Porting PHP API over to Parse - api

I am a PHP dev looking to port my API over to the Parse platform.
Am I right in thinking that you only need cloud code for complex operations? For example, consider the following methods:
// Simple function to fetch a user by id
function getUser($userid) {
return (SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=$userid LIMIT 1)
// another simple function, fetches all of a user's allergies (by their user id)
function getAllergies($userid) {
return (SELECT * FROM allergies WHERE userid=$userid)
// Creates a script (story?) about the user using their user id
// Uses their name and allergies to create the story
function getScript($userid) {
$user = getUser($userid)
$allergies = getAllergies($userid).
return "My name is {$user->getName()}. I am allergic to {$allergies}"
Would I need to implement getUser()/getAllergies() endpoints in Cloud Code? Or can I simply use Parse.Query("User")... thus leaving me with only the getScript() endpoint to implement in cloud code?

Cloud code is for computation heavy operations that should not be performed on the client, i.e. handling a large dataset.
It is also for performing beforeSave/afterSave and similar hooks.
In your example, providing you have set up a reasonable data model, none of the operations require cloud code.

Your approach sounds reasonable. I tend to put simply queries that will most likely not change on the client side, but it all depends on your scenario. When developing mobile apps I tend to put a lot of code in cloud code. I've found that it speeds up my development cycle. For example, if someone finds a bug and it's in cloud code, make the fix, run parse deploy, done! The change is available to all mobile environments instantly!!! If that same code is in my mobile app, it really sucks, cause now I have to fix the bug, rebuild, push it to the app store/google play, wait x number of days for it to be approved, have the users download it... you see where I'm going here.
Take for example your
SELECT * FROM allergies WHERE userid=$userid query.
Even though this is a simple query, what if you want to sort it? maybe add some additional filtering?
These are the kinds of things I think of when deciding where to put the code. Hope this helps!
As a side note, I have also found cloud code very handy when needing to add extra security to my apps.


Ember change normalizeResponse based on queried model

I'm using a second datastore with my Ember app, so I can communicate with a separate external API. I have no control over this API.
With a DS.JSONSerializer I can add some missing properties like id:
normalizeResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) {
if (requestType == 'query') {
payload.forEach(function(el, index) {
payload[index].id = index
Now I can do some different tricks for each different requestType. But every response is parsed. Now sometimes a response from one request needs to be parsed differently.
So what I am trying to do is change the normalizeResponse functionality for each different request path (mapped to a fake model using pathForType in an adapter for this store). But the argument store is always the same (obviously) and the argument promaryModelClass is always "unknown mixin" - not sure if this can be any help.
How can I find what model was requested? With this information I could do a switch() in normalizeResponse.
Is there a different way to achieve my goal that does not require me to make a separate adapter for every path/model?
There are over a dozen normalize functions available. Something should work for what I am trying to achieve.
I think this is a great example of a use case of not using ember data.
Assuming that you have models A,B,C that are all working great with ember data, leave those alone.
I'd create a separate service and make raw requests to that different endpoint. So you'd replace this.store.query('thing', {args}) with a separate service that uses ember-ajax (or ember-fetch or whatever). If you need, you can use that service to hold the data that you need (Ember-data is just a service anyway) or you can create models and push them into the store manually.
Without knowing more about your exact situation, hard to give a specific code/advice, but I'd just avoid this problem and write your own custom service.
You can use primaryModelClass.modelName.

Reducing Parse Server to only Parse Cloud

I'm currently using a self hosted Parse Server up to date but I'm facing some security issues.
At the moment, calls done to the route /classes can retrieve any object in any table and, even though I might want an object to be public readable, I wouldn't like to show all the parameters of that object. Briefly I don't want the database to be retrieved in any case, I would like to disable "everything" except the Parse Cloud code. So that is, I would be able to run calls to my own functions, but not able to use clients (Android, iOS, C#, Javascript...) to retrieve data.
Is there any way to do this? I've been searching deeply for this, trying to debug some Controllers but I don't have any clue.
Thank you very much in advance.
tl;dr: set the ACL for all objects to be only readable when using the master key and then tell the query in Cloud Code to use the MK when querying your data
So without changing Parse Server itself you could make use of ACL and only allow a specific user to access objects. You would then "login" as that user in your Cloud Code and be able to access all objects.
As the old method, Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey() isn't available in the OS Parse Server you will have to pass the parameter useMasterKey to the query you are running which should do the trick for this particular request and will bypass ACL/CLP. There is an example in the Wiki of Parse Server as well.
For convenience, here is a short code example from the Wiki:
Parse.Cloud.define('getTotalMessageCount', function(request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query('Messages');
useMasterKey: true
}) // count() will use the master key to bypass ACLs
.then(function(count) {

How do multiple versions of a REST API share the same data model?

