When i am hitting x website with wget utility i am getting the below error. But when i tried for other websites its working fine. And i see the Site x uses Proper SSL. Browser is not displaying any errors in it. What the way to troubleshoot this issue
wget https://x.com (Not working)
wget https://stackoverflow.com or google.com or facebook.com (Working)
I have enabled SSL for a site using jdk 1.8 and Tomcat 8.5.23.
When I hit the site in IE, first time it shows:
"Can't connect securely to this page
This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening,try contacting website's owner."
When I hit the site second time, the page loads and the application functionality works fine with SSL enabled.
When I hit the site in chrome no matter how many times, it shows:
"This site can't provide a secure connection
Abcd.xyz.com didn't accept your login certificate, or one may not have been provided.
Try contacting the system admin.
In server.xml I have added below in the connector tag:
I also could not find any error in the log files.
Please help me. :(
I was working on a website on my local computer (mac OS High Sierra) and had put some redirects in the websites .htaccess file (in order to get images from the remote server instead of downloading them). After this it seemed that I could no longer access the website from my Chrome browser. Chrome would answer to any URL leading to the remote server with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
I tried other browsers on my computer such as Firefox, Chrome Canary, Chromium and Opera. None of them could provide a connection.
Next I checked with a different internet access via TOR-Browser on the same computer whether I could access the website, and it worked.
Next I checked via Terminal whether I could connect to the remote server with ping, nslookup and traceroute. All connecting to the server as expected.
I googled up possible solutions to this problem but could not find one so far. I had read that resetting the DNS cache could help and tried sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder but it did not.
I did not edit the /etc/hosts file; a restart of the computer did not help; a reset of the .htaccess to the previous state did not help; resetting the caches in the browsers did not help.
How can I access the remote website from my browsers normally again?
EDIT1: Related question: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for only selective images from instagram API
EDIT2: After about one day I was able to access the remote website again with no further incidents of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED even after putting the redirects into the .htaccess file. So it seems to me of being some sort of caching on my computer which prevents the browsers from accessing the remote website. However I have no clue what caused the error message in the first place and what kind of cache it might be.
Shortly after EDIT2 when I was able to access the remote website again, the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED appeared again - this time I tested another device with the same internet connection and I had encountered the connection error too. Now I believe it has something to do with the router and/or it's firewall - not the ISP since I could connect to the remote website with shell commands (named above). The image requests to the remote website seem to cause the router to block further access from browsers, probably as a security measure similar to the situation in this article https://www.cnet.com/forums/discussions/can-t-access-a-specific-website-going-thru-my-router-274637/
I use Chrome in macOS Sierra 10.12.3. I guess I have already set up ssl for localhost long time ago. Now, both http://localhost/ and https://localhost/ in Chrome return the list of folders under localhost. I have created a nodejs app. So after typing npm start in a command line to run the server, we could open http://localhost:3000/#/home as frond-end in Chrome.
Now, for some reason, I need to make https://localhost:3000/#/home work in Chrome. At the moment, it gives This site can't be reached; localhost unexpectedly closed the connection error.
Does anyone know how to amend this? Should I set up something in mac or in the code of my app?
Edit 1: I have found this page: SSL/HTTPS server with Node.js and Express.js. So I generated the files and modified the node code. Now loading https://localhost:3000/#/posts/editor/ displays the page, but I want to remove the annoying Not Secure warning.
As the above screenshot shows, I was able to view its certificate (though there is an error ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID). I copied the certificate to the desktop and dragged it to login of the Keychain Access tool and modified its setting to Always Trust. I restarted Chrome, reloaded the page, but the Not Secure warning is still there.
Could anyone help?
There are actually lots of threads about this issue, which are quite confusing. I write the way that works for me.
I have finally followed this page to generate the files http://blog.mgechev.com/2014/02/19/create-https-tls-ssl-application-with-express-nodejs/. Note that I set localhost as Common Name (not sure if it's really mandatory).
In www of my MEAN project
var fs = require("fs");
var config = {
key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')
var server = https.createServer(config, app).listen(3000);
In Chrome, I open https://localhost:3000/#/new, then I go to the Security tab of Dev Tools to view its certificate. Then drag the certificate to the desktop.
Double-click the certificate on the desktop, which opens Keychain Access. Make sure the certificate is in login (not necessarily system). If it's not, then drag the certificate in login.
Change everything to Always Trust
(maybe restart Chrome), after npm start the application, enjoy surfing https://localhost/#/new with Green Secure Light.
Are you sure you setup a Certificate Authority? Perhaps you only setup https in your code but forgot to setup a local Certificate Authority for your app to validate a certificate with. If this is the case please reference: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/apple-in-the-enterprise/create-your-own-ssl-ca-with-the-os-x-keychain/
I've tried everything and read first 10 results of google search result of ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT. All not working. I am using Mac.
This problem only exists for angularjs 2 official site, which is https.
I don't understand what the certificate is doing. Why do I need a certificate.
Any solution?
Fix my issue.
Run my angular-cli app under https instead of http
using ng serve --ssl 1 --ssl-key "my-key.pem" --ssl-cert "my-cert.pem"
I am currently encountering a very strange error. I am using Google Chrome and Firefox for testing on my local computer. On my root server there's Debian installed and as panel vesta control panel.
I've associated my domain with the panel and everything's being fine except one thing: I randomly can't get to my webserver by entering my domain with https://www.domain.tld/. Sometimes (very rarely) it's working, but it's most likely to be not working.
On my other Windows root server I can access the site easily with the domain (using a Cloudflare SSL certificate), but my home network (at least my computer) isn't able to.
I don't know what to do...
Maybe check if this page is working for you:
(This is a picture of this topic)