SAS -. SQL format - sql

I am importing a dollar value form xls via SAS to SQL
Imported value:
format used in SAS:%let format_out_response_n = dollar32.2;
but I get this:
I also tried: %let format_in_response_nc = comma32.2;
But here I get:
So that is closer but still not right.
What should I use?


how do I filter out errant integer data in pentaho data integration

I have a fixed position input.txt file like this:
4033667 70040118401401
4033671 70040/8401901 < not int because of "/"
4033669 70040118401301
4033673 70060118401101
I'm using a text file input step to pull the data in, and I'd like to load the data into a database as int's and have errant data go to a log file.
I've tried to using the filter step and the data validator step, but I can't seem to get either to work. I've even tried using the text input field to bring it in as a string and then converting it to an int w/ the Select/Rename values Step, and changing the data-type in meta-data section.
a typical error I keep running into is "String : couldn't convert String to Integer"
Any suggestions?
So I ended up using...
Text file input > Filter Rows (regex \d+) > select values (to cast string to int) > table output
...and the error log comes off of the false result of the regex filter.
I understand you problem.
Let do it simple.

Octave dlmread won't read date format

I have a csv file, the one from The first entries look like this:
The first column has dates which I'm trying to read with this command:
matrix = dlmread ('waves-measuring-buoys-data/WavesMooloolabaJan2017toJun2019.csv',',',1,0);
(If referring to file on Kaggle, note that I slightly modified the directory and file names for ease of reading)
Then when I check a date by printing matrix(2,1), I get 1 instead of 01/01/2017 00:00.
How do I get the correct format?
csvread is only for numeric inputs.
Use csv2cell from the io package instead, to obtain your data as a string, and then perform any necessary string operatios and conversions accordingly.

psycopg2: export csv to database, dealing with e+ expression

I have a csv file containing
numbers like "1.456e+07"
and I am using function "copy_expert" to export the file to database
but I am getting error
psycopg2.DataError: invalid input syntax for integer: "1.5637e+07"
I notice that I can insert "100" as an integer, but when I do "1.5637e+07" with qoute, it doesn't work.
I am using pandas dataframe's to_csv to generate the csv files. not sure how to get rid of qoute for integer like "1.5637e+07" only (I have string column), or whether there is other solution.
I find out the solution
Normally, pandas doesn't put quotes around number. However, I set float_format parameter which causes this. I reset
in the function call and the quotes go away.

DB2 SQL Interpret a field as other CCSID

So I have a file on my AS400 as a result of DSPJRN and I want to look at some data in the JOESD field which is the after image from the journal of a file. This is defined as char with CCSID = 65535. I guess this is because it is the whole record with a mixture of ccsid and numeric fields.
I can use substr() to get the actual field from the original file. In the original file the column is defined graphic(10) ccsid 13488. Thats UCS-2. If I do hex(substr(joesd,522,20)) I get a result of 004100530044... and so on so I know it's the correct data but I can't get it to display as 'ASD...'
I tried graphic(substr(joesd,522,20),10,13488) but it gives an error that the conversion from ccsid 65535 to 13488 isn't valid. I don't want to convert it but interpret it as the other ccsid
GRAPHIC() doesn't take CCSID as a parm. The third parm is length according to my 7.1 reference.
What version are you using?
I thought CAST() might be a solution, but it doesn't appear to work.
As I see it, one option would be to build a user defined function (UDF) that does the conversion you need; possibly with the iconv() API.
The other option, would be to dump the data into a properly formatted file. I use the DBUJRN utility from DBU. There's other similar options. Including an open source one (sorry that the description is in German, but google translate does a good enough job to figure out the source to download).
The utilities basically work the same way; you can in fact run through the same process manually. Try the following:
Step 1 (the DSPJRN you've been doing)
Step 2 - Create a new file with the journal header fields followed by all the fields from your journaled file (MYFILE)
CREATE TABLE mylib/mytbl as
) with no data
Step 3 - Copy the data without regard to the format differences..
You should end up with data originally in JOESD split into it's appropriate fields.
Note of course that this technique only works for one file at a time. Also, make sure you're only dumping *RCD entries and you'll probably want to skip the DELETE entries.

Access VBA, importing csv file via TransferText with commata as decimal separator and semicolon as delimiter

I'm having some problems importing double numbers from csv files. The files have a semicolon delimiter and comma as decimal separator.
I can't set up import specs since the order of the fields in the csv often changes and it would be a desaster if the data goes into the wrong field.
Also the csv files will have to written to a temporary table first. Don't hate me for it, but since I have to process data and set some information fields for later data processing this is by far the easiest, fastest and safest way to achieve it.
Here is the problem itself:
When using TransferText it will import, but of course interpret the comma as delimiter. Not good ...
When replacing comma by full stop and semicolon by comma it works. But it will ignore full stops, so 1.2 becomes 12, 1.333 becomes 1333. The field will be of type double.
I've tests numerous things. Besides TransferText I've tried:
DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO Tabelle1 SELECT cdbl(a1) as aa FROM[TEXT;FMT=Delimited;HDR=YES;CharacterSet=437;DATABASE=C:\SPOT].[test.csv]")
But nothing seems to work, even when I create a new table with field type DOUBLE before using TransferText ... decimals are still ignored.
So, I would be happy if you could tell me either how to use TransferText with or without replacing semicolon and comma in a first step or how to use the INSERT INTO stuff.
Thank you very much!
Ok, I think I got it!
The problem where the regional settings and that my Access uses comma as decimal separator. I was also not able to create a Import Spec via manual import, since it needs to have defined which fields will have to be imported.
What I did now was this:
Open the table MSysIMEXSpecsthat contains the import specs via query:
select * from MSysIMEXSpecs
Then add a new row and set SpecName = "Whatever", DecimalPoint= "," and 'FieldSeparator` = ";" and whatever other settings have to be made.
Since there is this workaround, isn't there a way to do this easier?