There is a ton of documentation on academic theory and best practices on how to manage versioning for RESTful Web Services, however I have not seen much discussion on how multiple REST APIs interact with data.
I'd like to see various architectural strategies or documentation on how to handle hosting multiple versions of your app that rely on the same data pool.
For instance, suppose you make a database level destructive change to a database table that causes you to have to increment your major API version to v2.
Now at any given time, users could be interacting with the v1 web service and the v2 web service at the same time and creating data that is visible and editable by both services. How should this be handled?
Most of changes introduced to API affect the content of the response, till changes introduced are incremental this is not a very big problem (note: you should never expose the exact DB model directly to the clients).
When you make a destructive/significant change to DB model and new API version of API is introduced, there are two options:
Turn the previous version off, filter out all queries to reply with 301 and new location.
If 1. is impossible to need to maintain both previous and current version of the API. Since this might time and money consuming it should be done only for some time and finally previous version should be turned off.
What with DB model? When two versions of API are active at the same time I'd try to keep the DB model as consistent as possible - having in mind that running two versions at the same time is just temporary. But as I wrote earlier, DB model should never be exposed directly to the clients - this may help you to avoid a lot of problems.
I have given this a little thought...
One solution may be this:
Just because the v1 API should not change, it doesn't mean the underlying implementation cannot change. You can modify the v1 implementation code to set a default value, omit the saving of a field, return an unchecked exception, or do some kind of computational logic that helps the v1 API to be compatible with the shared datasource. Then, implement a better, cleaner, more idealistic implementation in v2.
when you are going to change any thing in your API structure that can change the response, you most increase you'r API Version.
for example you have this request and response:
request post: a, b, c, d
res: {a,b,c+d}
and your are going to add 'e' in your response fetched from database.
if you don't have any change based on 'e' in current client versions, you can add it on your current API version.
but if you'r new changes are going to change last responses, for example:
res: {a+e, b, c+d}
you most increase API number to prevent crashing.
changing in the request input's are the same.

Backbone.sync – Collection using ajax as well as Socket.IO/WebSockets

I have a Backbone application, which has a collection called Links. Links maps to a REST API URI of /api/links.
The API will give the user the latest links. However, I have a system in place that will add a job to the message queue when the user hits this API, requesting that the links in the database are updated.
When this job is finished, I would to push the new links to the Backbone collection.
How should I do this? In my mind I have two options:
From the Backbone collection, long poll the API for new links
Setup WebSockets to send a "message" to the collection when the job is done, sending the new data with it
Scrap the REST API for my application and just use WebSockets for everything, as I am likely to have more realtime needs later down the line
WebSockets with the REST API
If I use WebSockets, I'm not sure of the best way to integrate this into my Backbone collection so that it works alongside the REST API.
At the moment my Backbone collection looks like this:
var Links = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/api/links'
I'm not sure how to enable the Backbone collection to handle AJAX and WebSockets. Do I continue to use the default Backbone.sync for the CRUD Ajax operations, and then deal with the single WebSocket connection manually? In my mind:
var Links = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/api/links',
initialize: function () {
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');
socket.on('newLinks', addLinks)
addLinks: function (data) {
// Prepend `data` to the collection
How should I implement my realtime needs, from the options above or any other ideas you have? Please provide examples of code to give some context.
No worries! Backbone.WS got you covered.
You can init a WebSocket connection like:
var ws = new Bakcbone.WS('ws://exmaple.com/');
And bind a Model to it like:
var model = new Backbone.Model();
Then this model will listen to messages events with the type ws:message and you can call model.send(data) to send data via that connection.
Of course the same goes for Collections.
Backbone.WS also gives some tools for mapping a custom REST-like API to your Models/Collections.
My company has a fully Socket.io based solution using backbone, primarily because we want our app to "update" the gui when changes are made on another users screen in real time.
In a nutshell, it's a can of worms. Socket.IO works well, but it also opens a lot of doors you may not be interested in seeing behind. Backbone events get quite out of whack because they are so tightly tied to the ajax transactions...you're effectively overriding that default behavior. One of our better hiccups has been deletes, because our socket response isn't the model that changed, but the entire collection, for example. Our solution does go a bit further than most, because transactions are via a DDL that is specifically setup to be universal across the many devices we need to be able to communicate with, now and in the future.
If you do go the ioBind path, beware that you'll be using different methods for change events compared to your non-socket traffic (if you mix and match) That's the big drawback of that method, standard things like "change" becomes "update" for example to avoid collisions. It can get really confusing in late-night debug or when you have a new developer join the team. For that reason, I prefer either going sockets, or not, not a combination. Sockets have been good so far, and scary fast.
We use a base function that does the heavy lifting, and have several others that extend this base to give us the transaction functionality we need.
This article gives a great starter for the method we used.

