'AXUIElementCopyAttributeValues' returns 'kAXErrorAPIDisabled' - objective-c

I'm new in macOX coding, on running the following code:
CFArrayRef windows;
AXError result = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValues(self.elementRef, kAXWindowsAttribute, 0, 100, &windows);
The function returned 'kAXErrorAPIDisabled'.
Does this mean the function is disabled? How to correct it? Many thanks.
I'm running a macOS Catalina version 10.15.7 system with latest Xcode 12


cudaError_t 1 : "__global__ function call is not configured" returned from 'cublasCreate(&handle_)'

I run ASR experiment using Kaldi on SGE cluster consisting of two workstation with TITAN XP.
And randomly I meet the following problem:
ERROR (nnet3-train[5.2.62~4-a2342]:FinalizeActiveGpu():cu-device.cc:217) cudaError_t 1 : "__global__ function call is not configured" returned from 'cublasCreate(&handle_)'
I guess something is wrong with GPU driver or hardware.
Could you please offer some help?
And here is the complete log
I had similar issue in running darknet in one of the TX2
with reference to
enter the root by
sudo su
Then source the catkin_ws
Then launch the darkent.
Then can run.
Here is my result
Hope you can solve it by similar method

IBM JSONStore API return's "INVALID_SEARCH_FIELD' when used with OFFSET options

We are using JSONStore API below in our Project and this was returning perfect values untill we have updated to the new IBM MFP plugin
cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore 8.0.2017082110
var options = {limit : 24 , offset : 24 };
The above code starts returning errors now after the update as follow
> ErrorObject {src: "find", err: 22, msg: "INVALID_SEARCH_FIELD", col:
> "STORENAME", usr: "jsonstore", …}col: "Assets"doc: {}err: 22msg:
> "INVALID_SEARCH_FIELD"res: {}src: "find"usr: "jsonstore"__proto__:
> Object
This after a long struggle found out its because of the "OFFSET" which we are using in options, if that gets removed it returns perfect values.
This i have tested only in ANDROID Devices.
This issue is appeared in android environment and will be fixed in the upcoming release of cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore release.
For time being you can use the following fix which will resolve the issue :
Steps to apply test fix :
Replace ibmmobilefirstplatformfoundationjsonstore.jar in your application project.
Rebuild and run the application.

PcapIpAddress returns

I am using the following library: Tamir.IPLib.SharpPcap.dll version
Running the Tamir.IPLib.Test.Example1, that is (in very short):
PcapDeviceList devices = SharpPcap.GetAllDevices();
Console.WriteLine("No device found on this machine");
foreach(PcapDevice dev in devices)
Console.WriteLine("PcapDescription : " + dev.PcapDescription);
Console.WriteLine("PcapName : " + dev.PcapName);
Console.WriteLine("PcapIpAddress : " + dev.PcapIpAddress);
On a Windows XP version 2002,I am able to obtain the description, name and IP address of my device without any problem.But if using Windows 7 Professional 64 bit SP1, i can obtain only the PcapDescription and PcapName correctly.PcapIpAddress returns instead and What can i do to get the correct IPAddress?
I would recommend using the latest release of SharpPcap instead. It has significant improvements, is a continuation of the project Tamir started (has 3+ years of development improvements) and the examples are updated. I'm the author of SharpPcap btw.

VirtualBox COM API - error creating cloned VM

Trying the following code (C#) to create a cloned VM, but it fails:
VirtualBox.VirtualBox box = new VirtualBox.VirtualBox();
//create a new machine
IMachine machine = box.CreateMachine(null, "MyClone", null, null, "forceOverwrite=1");
//Lock machine for editing
machine.LockMachine(session, LockType.LockType_Write);
IMachine machsettings = session.Machine;
//clone the disk image from an existing vdi (source VDI is not being locked/used)
IMedium hddorig = box.OpenMedium("c:\\tmp\\VDI\\dsl-4.4.10-x86.vdi", DeviceType.DeviceType_HardDisk, AccessMode.AccessMode_ReadOnly, 0);
IMedium hddclone = box.CreateHardDisk("VDI", "c:\\tmp\\VDI\\clone.vdi");
IProgress hddprogress = hddorig.CloneTo(hddclone, 0, hddorig);
//attach disk image to machine
machsettings.AddStorageController("IDE", StorageBus.StorageBus_IDE);
machsettings.AttachDevice("IDE", 0, 0, DeviceType.DeviceType_HardDisk, hddclone); //fails - Storage for the medium 'c:\tmp\VDI\clone.vdi' is not created
AttachDevice always fails saying "Storage for the medium is not created". What step am I missing here?
The following code works fine, so it looks like there is some issue creating hddclone.
machsettings.AttachDevice("IDE", 0, 0, DeviceType.DeviceType_HardDisk, hddorig); //OK
I've found that the problem is caused by a known issue with VirtualBox keeping memory of old files around.
Workaround is to make sure the cloned vdi is always given a unique name e.g. by appending a timestamp to the filename.

usb cdc device driver

I have CDC device. I develop driver for him.
Part of ini file:
AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService
Installer function have code:
c->ConnectionIndex = iPort;
c->SetupPacket.bmRequest = 0x80;
c->SetupPacket.wValue = (USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE<<8)|descriptorNum;
c->SetupPacket.wLength = n;
Success = DeviceIoControl(
c, n,
c, n,
///Sometime GetLastError == 31 // Device not working
This code normal work on desctop(PC) always, but only sometime work on laptop(notebook) during the installation the device(installation function calling by system). OS of these mashines is Windows7.
BUT if i call installation function from my progrm(created for debuggin) this code always work correctly (on notebook and on pc).
Does anyone have ideas on this issue?
You said Desktop and Laptop, but I don't think the shape of the computer matters. Is one 32 bit OS and the other is 64 bit? I don't see the 64bit INF section.