How to make an exact match between Ids with one column in common? - sql

I must confess I have no idea into to how properly ask this question but I'll try to do my best.
I have two tables (PROMO and DETAILED_PROMO) that are related by a forkeign key (ID_PROMO). The tables are as follow:
When I create a new promo in the table PROMO it also creates one or several registers in the table DETAILED_PROMO with the different services associated to that promo. Something like this:
id_promo1 | Promo 1
id_promo2 | Promo 2
----------| ------------
id_promo3 | Promo 3
-----------DETAILED PROMO----------------------
id_detailed_promo1 |id_promo1| Id_Service1
id_detailed_promo2 |id_promo1| Id_Service2
id_detailed_promo3 |id_promo1| Id_Service3
id_detailed_promo4 |id_promo2| Id_Service1
id_detailed_promo5 |id_promo2| Id_Service2
id_detailed_promo6 |id_promo2| Id_Service4
id_detailed_promo7 |id_promo3| Id_Service1
id_detailed_promo7 |id_promo3| Id_Service2
id_detailed_promo7 |id_promo3| Id_Service3
id_detailed_promo7 |id_promo3| Id_Service4
The rules of creating or updating a promo is that there cannot exist another promo with the exact numbers of services and the same Id_Service.
For example, if I try to delete from DETAILED_PROMO the Id_Service 4 from id_promo3, the Promo 3 would have the same numbers of services AND the same services of Promo 1 therefore deleting that Id_Service should not be allowed. If I delete Id_Service3 from id_promo3, the Promo 3 would have the same numbers of services AND the same services of Promo 2. BUT if I delete Id_Service1 from id_promo3, no other promos have the same services and the same number of services associated to it, so it should allow me to delete that register.
How can I validate this? If I want to delete a register, I am being given the ID_DETALED_PROMO and the ID_PROMO as parameters in the store procedure.

I think here is what you can do for checking , I used int for ids:
this query checks if there is the same number of serviceids with similar ids in each promo :
DECLARE #ID_promo INT = 3;
DECLARE #Id_Service INT = 4;
, COUNT(CASE WHEN d1.ID_Service = d2.ID_Service THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) equalcount
, COUNT( totalcount
detailed_promo d1
LEFT JOIN detailed_promo d2
ON d1.id_Service = d2.Id_service
AND d2.ID_Service NOT IN (#Id_Service)
AND d2.ID_PROMO = #ID_promo
d1.id_promo <> #ID_promo
so If you want to to delete check you can do something like this
delete from detailed_promo where id = #ID_promo and id_service= #Id_Service and not exists (queryabove)
you also can use multiple serviceIds if you are deleting multiple service ids within one promo id
and If I'm not mistaken the same rule applies for insert and update, so the same query can be used for Insert/Update as well.


Using a field to filter a selection on a second field in SQL Server

I have a table ClientContacts, which holds basic information about a pairing of clients. Some of the details held in this table include P1Title, P2Title, P1FirstName, P2FirstName. For each row in this table there may be details of one or two clients, with a CustomerId that represents the pairing. Within this table is also ContactId, which is used to link to the table described below.
In a second table ContactDetails which contains rows that hold a specific contact detail that is associated with a client. Each client may have a number of rows in this table, each row holding a different detail such as HomeNumber, MobileNumber and Email. This table also contains a Type field which represents the type of contact detail held in the row. 1 = Home number, 2 = Mobile number and 3 = email. The Note field is also included, which may hold either Mr or Mrs denoting whether the mobile number held belongs to Person1 or Person2 in the client pairing.
Here is a visual structure of the tables.
CustomerId ContactId Person1Title Person1FirstName Person1LastName Person2Title Person2FirstName Person2LastName
1 100 Mr Bob BobLastname Mrs Bobette BobetteLastname
2 101 Mr John JohnLastname Mrs Johnette JohnetteLastname
ContactId Detail Type Note
100 012345 1
100 077777 2 P1
100 012333 1
100 088888 2 P2
101 099999 1
101 012211 1
101 066666 2
101 3
I want to construct a query that allows me to pull back the information of both of the clients, as well as figure out whether any of the mobile numbers stored in the ContactDetails table belongs to either of the two clients, if it does, I need to be able to tell which belongs to Person1 or Person2 in the pairing.
In addition, if the note field is null for a particular mobile number (type = 2), the first mobile number should be used for Person1 and the second should be used for Person2.
Below is my desired output:
CustomerId Person1Firstname
Person1Lastname Person2Firstname Person2Lastname Home Person1Mobile Person2Mobile Person2Email
1 Bob BobLastname Bobette BobetteLastname 012211 077777 088888 null
I have a partially working query that manages to extract the mobile numbers and relates them to P1 or P2, however this only works if the Note field is not null.
max(case when cd.Type = 3 then cd.Detail end) as 'Home',
max(case when cd.Type = 4 and cd.Note = cc.P1Title then cd.Detail end) as 'Person1Mobile',
max(case when cd.Type = 4 and cd.Note = cc.P2Title then cd.Detail end) as 'Person2Mobile',
max(case when cd.Type = 5 then cd.Detail end) as 'Email'
from ClientContacts cc join
cd on cc.ContactId = cd.ContactId
I'm unsure how to proceed from here. Any help would be appreciated.