Is it possible to use Bukkit for Minecraft to define a new kind of mob?

I'd like to write a Minecraft mod which adds a new type of mob. Is that possible? I see that, in Bukkit, EntityType is a predefined enum, which leads me to believe there may not be a way to add a new type of entity. I'm hoping that's wrong.
Yes, you can!
I'd direct you to some tutorials on the Bukkit forums. Specifically:
Creating a Meteor Entity
Modifying the Behavior of a Mob or Entity
Disclaimer: the first is written by me.
You cannot truly add an entirely new mob just via Bukkit. You'd have to use Spout to give it a different skin. However, in the case you simply want a mob, and are content with sharing a skin of another entity, then it can be done.
The idea is injecting the EntityType values via Java's Reflection API. It would look something like this:
public static void load() {
try {
Method a = EntityTypes.class.getDeclaredMethod("a", Class.class, String.class, int.class);
a.invoke(a, YourEntityClass.class, "Your identifier, can be anything", id_map);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Insert handling code here
I think the above is fairly straightforward. We get a handle to the private method, make it public, and invoke its registration method.id_map contains the entity id to map your entity to. 12 is that of a fireball. The mapping can be found in EntityType.class. Note that these ids should not be confused with their packet designations. The two are completely different.
Lastly, you actually need to spawn your entity. MC will continue spawning the default entity, since we haven't removed it from the map. But its just a matter of calling the net.minecraft.server.spawnEntity(your_entity, SpawnReason.CUSTOM).
If you need a skin, I suggest you look into SpoutPlugin. It does require running the Spout client to join to such a server, but the possibilities at that point are literally infinite.
It would only be possible with client-side mods as well, sadly. You could look into Spout, (http://www.spout.org/) which is a client mod which provides an API for server-side plugins to do more on the client, but without doing something client side, this is impossible.
It's not possible to add new entities, but it is possible to edit entity behaviors for example one time, I made it so that you could tame iron golems and they followed you around.
Also you can sort of achieve custom looking human entities by accessing player entities and tweaking network packets
It's expensive as you need to create a player account to achieve this that then gets used to act as a mob. You then spawn a named entity and give it the same behaviour AI as you would with an existing mob. Keep in mind however you will need to write the AI yourself (you could borrow code straight from craftbukkit/bukkit) and you will need to push the movement and events of this mob to players within sight .. As technically speaking all your doing is pushing packets to the client from the serve on what's actually happening but if your outside that push list nothing will happen as other players will see you being knocked around by invisible something :) it's a bit of a mental leap :)
I'm using this concept to create Npc that act as friendly and factional armies. I've also used mobs themselves as friendly entities (if you belong to a dark faction)
I'd like to personally see future server API that can push model instructions to the client for server specific cache as well as the ability to tell a client where to download mob skins ..
It's doable today but I'd have to create a plugin for the client to achieve this which is then back to a game of annoyance especially when mojang push out a new release and all the plugins take forever to rise with its tide
In all honesty this entire ecosystem could be managed more strategically but right now I think it's just really ad hoc product management (speaking as a former product manager of .net I'd love to work on this strategy it would be such a fun gig)