ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED exclusively in browsers - apache

I was working on a website on my local computer (mac OS High Sierra) and had put some redirects in the websites .htaccess file (in order to get images from the remote server instead of downloading them). After this it seemed that I could no longer access the website from my Chrome browser. Chrome would answer to any URL leading to the remote server with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
I tried other browsers on my computer such as Firefox, Chrome Canary, Chromium and Opera. None of them could provide a connection.
Next I checked with a different internet access via TOR-Browser on the same computer whether I could access the website, and it worked.
Next I checked via Terminal whether I could connect to the remote server with ping, nslookup and traceroute. All connecting to the server as expected.
I googled up possible solutions to this problem but could not find one so far. I had read that resetting the DNS cache could help and tried sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder but it did not.
I did not edit the /etc/hosts file; a restart of the computer did not help; a reset of the .htaccess to the previous state did not help; resetting the caches in the browsers did not help.
How can I access the remote website from my browsers normally again?
EDIT1: Related question: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for only selective images from instagram API
EDIT2: After about one day I was able to access the remote website again with no further incidents of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED even after putting the redirects into the .htaccess file. So it seems to me of being some sort of caching on my computer which prevents the browsers from accessing the remote website. However I have no clue what caused the error message in the first place and what kind of cache it might be.

Shortly after EDIT2 when I was able to access the remote website again, the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED appeared again - this time I tested another device with the same internet connection and I had encountered the connection error too. Now I believe it has something to do with the router and/or it's firewall - not the ISP since I could connect to the remote website with shell commands (named above). The image requests to the remote website seem to cause the router to block further access from browsers, probably as a security measure similar to the situation in this article


Apache "Failed to load resource: The network connection was lost."

First of all, my thanks to this community for helping me solve many, many issues over the years. In fact, I have never needed to post a new question - I was always able to find an answer (eventually).
Not so this time. I am a moderately experienced hobby developer, self-hosting a small set of sites on my Mac Mini (Apache 2.4, PHP 8.0, MySQL 5.6). I built a reasonably complex site ( and everything was working perfectly.
I then decided to add SSL encryption to my server (certificate purchased from and installed it with no issues. Checking the SSL configuration via "SSL Checker" and confirms that the certificate is properly installed. The only "warning" I get is that I only have TLSv1 enabled on the server. This despite the fact that my httpd-ssl.conf file says "SSLProtocol -all SSLv3". I mention this in case it is the cause of my troubles.
The issue I am experiencing is that the SSL encrypted site works perfectly using Firefox and Chrome on the Mac Mini (Mojave), but fails using Safari on the same Mac and fails using any of the browsers on my iPad or iPhone. Safari's web console shows "Failed to load resource: The network connection was lost." and the server log shows "child pid XXXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)".
The resources that fail to load are some (but not all) of the css and js resources that reside on the local (Mac Mini) server. All other resources (residing on external servers) load fine.
I have tried a number of suggestions found on Stack Overflow, including
changing file permissions to 777 on the offending resources (js, css files)
setting KeepAlive to Off in httpd-default.conf
minifying offending resource files
increasing SSLSessionCache in httpd-ssl.conf
None of it has made any difference. I should also point out that I have configured .htaccess in the root folder of my site to force all incoming connections to https://
This seems like the last hurdle to make this website fully encrypted and fully functional and I am thoroughly stuck. I will appreciate any pointers you have for me. Many thanks.
Was able to figure this out and wanted to answer my own question, in case it helps anybody else.
First, the strange test results from SSL validation sites that my server was not TLSv1.2 ready. I fixed this by changing the SSLProtocol line in httpd-ssl.conf to explicitly only permit TLSv1.2 ("SSLProtocol all -SSLv3" --> "SSLProtocol TLSv1.2")
Second, the odd behavior of Safari (on both desktop and mobile) occasionally hanging unable to load a page (while other browsers had no issues). I found the solution to this at Making the recommended change to httpd-ssl.conf and adding the line "Header unset Upgrade" solved the Safari issue.

Website fails to load in Safari Mobile and Desktop

When opening some web pages in Safari (iOS - CMS website hosted in a Apache server) it shows the following message.
Tried to remove all scripts from the page and it doesn't worked
Checked Apache access log and none on the requests were logged in access log
Checked Apache error log and no errors are logged
Tried lot of methods to figure it out (technically and logically). Anyone experienced the same issue?
If none of your requests are being logged, then your client isn't getting through and you have a problem outside of your application scope (like a network connectivity or firewall issue)


I am currently encountering a very strange error. I am using Google Chrome and Firefox for testing on my local computer. On my root server there's Debian installed and as panel vesta control panel.
I've associated my domain with the panel and everything's being fine except one thing: I randomly can't get to my webserver by entering my domain with https://www.domain.tld/. Sometimes (very rarely) it's working, but it's most likely to be not working.
On my other Windows root server I can access the site easily with the domain (using a Cloudflare SSL certificate), but my home network (at least my computer) isn't able to.
I don't know what to do...
Maybe check if this page is working for you:
(This is a picture of this topic)

Chrome (and ONLY Chrome) Suddenly Can't Connect to Localhost Domains

Well this is odd. As of this morning, Chrome is responding with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when it attempts to connect to web pages at various {subdomain}.localhost domains. Firefox and Safari both connect as normal. I am using Vagrant/Virtualbox running Debian and Apache. Chrome does connect to local domains which ARE NOT using localhost in the domain name. Wondering if chrome released some sort of local firewall?? But not seeing anything about that in release notes.
UPDATE: running curl {subdomain}.localhost in terminal gives me the output as expected (response from web server).
UPDATE 2: I did just find this: (Chrome team planning to block all access from browser to localhost wss) -- but I do not see that this was implemented yet.
The answer is in my second update. No more .localhost.
you can try using the port explicitly -> xxx.localhost:8080

apache localhost sites opening in Firefox, but not IE or Safari?

I'm running WAMP on Vista and have Apache virtual hosts and my hosts file all set up to allow me to test sites locally using an address like this:
Only problem is, it only works in Firefox. IE and Safari (currently the only other browsers I've tried, and the two I'm most concerned about) display an an error.
I'm not currently in front of my machine but the error is something along the lines of:
502 Bad Gateway
Problem with DNS Host Lookup
Can anybody tell me what's going on?
I would try changing it from testsitex.localhost to testsite.loc and see if you have the same problem. Alternatively, try pinging it from the command prompt, and see if you're seeing the same problem.
Another thing might be that Firefox ignores the windows proxy, whereas IE and Safari likely use the default windows proxy (settings -> control panel -> internet -> connections -> lan settings). If your proxy doesn't have the hosts file, this would explain it.
Have you put testsitex.localhost into your HOSTS files?