development cycle. For example, if someone finds a bug and it's in cloud code, make the fix, run parse deploy, done! The change is available to all mobile environments instantly!!! If that same code is in my mobile app, it really sucks, cause now I have to fix the bug, rebuild, push it to the app store/google play, wait x number of days for it to be approved, have the users download it... you see where I'm going here.
Take for example your
SELECT * FROM allergies WHERE userid=$userid query.
Even though this is a simple query, what if you want to sort it? maybe add some additional filtering?
These are the kinds of things I think of when deciding where to put the code. Hope this helps!
As a side note, I have also found cloud code very handy when needing to add extra security to my apps.

Proper way to cache data from API call with nodejs

I am using node.js to write a web service, it calls an API for some data but I am limited by the API to a number of calls per month, so I wish to cache the data I retrieve from the API so I can serve it up with the cached data, and re-fetch the data from the API at a timed interval.
Is this a good approach for this problem? And what caching framework should I use? I looked at node-redis but I don't think a key value store is appropriate for the data.
I would disagree with you regarding Redis. Redis is a very powerful key-value store that can easily be used for what you want. It is designed to have stuff dumped in it and taken out again. In your situation, you can easy cache the API response by saving it into Redis with the query as the key (if this is a REST API you're calling, you could just use the URL or serialized data as the key) and simply cache the response as a stringified JSON object (or XML string if you happen to be getting that).
You can also set an expiry on the cached data, and it will be cleared when the time is expired.
You could then wrap your API call in a helper function which checks the cache, and returns the value if it's present. If it's not it makes the API request, adds it to the cache, then returns it.
This is probably the most straightforward solution and seems to cover your use case pretty well.

Benchmarking/Performance testing of the API - REST/SOAP

I'm trying to benchmark/ do performance testing of API's at my work. So the client facing is REST format while the backend data is retrieved by SOAP messages. So my question is can some of you share your thoughts on how you implement it (if you have done so in the past/doing it now), am basically interested in avg response time it takes for API to return results for the client
Please let me know if you need any additional information to answer the question
Could not say it any better than Mark, really:
Maybe you should give JMeter a try.
You can try using Apache Benchmark.This is simple and quick
Jmeter gives you additional flexibility like adding functional cases along with performance details. Results will be almost similar to Apache Benchmark tool.
The detailed one which gives Functional Test Result, performance counters settings, Call response time details, CPU and Memory changes along with Load/Stress results, with different bandwidth and browser settings - Visual Studio Team system
I used VSTS2010 for performance testing. Also GET and POST are straight forward. PUT and DELETE need coded version of webtest.
If you are trying to test the REST -> SOAP calls. One more thing you can consider is to have some stubs created (for backend). This way you can perf test REST -> Stub performance followed by Stub -> SOAP perfomance. This will help in analyzing the individual components.

WCF Paged Results & Data Export

I've walked into a project that is using a WCF service for the data tier. Currently, when data is needed for a grid, all rows are returned and the results are bound to a grid and the dataset is stuffed into a session variable for paging/sorting/rebinding. We've already hit a max message size problem, so I'm thinking it's time to convert from fetch and cache to fetch only the current page.
Face value this seems easy enough, but there's a small catch. The user is allowed to export the entire result set at any point. This means that for grid viewing purposes fetching the current page is fine, but when they want to do an export, I still need to make a call for all data.
This puts me back into the max message size issue. What is the recommended approach for this type of setup?
We are currently using the wsHttpBinding...
Thanks for any assistance.
I think the recommended approach for large files is to use WCF streaming. I'm not sure the exact details for your scenario, but you could take a look at this as a starting point:
I would probably do something like this in your case
create a service with a "paged" GetData() method - where you specify the page index and the page size as additional parameters. This should give you a nice clean interface for "regular" use, and that should not hit the maxMessageSize limits
create a second service (or method) that would send all data - ideally, you could bundle that up into a ZIP file or something on the server, before sending it. If that ZIP file is still too large, you might want to check out WCF streaming for handling large files, as Andy already pointed out
The maxMessageSizeLimit is in place for a good reason: to avoid Denial of Service attacks where a WCF service would just get flooded with large messages and thus brought to its knees. If you can, always try to keep that in mind and don't just jack up the maxMessageSize to 2 GB - it might come back to bite you :-)