How to do an exact match followed by ORDER BY in PostgreSQL

I'm trying to write a query that puts some results (in my case a single result) at the top, and then sorts the rest. I have yet to find a PostgreSQL solution.
Say I have a table called airports like so.
id | code | display_name
1 | SDF | International
2 | INT | International Airport
3 | TES | Test
4 | APP | Airport Place International
In short, I have a query in a controller method that gets called asynchronously when a user text searches for an airport either by code or display_name. However, when a user types in an input that matches a code exactly (airport code is unique), I want that result to appear first, and all airports that also have int in their display_name to be displayed afterwards in ascending order. If there is no exact match, it should return any wildcard matches sorted by display_name ascending. So if a user types in INT, The row (2, INT, International Airport) should be returned first followed by the others:
1. INT | International Airport
2. APP | Airport Place International
3. SDF | International
Here's the kind of query I was tinkering with that is slightly simplified to make sense outside the context of my application but same concept nonetheless.
SELECT * FROM airports
WHERE display_name LIKE 'somesearchtext%'
ORDER BY (CASE WHEN a.code = 'somesearchtext` THEN a.code ELSE a.display_name END)
Right now the results if I type INT I'm getting
1. APP | Airport Place International
2. INT | International Airport
3. SDF | International
My ORDER BY must be incorrect but I can't seem to get it
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
If you want an exact match on code to return first, then I think this does the trick:
FROM airports a
WHERE a.display_name LIKE 'somesearchtext%'
ORDER BY (CASE WHEN a.code = 'somesearchtext' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END),
You could also write this as:
ORDER BY (a.code = 'somesearchtext') DESC, a.display_name
This isn't standard SQL, but it is quite readable.
I think you can achieve your goal by using a UNION.
First get an exact match and then add that result to rest of the data as you which.
e.g.. (you will need to work in this a bit)
SELECT * FROM airports
WHERE code == 'somesearchtext'
ORDER BY display_name
SELECT * FROM airports
WHERE code != 'somesearchtext' AND display_name LIKE 'somesearchtext%'
ORDER BY display_name

One to many relationship on the same table

Here is the situation:-
I have a table called Users. This contains user data for students and tutors as most of the data required is the same.
Having completed the system I am now told that the client would like to be able to assign students to tutors.
Is there a legitimate/ clean way I can create a one to many relationship within a single table, perhaps via a link table?
I've tried to think this through but whatever solution I come up with seems messy.
I would be grateful for any input.
Have you tried the following approach?
Make a new table, for example TutorStudent (choose a more appropriate name if needed). It should have two columns:
Both columns shall be the (composite) primary key, each column will be a foreign key to your Users table User_ID (I assume this is what you have).
So, if you have a tutor named Newton that has two students, Tesla and Edison, your Users table will have something like this:
User_ID, Name
1, Newton
2, Tesla
3, Edison
and your TutorStudent table will have following values:
Tutor_ID, Student_ID
1, 2
1, 3
Relatively simple and doesn't require any modifications to your existing table.
Do take care when deleting users - use the delete cascade feature of your database system or do some maintenance work afterwards so your TutorStudent table doesn't go stale when updating/removing your users.
My ideal for the same situation
Example: one book have many category:
Basic solution:
book table has recorded book information
category table has recored category information ex: 100 documents
book_category_relation table has single book (book_id) has category(category_id) 1 book may be have 100 category_id
Ideal solution:
First calculate total your category: ex 100 document. Each category equal value 1 bit: max 31 bit so 100 category we have ceil floor(100%31) = 4 groups
category_id = 1 : 1 (1%31) <=> 000000001 group 0 = floor(1/31)
category_id = 2 : 2 (2%31)<=> 000000010 group 0 = floor(2/31)
category_id = 3 : 4 (3%31)<=> 000000100 group 0 = floor(3/31)
category_id = 4 : 8(4%31)<=> 000001000 group 0 = floor(4/31)
category_id = 31: 2^31(31%31) <=>1000..000 group 0 if moduler 31 equal zero so number group = (31/31 -1)=0;
category_id = 32: 1(32%31) <=> 0000000001 group 1 = floor(32/31)
category_id = 33: 2(33%31) <=> 0000000010 group 1 = floor(33/31)
Ok now we add 4 fields in design book table (group_0,group_1,group_2,group_3) with int(11) unsigned and add index that fields
if book has category id = n so we can the following calculate formula:
bit code = (n%31 ==0)?31: (n%31)
number group field = (n%31==0)?(n/31 -1):floor(n/31)
ex: book in category_id = 100 so:
bit code = (100%31) =7 <=>2^7 = 128,
group = floor(100%31) = 3 <=> in group_3
so if you need query all book in category_id = 100, query string is:
SELECT * FROM book WHERE group_3&128
Note: MySQL not index working if bitwise in where.
But you can check in this link:
Bitwise operations and indexes

Selecting rows using multiple LIKE conditions from a table field

I created a table out of a CSV file which is produced by an external software.
Amongst the other fields, this table contains one field called "CustomID".
Each row on this table must be linked to a customer using the content of that field.
Every customer may have one or more set of customIDs at their own discretion, as long as each sequence starts with the same prefix.
So for example:
Customer 1 may use "cust1_n" and "cstm01_n" (where n is a number)
Customer 2 may use "customer2_n"
PKID CustomID Description
---- --------------- --------------------------
1 cust1_001 Something
2 cust1_002 ...
3 cstm01_000001 ...
4 customer2_00001 ...
5 cstm01_000232 ...
Now I have created 2 support tables as follows:
---- --------------------
1 Customer 1
2 Customer 2
PKID FKCustomerID SearchPattern
---- ------------ -------------
1 1 cust1_*
2 1 cstm01_*
3 2 customer2_*
What I need to achieve is the retrieval of all rows for a given customer using all the LIKE conditions found on the CustomIDs tables for that customer.
I have failed miserably so far.
Any clues, please?
Thanks in advance.
To use LIKE you must replace the * with % in the pattern. Different dbms use different functions for string manipulation. Let's assume there is a REPLACE function available:
FROM ImportedRows ir
JOIN CustomIDs c ON ir.CustomID LIKE REPLACE(c.SearchPattern, '*', '%')
WHERE c.FKCustomerID = 1;

Updating the user ranking with a SQL Server stored procedure

I have two tables, one contains user data and the other contains user ranking information (points needed for the promotion)
Let's say that the user table looks like this:
login | ArticlePoints | PhotoPoints | StageId
and the user ranking information table looks like this:
StageId | StageName | MinimumPoints
and the user information table might contain data like this:
1 | Beginner | 100
2 | Advanced | 200
3 | Expert | 300
What I would like to have is a procedure which does add user points and check whether it is enough for the ranking promotion. Right now I do it like this:
I do have a function which does check "manually" whether the user points is between 100 and 200 and then it does set the user stage = 2, id it's more it check whether it's between 200 and 300 etc.
Stored procedure which does update users set stage = MYFUNCTION from the point 1.
The thing is that it's not a good solution, right now it is not ready for the easy updates(I can't just add Super Expert with minimum 400 points, I'd need to edit the function).
I am trying to prepare a better solution for this problem but I have no idea how to "connect" both tables.
Write an UPDATE query that returns the StageID for the calculated values, something like:
SET t1.StageID =
WHERE t1.ArticlePoints + t1.PhotoPoints >= t2.MinimumPoints
ORDER BY t2.MinimumPoints DESC)
So if the USER has 250 points in total, Beginner and Advanced would be achieved, using the TOP 1 and the ORDER BY t2.MinimumPoints DESC, would select the highest Stage.